《The Unorthodox Tale of Sky》Side Chapter How I Became Broken


Okay so let me explain to you how this is going to work. Side chapters have no exact place in the story line, however, you will be able to tell where it's general location is by paying attention to the content. It's content will have little to no impact on the actual story because if they did I'd include them with the numbered chapters. These are kinda meant for any character development I forget to include in the main story, that but honestly I make them for fun. They also have no direct connection to each other either. For the most part. The final thing is that I will NOT release a side chapter by itself. I will always release an actual chapter to sidelong with it, so it will not compensate for any lack of chapter. These are meant to be read for fun, when you want to, or what have you. You don't actually have to read these chapters to understand the story, and again, the biggest thing coming from these will be some minor character development. Well that's that for the side chapter explanation, I will let you get on with it. Hope you enjoy!!!!


"So I guess it's time I told you about my past huh? Why I hate humanity so much and why I act so... Aloof." I suggested to Crysea.

"If you want too but I won't force you too. It must have been painful." she let me know that I didn't have to force myself. It's reassuring that she's so considerate and amazing. I want to hug her right now. Calm down, restrain yourself. Later. Maybe. If she allows it.

"Well about 15 years ago my parents were murdered and my siblings kidnapped. I snapped and killed a couple people aaand wallowed in insanity for about 8 years." I said the short version. What? More depth? Sigh, fiiiiiine. "Right, right I'll explain it better."

-Me (15 Years Ago)-

I laid in the fields watching the clouds with my kid brother resting on my chest and my little sister sitting to my side. We had just got done with running around and are now resting and enjoying the view of the lush green fields and an emerald green forest further in the distance. Mom and dad are working on the next 'big thing' but it's fine, they always make it for dinner so we never complain.

"Hey bubba." my little sister called to me.

"Yes Sydney?" I answered.

"Why can't we go to the city?" she innocently quizzed me.

"Because all the bad people live there. That makes things very dangerous and scary for us." I answered.

"What's dangerous?" she continued.

"It means it can hurt us a super whole bunch." I said and stretched out my arms wide to explain to her.

"Oh. That's not good." she put it bluntly with a hint of understanding of what I meant.

I chuckled, "No it's not. Come here." I grabbed my sister and pulled her in close for a hug. I stayed like that, with my brother in my left arm and sister in my right, for a long time until I smelt something off. "You smell that?"

"It smells like smoke?" Sydney was confused as well.

I thought about it a little bit. In books that I've read these situations means a fire right? Is it from mom and dad making a mistake? Or is it something else? I climbed to the top of the hill to look at the house in the distance. People. Five. Six... Eight total. A couple of them seem to be dragging something... Mom? Dad?!


"Bubba, what's wrong?" Sydney walked climbed up next to me and started to look down to the house but I grabbed her and stuffed her in my chest. "You're squishing me."

"We can't go home anymore. Come on let’s go get Saemik and head to the forest." I told her after letting her go and facing her down the hill. Actually going into the forest might be a bad idea. In some of the books a trap would be laid in the forest in case of escapees. Dangit. How do we get out of this situation then?

"Bubba, I got Sami what now?" Sydney asked.

If we go into the forest we will have to face dangers unarmed but if we go to the house mom and dad had some hidden weapons I could use against them. The risk for either is how early we are discovered. I don't want to leave them alone nor bring them with me. Dangit... It's safe for them to be with me than alone.

"Alright, I need you to listen to me closely and obey everything I'm about to say without question." I said with an air that demanded attention and obedience. They both nodded, Saemik probably just followed Sydney. "I need you to stay next to me at all times and do not make a single sound. I want you to hold my hand so I can guide you while you watch where you step. I want to make sure you know, do not make a single sound."

They both listened and answered with a nod each. Good. I can do this. I began to silently lead my brother and sister to the side of the house where the people were ignoring to enter from there. It seems this is the trap door to the basement instead of to the area we keep our washer and dryer. Actually this is better. Dad said there should be some weapons in the basement if something were to happen so I'll take it.

I had my siblings go in first and silently closed the trap door behind me. I know you want to ask me some questions just not right now okay? I thought to myself as my sister looked at me with inquisitive eyes. I simply shook my head and put a finger to my mouth and she reluctantly nodded. Now to look for something to defend ourselves with.

