《Sky World》Prologue: Sky World


Sky world online, the first VRMMO ever released. The creator, RAID Corporation announced the game after years of development. 10 years ago the maker of the game Dr. Lance Hardwood first introduced VR to the military in the premise of giving soldiers battle experience and real life scenario, after getting the right funding the military VR program was a success in making more experienced soldiers and lowering the death rate. Due to the success of the program RAID Corporation hired Dr. Hardwood to apply the VR technology for medical purposes such as rehabilitation and brain mapping, and now Dr. Hardwood has created a world where he says “A world where the chains of mundane life can be broken”.

The game offers 90% realism but pain setting will be just a jolt on area of damage and loss of limbs creates the feeling of numbness on the area of lost limb

The game is set in the world of Thera which is reported to be the same size as the planet mars and is comprised of 40% land 60% water. The planet consist of 5 large continents in which 3 are unexplored. The game offers 20 playable races in which 15 can be unlocked by the efforts of the users while 5 are available at the launch of the game.

The players cannot choose gender as it would affect brain chemistry and the appearance of the character will be based on the user which can be edit to an extent. The game offers the players 2 choices during character creation the first is the default character creation that lets the player choose race appearance and beginning stats of their character, the other option is the system generated where the system chooses everything aside from name this choice however can let the players play as one of the 15 unlockable races by luck (some of the races may be unsuited for combat).

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