《The Man Who Got Dragged Into Another World》Chapter 10: The Guild


After a full day of walking, Luki and the person in black arrived at the outer town that still standing. This town name was Nemasu.

"Give me some water~" Luki was so thirsty that his sound already so hoarse. "Really, you are not strong enough to walk for a day without water." said the person.

"Oh, come on! What person in this world that can survive without water?" Luki tried to reasoning but it was futile. The person only coldly stared at him and said, " How are you survived in the outside with this kind of beast roaming around the world?"

"Oh, that is....." Luki could not find an answer because he was revived and had been buried in the hill. "But because you had a cloth that usually wears by the people from Kreig kingdom, you must be one of the citizens in the kingdom's city." said the person.

Luki found out that his clothes were similar to the people around him. This was going to be easier for Luki to go to the capital. And the person did not ask him further about it.

Around the town, the wooden fence was built to reinforce the defense from the attack. And most of its citizen were battle prepared, wearing mostly leather armor.

"Hey, did you hear about the beast aggression to the Kreig Kingdom being repelled by General Vera?" some of the citizens talked about the recent news from Kreig Kingdom Capital. "Yeah, the general react fast enough that after both sides suffered a serious loss at War of the north field she ordered every military power to focused on reinforce our city."

"But even she was still barely able to withstand the first wave from the beast aggression. And because of that event, The Five Kingdom Alliance was formed."


With Luki's Sense Domain, he could hear the talk of the citizen within fifty meters. 'Looks like General Vera doing well. If I encounter anyone from the army, I need to hide my identity and appearance.'

"Hey." Luki wanted to ask about the person's job that needs to hide their identity. "What sort of job are you do?" asked Luki. The person looked at Luki and said, "My job is an assassin. What are you going to do asking something like that?"

The person's expression could not be seen due to the mask that covered the face. "Let me join you! I really want to help everyone but I'm a shy person to begin. I rather help someone from the shadow than help them directly. So please let me join you." begged Luki.

'What is this person want? Did he want to become an assassin? Did he think it is that easy?'

"Listen, youngster. To become an assassin is to become someone that prepared for die! This is the first thing that every assassin have in their mind. They also need to have a mentality as strong as a mountain! Do you dare?"

'Explaining this to him maybe had no effect. Better just show him how hard it is.'

Luki thought for a second before he said, "Which challenge do you think that I cannot pass? Show me the way!"

"Hah, it can't be helped. There are many guilds in the five kingdoms and of course, I'm a member of Assassin Guild. We will go to the branch guild in this city." the person then dragged Luki to the place. "Wait! How about my water? I'm thirsty."

"We can find some water there, just hold on a little longer do you!"



"So what is your name?" asked the middle-aged man to Luki. Now he was in a large room with the light illuminated his place only. "I'm Luki. Nice to meet...."

But a light flew past him near his neck. A scratch had formed in Luki's neck and slowly the blood flowed from there. "Rule number one, no name!"

"What is your name?" asked the middle-aged man again. This time, Luki felt really happy in his heart. 'Really? I don't need to even say my name. Wonderful!'

"What do you think is it?" said Luki. The man now stared at him with a curiosity. "You said it yourself that your name is Luki, are you wanted to deny this fact?"

Luki fell into silence. But not long after that, he answered, "I am indeed once said that my name is Luki. But do you think that was my real name? I can become anyone I wanted to!"

'He really is a good seed. Alright, I decided to accept him.' thought the middle-aged man. "Everyone, we got a new member!"

Then in that room, there were so many people that Luki could not detect their presence. "Well, you are formally a member now but you need to do some basic training. A member will guide you to the location that we used as a training field."

For a reason, the middle-aged man was grinning. This made Luki feel a chill sensation on his back.

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