《The Man Who Got Dragged Into Another World》Chapter 31: Assistance (3)


From the deepest part of the city, from every part of the building around the city, a tremor shook the entire place. It could reach the place where the Dead City right now.

"Something's happening again." the lieutenant looked helplessly at the plaza to only see the winged serpent which was the cause of the red mist. The serpent had a red rune that was bright on its scale and also the eyes that it had was actually nine.

"Someone....is above the head of the serpent!" the young man from the assassin guild pointed his finger at the winged serpent only to attracted more attention to the direction he had shown.

With the greatsword in hand, Luki infused his Inner Power that still weak to the sword. "I tell you about it right? I will find you and I will....KILL YOU!" said Luki while brandishing his sword.

The momentum soon made the head of the serpent injured but at the same time, Luki got blown up to the sky! He felt like being crushed by a mountain but he already made his greatsword as a shield and from the sword, an azure color energy flowed within the blade.

The winged serpent did not let this opportunity and seized the initiative to strike Luki while he was unable to move freely in the air. But Luki just let it happen without much resistance and the serpent also let out the concentrated red mist toward Luki.

Luki brandished his greatsword, his muscle bulged and the momentum caused the energy from the sword to flown An azure sword energy slashed the mist and went directly to the winged serpent. The speed of that sword energy could not be matched by the winged serpent and severed one of the wings.

The pain caused it to screamed in agony. Luki already descended and welcomed the moment where the fell winged serpent was.

"Told you before, I will kill you." Luki could feel something from inside the serpent. While he had the feeling that anything that this serpent possessed would be good but he also felt that it was a bait.


So Luki beheaded it much more easily because the serpent already exhausted itself by sustaining the damage from the mass large area effect while still let out the red mist.

'I'm really gambling this time.' Luki just thought about it before. This kind of serpent was likely to use poison but the method it showed clearly indicated that this serpent was different. Somehow, Luki also understood the reason why he could deduct such the method.

'The rune that the serpent has actually symbolized the evolution path it had taken. Maybe the serpent had the liking of seeing the blood of its prey and then absorb it. Strange thing is, there was no sign that it contains any kind of venom in its body.'

He had never liked something like this happens. He was sure that something big was going to happen. But then Luki could hear the sounds of footsteps echoed throughout the ruins of the city. And he was right, the troops moved after seeing the winged serpent and Luki fought each other.

"What a day to be alive." Luki could not help but reorganized his face. He wanted to present himself as good as possible.

Then he walked like he always does everyday. Realizing that there was a person among the ruins made the soldiers became alerted. Of course, even the faster assassin would pounce at Luki together.

"You all should calm yourself first." said Luki while his vitals were being targetted by multiple daggers from those assassins.

Then the lieutenant stepped forward. He was not sure how Luki could have done all of that feats by himself but at least the liberation became much simpler. "Where are you come from?" asked the lieutenant.

From Luki's clothes and mask, he was sure that the person that appeared in front of him was part of the assassin's guild but he wonders from which branch?

"Where you ask? Of course from the Dead City that was just a few kilometers from here," said Luki calmly but in his mind, he was worrying for the beasts to overwhelm the entire city and razed the camp there.


"Hah? You came from the Dead City and yet you suddenly appeared here. What did you do here?" one of the masked men that Luki could recognize as a member of the assassin guild asked him. The Inner Power this person possessed was at the second stage, the Development Stage.

"Why are you asking while the one that almost defeated by them is you~?" Luki opened wide his arms and shrugged his shoulders. This was clearly a provocation!

"Do you want to sow discord among my unit?" the lieutenant was stared at Luki with his eyes that could be narrowed as thin as a line. But another surprise soon arrived because the unit from Nemasu city had come.

"Why is there so much toasted and roasted corpses around here?" Ferum walked towards the plaza with his unit. Then they saw the crowd that formed in front of him already.

But when they walked towards them, a figure stood out from the rest of them. This figure was the one that every person from Ferum's unit talked about recently.

"Luki!" shouted Ferum. Luki smiled faintly before waved his hands to them. This made the crowd turned their head to see who Luki was waving at. When they realized that he was waving at the certain group that also had the same clothes as the assassin guild, their mouth was opened wide.

"Hello, my acquaintance." Luki sneered inside. 'Too late!' that was what Luki thought. It was because half a day was passed and from that time, Luki already had done several tasks while they probably had gone here at full speed.

"Wait for a second! Who is he?" the lieutenant became confused because of the sudden development. But then Ferum greeted him in like someone who was a friend from long ago. "You are the son of that man, right? That was why he tasked you with the position you are currently in. But do you know about the success rate for this mission?"

"Ah! Uncle Ferum, I don't know why you are here." replied the lieutenant but Ferum kept his mouth opened.

"I'm here to....retake my subordinate back?" Ferum scratched his head in embarrassment. His eyesight did not leave Luki for even a blink. Then Luki arrived in the front of Ferum. He was smiled before he said, "Why are you here?"

Then Luki quickly continued, "You clearly give me the assignment to assist the liberation of this place so I had done precisely as you had requested but what have I got here?"

"Come on, it was a mistake to send you here." when Ferum said that, Luki felt that his forehead started to sweating. 'Are you indicating that I should do something entirely different from this?'

"What does this mean, Ferum?" a sudden strike from the back made everyone surprised. Even Luki could barely see the shadow. 'I'm wondering why that person still threatens me instead of just killing me. Is it because of a certain matter?'

"Easy, easy. You know that I'm not a threat to you yet you still attack me." Ferum just stood still in his position. Then the weapon that the attacker used finally revealed itself, a medium sized needle.

"What do you mean 'not a threat'?" the man with the mask spoke to Ferum in annoyance.

Then Luki realized that all of this was just a warm chatting among the old friends. But he then could felt something was wrong. He glanced toward the direction where the Dead City was placed and his eyes stared there for a long time.

"What is actually the condition from human side and the beast side?" Luki wondered about this for a long time. Every opponent that he had fought was no mean weak but it was just the most common beasts instead of their stronger beast. This made him wonder and at the same time, felt a sense of crisis.

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