After a few minutes of searching all I ended up using was a poisoned knife and a small handgun that I had always practiced with. With the knife in one hand and the gun in the other I proceeded up the stairs to the first floor with my siblings in tow. I slowly opened the door and peaked outside. I couldn't hear any voices, footsteps, or breathing, aside from our own, so I opened the door in a snap to prevent it from creaking. I looked left and right to see if it was clear and gestured for my siblings to follow.

My plan is to go to the secret attic I discovered only recently and have my siblings hide in there while I hunt down the intruders. I want to cry but I can't right now. My parents are dead and I am all that my siblings have and if I want them to live through this I have to be strong. The location of the basement is near the living room and the stairs to the second floor where the attic is located is on the other side. Where they are located. Dangit, already an obstacle to their safety. Well at least they have their backs turned.


I gestured for them to silently follow me but to keep a slight distance as I sneak up to the intruders. I told them to turn around and once they did I jumped on the back of the first intruder, covered his mouth, then slit his throat and finished with a stab to the soft spot in the back of the head. The man died too fast for the other intruder to recognize that there is trouble. This one was crouched looking at something so it made things easier. Before he could react I forced his head up and quickly stabbed the knife in the soft spot under his jaw, wiggled it a little to cut up the brain for safe measure, then slowly put the intruder down to not make a noise. Two down six to go, unless there were more inside that I couldn't see. Then let's expect there to be twice as many. Two down, fourteen to go.

I grabbed my siblings and shielded them from seeing the mess I created and brought them up the stairs. I should clean the bodies but the blood would give it away anyway and I have no time to clean that as well. As we were climbing the stairs I heard an intruder coming from the top and it seemed it was aiming to head down the stairs. I told my siblings to close their eyes. When the guy rounded the corner I quickly stabbed my knife into his stomach and, as strong and fast as I could, slid it up to the sternum, pushed further in, then removed and stabbed the man in the throat before he could make a noise loud enough to warn anyone. His guts began to slowly spill out and I had to lead my siblings to the top of the stairs with their eyes closed so they wouldn't have to see the mess. Three.

"Hey man, these guys must be rich! They got like whole game room! It has every system ever and every game too!! Damn, you know you're loaded when you can afford this shit!" the intruder began to laugh. When silence returned his call he spoke a little anxiously "Yo man you there?" silence. "Yo you better not be fuckin with me." he said and proceeded out the door. "What the f..."

I popped from out of his view and stabbed my blade into his heart. He looked at the blade with a dumbfound expression before silently falling down. Rip jerk. Four. I heard some footsteps rustling downstairs. Dangit it's too soon. I don't have enough time to get them to safety.

"I'm going to have you guys stay in here." I brought my siblings deep into the closet in the game room and moved some of the boxes in front of them to make sure they were securely hidden. "I don't care if the world ends, I want you two to stay in here. Do not leave for a whole day if I do not return. Also if I don't I want you two to run as fast as you can into the town, do NOT go into the forest. Got it?"

"Where are you going bubba?" Sydney asked.

"To make sure you guys will be safe. Now answer me if you understand what I told you." they nodded. "Good. I'll do my best to return. There's going to be a lot of loud noise from here on out, and yelling, but remember, do not come out." I spoke those last four slowly. "I love you two." I said and hugged them than left and closed the door.

"Two more up here!" an intruder shouted down the stairs.

"Four guys in such quick succession? Is this guy a freakin assassin?" another told himself.


The guy next to him dropped dead. A hole in his head signified that he wasn't going to wake up.

"Holy fuck! What th..."


A hole appeared in his chest where his heart should be. Before he died he looked from where the sound originated from and "A kid?" died.

"Six." I said aloud.

"Upstairs! Gather everyone! It seems we have us a survivor." someone downstairs shouted.

Dangit. It seems there's more than even sixteen. Where were they? Let’s overstate again and say thirty. Honestly I don't have the bullets for thirty nor the stamina, but I don't care. I will make sure my siblings are safe. Let's hope they're stupid and just file in for me to blast them.

