《The Man Who Got Dragged Into Another World》Chapter 9: Calamity


The beautiful field now already became a wasteland. Even Luki felt sorrow when he saw them himself.

"Damn it! Now I must do my part to kick the so-called Evil God. Even if I die and go back to The Fallen Realm, I will be send back because of [Immortal Decree]."

Then he clenched his hands. 'Wait, since when my left....' then Luki saw at his left hand that supposed to be severed from his arm already formed. But the hand that formed was like the soil in which Luki was buried.

"Soil, why my left hand like this?" Luki then touched the ground beneath him. And something happened to his left hand. The hand that formed from soil then began to absorb some soil from the ground. And after some time, a perfect left hand was formed.

"Why did this happen? I really wonder if the human was once created from the soil?"

Luki sighed as he walked toward the nearest city from here. Besides the road, he could only see some tree which was already withered. 'I should search some food around here.' he thought about that and decided to look for supply when he heard a roar.

"What was that?" Luki turned to see a beast that had a same length as a truck! Four-legged and its claws were large enough you would think that was a blade. But sadly, the beast attention was focused on Luki.

"Oh, hello there." Luki tried to find a solution to his problem now. But this is a plain field and nothing was able to make Luki hide from the beast. His face turned pale and even his Sense Domain could not work against this beast!


The beast jumped straight at him but Luki dodged barely. He felt that somehow this beast was something that he could not defeat alone. And the beast already took a stance to charge at Luki when an explosion hit the beast!


"Hey, youngster! You better escape from here!" someone shouted at him. 'So fast! Just like those enemies I faced back then.'

It was then that Luki could see the figure of someone with a double sword. The person wore a jet-black clothes making it hard to identify the person behind it.

"Even if I run, that monster still had seen me. You need to defeat that beast or it will chase me no matter where I go!" replied Luki. "Really, a troublesome guy will always troublesome no matter the circumstance!"

The person with the double sword slashed the beast with an unhindered momentum. The beast could only attacked madly by swinging his claw around. Luki could only watched them fight while focusing his attention on every movement they were made.

'Every time we move, there must be some minor movement in our body. It is the most important factor in learning martial arts. Raket, you are the one who told me this and yet I could only watch this without you.'

After some time passed, the beast was slain by the jet-black clothed person. Luki could only said wryly "Thank you."

"There's no need for you to thank me. Now that this is where the humanity must stand together to fight against this calamity, we need to at least help each other." said the person. "Wait, what do you mean calamity?" Luki still didn't know the event after his death.

"Heeh? Where do you live that you don't know this big event? You must be living in the cave just like caveman." the person teased Luki but Luki insisted on asking that question. " Alright, alright. I tell you what I know about it. In the War of the north field three weeks ago, seven red meteors came from the sky. And from that meteor there appear the Queen of the beast!"


'What? Three weeks? The time gap is enough to this outsider's beast to dominate this world if I only calculated that the beast I encountered was the weakest. Just imagine the strongest beast possible.'

The person then continued, "The beast that I fight a while ago can be considered the weakest and you are so lucky only one of them appear! Usually, that kind of beast were in a large group and when that happen, one city fell to their hand!"

"So, you said this beast's strength was powerful enough to make a city destroyed. Then where is your headquarter?" asked Luki. It was because that this beast strength was unfathomable that Luki must gather any intel about them and their weakness. And also Luki wanted to get his hands on the strongest martial arts.

"The headquarters is every capital city from every kingdom. I am from Duma Kingdom but was stationed in Kreig Kingdom Capital. And youngster, who are you?" asked the person.

"I am Luki. And what should I address you?"


Luki wasn't sure but he did not get the response from the person. "Oh, maybe your job can't let you reveal your identity to just anyone" said Luki with a bitter smile.

"Thank you for your understanding." was an answer the person gives. "Hey, do you by chance have some food? I starving now," asked Luki.

The person then grabed something from the pocket. It was a roasted meat and the smell made Luki's saliva drool.

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