《The Replacement》Chapter Eight: The Inquisitor of the Sun III
“We should report to King Bell immediately. We have enough damming evidence condemning Solas that House Owlking won’t be able to protect him.”
“No, we should move against house Owlking now before they figure out we have Cedric. King Bell won’t give us consent to move against a noble house without the approval of his Royal Court. That could take days, or it could never happen.”
“Even so, Cedric claims not all of House Owlking is involved. We can’t just move against them without being prepared for the consequences that will bring.”
Orabas left Sir Chance and Sir Damien to their argument though it was irrelevant since he had already charted the course. Cedric, having accidentally condemned Solas last night offered up all the information he knew about Solas and everything he knew about the drug trade. In exchange, he wanted a pardon for all the crimes he committed, and protection against Solas who he was sure would kill him. Orabas agreed to his terms, but it was ultimately up to King Bell and his Royal Court to deliver judgment on crimes of Cedrics magnitude.
Before we begin, there’s another matter to look into.
“Sir Damien, report.” Orabas interrupted.
Sir Damien and Sir Chance stopped their argument immediately and turned towards Orabas. “Sir, Sir Chase and I found the loose brick in the foundation like you said but found nothing in it. We questioned the citizens that lived in the area about anyone that made frequent visits to the fountain, and we marked a few individuals most notably a girl named Ariadne. She stood out because she’s believed to be a raven, some of the citizens claim they’ve seen her wings. We were directed to her home but did not find her there, so Sir Chase chose to remain in the Craftsmen District to wait and question her while I reported what we found.”
A raven in Mefleiad is odd, but that doesn’t mean she’s a criminal or involved with Solas. Still… it’s something to consider at the very least, we need to find the significance of the blue powder.
Cedric didn’t know what the blue powder was or its significance either, all he knew was that it was always to be delivered to the same place, Alms Tears. Jace was the one who usually made the delivery, and Cedric was going to deliver it in his place after he killed Jace. With not much to go on Orabas gave a pinch of the powder to the gaunt nyghtmare addict imprisoned below, the only reaction he had was disappointment that it wasn’t the nyghtmare Orabas promised.
Finished concluding his thoughts, Orabas stood up and gave Sir Damien an appreciative nod before speaking. “These last two years we have been called the Drug Breaking Unit, yet we have done little to earn such a name. Today, we will prove ourselves worthy of it by moving against Solas and House Owlking.”
“Sir, are we alone going to move on them?” Sir Chance asked skeptically.
“I like to think we’re one of the strongest units in Mefleiad, but I don’t believe even we can force a noble house to comply willingly.” Sir Damien added equally as skeptical as Sir Chance.
Orabas agreed with their concerns and had already formed an answer. He reached into his uniform and pulled out the royal decree he received two years ago. “I assure you, we will not be alone. Come, I will be taking command of the Bastion Knights.”
Sir Chase and Sir Damien blinked in surprise at that, but quickly grinned and followed Orabas as he left his apartment to meet Sir Vasago, the commander of the Bastion Knights in Mefleiad. Finding him was easy, Sir Vasago was an older man in his fifties that liked feeding the birds in the training yard. He could be counted on to be there almost every morning before anyone else arrived. As expected, when they arrived they were greeted by the sight of Sir Vasago crowded by pigeons as he fed them seeds and crumbs of bread. He wore the Bastion Knights uniform a thickly padded purple button-up coat with stripes of red on the arms and their orders coat of arms on the right side of the chest, two marble pillars side by side, for they were the pillars that supported the Weyer Kingdom.
“Sir Vasago.” Orabas greeted with a respectful bow.
Sir Vasago fed the birds a few more seeds and crumbs, then turned to address Orabas and his unit. “Sir Orabas, and the Drug Breaking Unit. To what do I owe the pleasure of your company this early in the morning? Have you taken a liking to the birds as well?” He asked with a hearty chuckle.
Orabas wasn’t one to be discourteous, but he didn’t want to waste any time. So, he approached Sir Vasago briskly and got to the point.“Since the suicide of Master Rickert, my unit and I have been investigating under the assumptions that Solas of House Owlking and perhaps the entirety of House Owlking are the masterminds behind the drug trade that has been infesting this city for the last five years.” He waited for Sir Vasago to compose himself as his mouth was agape. “Yesterday, we captured Cedric of House Owlking who gave us all the evidence we need to condemn Solas. Cedric is currently in the farthest depth of the dungeon being looked after by Sir Lance.”
“If this is true we need to inform King Bell immediately and wait for our orders. We can’t move against a noble house without his consent.” Sir Vasago interrupted.