Four intruders came out at once two from the entrance of the stairs, one of which I placed a bullet in his head and two jumped over the top. They didn't have any guns. Thank goodness.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

The bodies dropped. I may be a kid but do not underestimate me with a gun. My parents have trained me with guns since I was five. I'm capable of hitting your eyes with a ricochet, so don't you dare come at me with melee. I heard some gun shots and a few holes appeared on the floor a couple feet in front of me. Dammit, I guess they stopped sending people up. Sounds like only three guns though. Shouldn't be too hard. Their location sounds like 142 degrees down and to the right.

After my shots I heard only two bodies drop. Dangit, wasted three shots. I heard some more shouts but I ignored what they were saying and checked my clip. Dangit. Only three bullets left. What to do, right now we are in a stalemate with their side with the advantage.

"That's it, you useless idiots are pissing me off, I'm going up." someone with a deep voice shouted.

This idiot, soloing me is a mistake. As I said that the head of the guy who shouted appeared over the top of the stairs already looking in my direction. I shot. It missed. Yes, it's as I said, it missed. More like, the guy dodged a bullet. What are you? Super human or something! I have only two shots left. Don't panic. You can't panic.

"So it's a brat that's been dropping us like flies huh? And you call yourselves men?! Losing to a child." I shot at his chest this time. It hit his shoulder. "Never mind, this kid is the unusual one." He said and grasped his shoulder for a second then grinned. "Oh well, it doesn't change anything, you're going to die just like your parents’ kid, get ready."

This guy dodged two of my fatal bullets. He has to be reading my intentions of places to fire. Well if that's the case then I have a solution for that. "GO TO HELL!!!" I shouted and fired at the wall. This should take a few seconds, just stay in that spot.

"Ahahaha!!! This kid! You seriously just fired off your last hope of saving yourself you know." He smiled and started to step forward. Thud. "Huh?" He looked down to see a hole in his chest. Right where the heart is. "What the fuck did you do?"

"I can ricochet like a boss." I grinned as the man fell to the ground. Only three left now. No time to feel relieved. As I thought that I felt a sharp sense of pain in the back of my head and I fell unconscious.


"Did you die?" Crysea asked.

"Did you really just ask me that?" I retorted. "Yes, I died and they cremated my body with my parents, and the person before you now is nothing but a figment of your imagination and all this story telling is just a dream." I sarcastically answered.

"Oh. Well, isn't that fine?" you... You little... I'm so going to "To what? You won't do anything." She gave me a taunting smile.

".... Dammit, you suck sometimes you know?"

"You'll live." merciless. Absolutely merciless.

"Well I'll just sullenly continue than." I said dejectedly.


When I woke up I saw a horrid sight. My siblings were discovered and tied up in front of me while I was chained and stuffed. The only good thing I could say was they were unharmed and quietly sleeping. Good, at least they won't have to hear anything about to happen. After a few moments four guys entered the room I was in and sat in front of me, blocking my view of my siblings.

"Oh ho, he's awake. Scrawny little bastard gave us a run for our money. I'll have to say first off, thanks for killin the boss for us. that made our job significantly easier. Originally we were hired by a small time politician, you might know em as Milkein, CEO of Alpha Corp? No? Doesn't matter, we no longer have to obey our contract thanks to you. We got a much better deal then what that pig gave us anyway. Wanna know what it is?"

I only stared at the man in front of me. Anger could be seen in my eyes along with pain.

"I'll tell ya, we can sell these kids for at least four times the price we were offered. Ain't that awesome?" I squirmed when he mentioned selling them. "The girl would definitely sell for a lot. Only a kid and you could raise her to be the perfect girl for a brothel, wouldn't you agree?" If looks could kill I'd have killed this guy a hundred times by now. "And the little one? Well, we'll probably just off em after a while. Why? Naturally, because who'd want to pay for a little brat like that? It can't do anything so it's useless. Don't worry though, we'll still sell it, so if it gets a buyer it'll live. Well I've wasted enough time, give it to em." He gestured towards one of the guys and he brought a needle over to me. "Don't worry, it won't kill ya, however, you won't be waking up for a while. Long enough for you to lose track of us. Can't be having someone who can kill the boss chasin after us. Well catch ya later. Or, you know, NOT!!!" He started laughing and picked up my brother and sister then left with the others.