Fortunately, he gave it two years ago even if he doesn’t know it.
Orabas handed the royal decree in his hands to Sir Vasago. “I have, and I think it urgent to move against Solas now before he and House Owlking realize we know about their involvement. So, I will be taking command of the Bastion Knights in Mefleiad and mounting an attack on Solas’s hideouts in the city, and House Owlkings Manor.”
Sir Vasago looked up from the royal decree and shook his head. “I cannot allow that. We need to make certain these accusations are true lest we cause unnecessary unrest.”
“Sir Vasago, I am certain these accusations are true, and I was not asking for your permission to take command. I was informing you of my intention to do so out of respect for you.” Orabas took the royal decree that allowed him such boldness out of Sir Vasago’s shaking hands. If they were shaking from anger or something else he could not say. “I will also be taking Sir Corin, Sir Wilbur, and Sir Hubert into custody as they are suspected to be working for Solas.”
Solas had bought and placed men within the Bastion Knights as spies. Cedric had thought Sir Lance one of those men last night which is why he so easily believed his ruse. Sir Corin was relatively new only joining their ranks a year and a half ago, but Sir Wilbur and Sir Hubert had been with the Bastion Knights for seven years. Though Orabas knew his comrades weren’t without their faults, he was disappointed to learn about their possible corruption.
Sir Vasago sighed seemingly exasperated. “It seems that I cannot sway you from your course of action, so at the very least I’ll help get word to King Bell.”
“My thanks, Sir Vasago. Please work with Sir Lance as I have already assigned him the duty of informing King Bell and of transporting Cedric and one other prisoner to the Royal Palace’s dungeon for safekeeping.”
“Who’s the other prisoner?” Asked Sir Vasago, curiously.
“He goes by lint, he’s a nyghtmare addict and he willingly volunteered to use a drug I’ve never seen before. I am hoping the royal alchemist Feruz will take the time to examine him, and find the effect the drug had on him.”
Sir Vasago nodded. “I’ll ask Sir Lance for the details if I want to know more.” He gave a nod to Sir Chance and Sir Damien, then took his leave, a flock of pigeons trailing after him from above.
Orabas turned to address Sir Chance and Sir Damien. “There are approximately one hundred and twenty Bastion Knights within Mefleiad, so I will take command of sixty of them, and Sir Damien, you will take command of sixty of them as well. You will raid Solas’s hideouts hidden throughout the city starting with Blackstreet, then the Craftsman District where you will join up with Sir Chase to inform him of what we’ve learned and what we’re doing. Raid the Upper District last, and take as many prisoners as you can. Sir Chance and I will march on House Owlkings Manor, and with such a small force we should arrive at their Manor in two days at the latest.”
“Yes Sir!” They said in unison.
Orabas allowed himself a smile as he waited for the rest of the Bastion Knights to arrive. He wasn’t expecting any resistance from House Owlking, but a show of force was necessary to make sure they complied.
When Orabas and his force arrived, the residents of the House Owlkings Manor watched them warily as they made their way to the Manor House, but they continued their duties plowing fields, sowing seeds, and tending to the cattle. Orabas studied their faces and body movement but saw no signs of addiction, or mistreatment.
As expected, Solas isn’t foolish enough to distribute drugs in his family's Manor.
Though they were a lesser house, House Owlking was wealthy, and their Manor House reflected that. It was well-fortified with its collection of watchtowers, moat, and grand stone enclosure. The entrance was a single drawbridge that led to the gatehouse and portcullis.
By my estimate, they have forty household guards and two blessed in their service. I don’t know if they’re involved with all this, so I’ll try being diplomatic first.
A blonde-haired man atop the gatehouse with at least ten or more men beside him greeted Orabas and his men. “Bastion Knights! For what reason do you march such a force to milords Manor? Should you not be protecting Mefleiad?” The man bellowed.
Orabas looked up at the man from atop his horse than to Sir Chance beside him. Orabas disliked raising his voice and Sir Chance’s voice carried in the wind better thanks to his blessing. “Sometimes I think you only keep me so close to take advantage of my blessing at times like these.” Sir Chance said wearily.
“Indeed I do.” Orabas agreed.
Sir Chance chuckled then filled his lungs with air before addressing the man atop the gatehouse. “We are here to take Solas of House Owlking and some other for their crimes of making and supplying drugs. We do not know if all of House Owlking is involved, so lower the bridge, open the gate and we can do this without bloodshed.”
“Preposterous!” The blonde-haired man yelled aghast. “House Owlking would never be involved in such a thing!”
“They are, and we have been tasked by His Majesty King Bell to bring them to justice. Our quarrel is not with you nor even the entirety of House Owlking only Solas and those involved.” Said, Sir Chance
The blonde-haired man regarded his companions beside him and conversed with them for a moment. Then he looked to the watchtowers where other guards were undoubtedly in wait, and then back to Orabas and his men, sixty Bastion Knights strong, some of the best warriors the Weyer Kingdom had to offer.
“I will send word to Lord Owlking about these demands of yours!” The blonde-haired man yelled. “Until th-”
Before he could say another word he was interrupted by a man who whispered something in his ear. The blonde-haired man nodded then looked down on Orabas and his unit again. “Milord Owlking and his family are already on their way out to greet you!” He turned to the men beside him. “Lower the bridge!”
So, they caught wind of our arrival, or perhaps they expected us since Cedric didn’t report back.
“Bold of them to meet us outside their fortified Manor.” Sir Chance said with a hint of worry.
“Indeed. It could mean they’re confident we have nothing on them, and this is their way of showing that.” Orabas responded.
“Shall we prepare for a battle, Sir?” Sir Richmel asked from behind.
He was new to their ranks and eager for battle experience, something shared between him and the younger knights in Orabas’s force.
“You should always be prepared for a battle when in hostile territory,” Orabas said not looking back. His attention was on the lowering bridge and the men behind the portcullis.
Sir Richmel responded and the rest of the knights responded to Orabas’s words and drew their weapons and shields. “We’re ready, Sir.” Sir Richmel said eagerly.
“Good, because Lord Owlking and his family are on their way, and with a small force of their own,” Orabas said as he watched a portly blonde man atop a horse leading a host of men behind him.
That must be Jeremiah Owlking the head of House Owlking. Cedric said he had no idea of what Solas was doing, but I’ll take him and his wife with me as well. I cannot believe that they hadn’t the faintest idea of what their son and household were doing.
“I recognize you! You’re Sir Orabas, The Inquisitor of the Sun!” Jerimiah yelled when he reached the end of the drawbridge and was closer to Orabas,
Orabas ignored him for the moment and turned his eyes to the young man next to him. A man in his late twenties, long blonde hair, a short stubble of a blonde beard, and pale blue eyes that were currently watching Orabas venomously.
He must be Solas.
“Tell me, Sir. For what reason have you moved such a force on my Manor?” Jeremiah asked seriously. “I cannot imagine that you bring good tidings seeing that your men have their weapons drawn and look eager for battle.”
Orabas spurned his horse forward. “Lord Owlking, I’m here to arrest your son Solas, and some others of House Owlking for the crimes of making and supplying the drugs that have been infesting Mefleiad for the past five years. You and your wife will be taken in as well for questioning.”
A look of shock passed over Lord Owlkings face, and Solas a brief look of disbelief.
“What proof do you have of this!” Jeremiah yelled. His men, some twenty strong, well-armed, and well trained by the looks of it made a shield wall protecting Jerimiah, Solas, and the rest of House Owlking present.
“We’ve captured Cedric of House Owlking who should currently be in the Royal Palace’s dungeon, and he confessed to everything he knew. The remaining Bastion Knights in Mefleiad are raiding or perhaps have finished raiding Solas’s hideouts where he has the drugs cached.”
Jeremiah was breathing heavily as he turned to look at Solas. “S-son, that can’t be true.”
Solas watched Orabas as if trying to figure out a puzzle, then shook his head. “Of course, it’s not. Sir Orabas must have been driven to madness unable to find the people truly responsible and has pinned their crimes on us.” He shrugged. “He must have seen us as convenient scapegoats since we are renowned alchemists.”
Orabas was going to signal his men forward to detain them by force, but he stopped when he heard Solas’s next words.
“Nevertheless, we should go peacefully. King Bell and his Royal Court will see our innocence and Sir Orabas will face his punishment for making such brazen accusations.”
Jeremiah looked troubled by what Solas said but eventually nodded. “You’re right. We have nothing to fear.” He turned to look at Orabas with a glare. “We will go willingly.”
Orabas gestured for Sir Chance to come closer. “Sir Chance, remain with twenty men, and investigate the Manor House,” He commanded, eyes still on Solas.
“You can count on me, Sir Orabas.” Sir Chance replied, and then began picking out the men who would stay and investigate with him.
Orabas kept his eyes on Solas even as his men detained him. Solas looked confident, and at ease all the while.
Whatever it is he thinks will protect him, I will burn it to ash if I have to.
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