Dammit. Why... can't... I fell unconscious again with tears in my eyes.


"Well that's pretty much how it all started. Afterward I went through a series of betrayals, death of friends, and eventual loss of my sanity. Heh, all within five years too. Once I went insane I locked myself in this very house for like six or seven years, I had lost count. It was during this time that I made all those weapons in the bunker that you saw." I finished telling her.

"If that is so, then you only recently regained your sanity?" Crysea earnestly asked.

"Well no. Not really. I was still insane I just began to 'act' normal. I did it so I could gather information and whatnot without anyone noticing. I was insane but I was also cunning. It was a dangerous mix. It wasn't until the one person who I have been able to call friend put me on my ass about a couple years ago did I start to regain my sanity. Then you came along and now I feel normal. I don't want to sink back into insanity anymore nor would I say I am insane. Both of ya have been a great help. For that I thank you."

Crysea was silent when I finished talking. She had sat there silently listening to me with her full attention the whole time and asked me honest questions to boot. To say I like her because of my trauma is incorrect, I like her simply because I do. No real reason other than I do. My heart flutters when she's near, I get butterflies in the stomach, seeing her smile makes me happy, being with her is enough. That's love right? I've heard about it before, though I've never experience it before now so I wouldn't know. Regardless, no matter what, I want to be with her till the day I die.

"Have you been able to find your siblings yet?" She asked. It's a valid question.

"Yeah. I know where they are at, who they live with, who they work for, and their overall health. My sister will be starting college soon and my brother just got out of high school and has been working at a job with some rather amazing achievements within it. My sister works for the most respected leader of the five major countries and my brother for Alpha Corp, as much as I hate the latter’s owner."

"Then why don't you meet them?" she curiously asked.

"Well, I don't know how to. My sister might remember me, but my little brother won't. He was only four at the time so it's unlikely he remembers me. My sister was six so she probably won't either. They have good lives and I don't really want to interrupt them and cause any mischief for them. I'm about to introduce an entirely new race to the people of Earth in which will confirm life other than us in this universe. That's huge and if they get caught up in it I don't know what I'd do." As cliché as that response is, the truth remains.

"You should go see them. I doubt they'd dislike it." she encouraged.

"But how?" how do you go to someone you haven't seen in over fifteen years and suddenly say 'oh yeah by the way, I'm your older brother who was separated from you since you were a kid.'?

"Just do it." she demanded.


"Do it." she commanded with a stern gaze.

"I'm scared!" I shouted. Oops I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you. I really sorry.

She looked a little shocked when I shouted but she recovered quickly "Of what?"

"What if they hate me? What if they blame me for what happened? What if I'm better off dead to them. I don't want to be hated by them. I'd do anything to see them smile but to be the cause of their pain is unbearable." I shuddered. I could feel my eyes getting hot. Ah tears. "I don't want to lose them again."

Crysea wrapped her arms around my head and pulled me into her chest as I cried my worries away. She said nothing for she knew the pain in my heart, she could easily see it, even without being able to hear it. After a little bit I cleared up, I don't cry long when I do, and face her again.

"Sorry bout that." I apologized.

"A natural worry, but as I said, I doubt they'll dislike seeing you. Quite the opposite, I think they'd be overjoyed." she assured me.

I gave a defeated sigh "Alright, I guess I could give it a shot. After I finish dealing with this country's leader I'll go visit my brother then my sister when I go to the mainland." I made my mind up. I looked directly into Crysea’ s eyes and with a heartfelt expression said "Thanks. I don't think I'd have come to this conclusion without you. They'd have never remembered me without you. Be it for better or worse, I'll go see my brother and sister."

"You're welcome" she said and gave me a hug. Whoa really?! I didn't hesitate and hugged her back. Ah, she's cold, but it's kinda warm as well. "So tell me how you and your friend met."



I'd also like some feedback on this as well. Should I continue with the side chapters or is it a bad thing? I won't let them interrupt the actual story. If you think they're a good idea please tell me, if they're a bad one well I definitely would like to know. Thanks for reading!

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