《Pearl of cold (Old version)》Chapter 5: The tournament, part 2


Pov-change 3rd person.

The opponent team-name was Elfish Wish.

Martin quickly analyzed the situation. The person in front of him was a wood-elf – light body weight, engaging in a brawl could be possible. Was standing with his left side turned towards him – he was most likely a right hander. Held a sword in his right hand, his grip on it looked weak. There was nothing in his left hand. – He was inexperienced with a sword; the only reason to why he chooses to have it was because he wasn’t confident in whatever spells he planned to use his left hand for-. Casual clothes – even higher chance of being inexperienced.

Martin smirkek, he knew that he wasn’t any better than his opponent, but he had feared he wouldn’t stand a chance against anyone. It turned out he might just have a chance of winning !

The wood-elf rushed towards the human boy in front of him. Hand stretched out. Just a little closer… there! The palm of his hand lit up in a bright light, right in front of the boys head! Now he would take a swing with his sword and quickly end the fight! Why din't they use this trick in the professional combat duel he had once seen? He had to admit, he was kind of smart to come up with it.

Martin was unaffected by the light. He had expected it, but he somehow still couldn’t believe the guy would actually think it would work!

He used his arm-guard to block the sword, stepped to the right and with the Adrenalin rushing he attempted to stab the man in the side. The dagger sunk into his arm.

The man cried out in pain.

Martin quickly retrieved his dagger and the combatants took a few steps back. No actual damage had been done, but a blue area was glowing where he had hit. The stab still had effects similar to a real stab.

The elf was more focused on his arm than the opponent. Martin took the chance and jumped towards the guy. The man raised his arm, once again tried to blind martin, and once again he was unaffected. He stabbed the man, as they were falling down.

The dagger went right through the heart! Martin had won!

A sudden pain hit martin. In a sitting position he looked down; oh god! The sword had impaled his stomach area, why hadn’t he noticed it?

(Judge) “The winner is Martin! Martin, do you wish to continue?”


Wait.. so this din'nt count as lethal damage? Martin breathed heavily, oh god, oh god! He was impaled. He knew it wasn’t real, but it still felt like it. He mustered himself:

(Martin) “no (breath) no thanks.. I, I will pass”

Matt rushed in to remove the sword from his little brother, and help him stand. Martin made it clear he wanted to walk himself. Still in shock and breathing deeply he left the arena, he barely noticed the commentator shortly mentioning him wining the duel. Matt understood him; he had tried out dueling in a arena a few times.

You have to get used to that the damage isn’t real. It is something you quickly learned thou.

As Martin passed Mathilde he still remembered to give her some advice:

(Martin) “Those idiots don’t know that using light-blocking lenses is common sense in combat. Your [Light Emission] will work wonders ”

Buying the lenses was a part of preparing for the tournament.

(Judge)” you can begin the next duel in 3, 2, 1, begin!”

The runic circles, which had stopped rotating, began to rotate again.

Mathilde now stood in the arena, at her hips there was hanging a white arena-axe and dagger, and then some rope, but she dint grasp any of the items. She knew she didn't need them.

In front of her there was another wood elf, He had a long sword in his hands, but otherwise he appeared the same as the one before, except: Maybe a little cuter? Still looked like a loser thou.

She dint even bother using light, instead she raised her hands and unleashed a overwhelming amount of fire.

When she had been practicing her spells, she noticed that her [Fire emission] didn’t emit as much heat as normal fire, most of the heat originated from a separate [Heat emission]. It had confused her a lot, but it turned out sending actually dangerous flames was a little more complicated.

The opponent didn’t know that, instead he accidentally stepped out of bonds as he tried to evade the fire. The duel had barely started, truly a bunch of losers.

(Judge)” out of bonds! The winner is Mathilde. Mathilde do you wish to continue the duel?”

Mathilde looked at the last guy. He looked basically the same as the two others. She really wanted to fight… but that guy just seemed too weak, and Matt probably wanted a easy win too..

She decided it was not worth fighting against him.


(Mathide) “Nah, it’s my brothers turn now, I will let him take care of the guy.”

(Judge)” if that is your choice. I will now ask team Elfish wish and team Triple M ehm.. Slaughter Heroes?.. to send in their final combatant. The winner of this duel will advance in the tournament”

On the way out of the arena Mathilde fist bumped her brother.

“You got this bro”

­­My fist hit my sisters.

“Heck yeah I do, it will be over before they even realize it started”

The judge signaled the start, and the runic circles began to spin once again.

The wood-elf was nervously wielding a two-hander, just like me. It seemed that he had realized he dint stand many chances. He charged towards me. I simply took a fighting stance, with the tip of my sword pointed towards his chest. He quickly stopped, and moved to the side. My sword simply followed him. He kept his distance. Neither did he how to move past my sword, nor did he dare to attempt it.

I realized he wasn’t going to attack me like this.

I let my sword down:

(me) “listen up, i..”

He dashed forward. The dude actually fell for it!

While I parried the sword, I took a step to the left and slammed my knee into his stomach. As he was leaning forwards I hit his head with the hilt of my sword before I took another step away from him while I swung the sword down. A bright blue circle appeared around the elf’s neck, had it been real life I would have decapitated his head. It counted as a lethal wound. Victory was mine.

(Judge)”The winner is Matt! team Triple M Slaughter Heroes advances in the tournament. Thank you for participating Elfish Wish”

(Me) “oh yeah! Did you guys see that? Those win moves for the win!”

(Mathilde)”Dude, they got rekt so hard, they don’t even realize it”

(Me)”Speaking of them, where did they go? I need to say good fight, or something

(Martin)”They are walking there, they began leaving this place as soon as possible, they seem a little but-hurt, but that might just be my imagination”

(Mathilde)” wait what really? Hahah! No it wasn’t, they totally just got mad. EHH DID YOU HEAR THAT? YOU MAD!?”

They ignored the taunt, but another team chuckled a little.

(Martin) “jess, sis, don’t say that out loud..

Wait.. Another team finished faster than us? I took a quick look at them:

It was a very varying group:

A snake woman, a human, and a dragonian wielding a one-handed sword, and a dagger.. Attached to the end of his tail..uhmm something told me THAT would be troublesome to fight against.

The dragonian noticed my stare and raised his hand to greet me. I raised my hand to in response.

He approached me:

(Dragonian)”Those are some efficient moves you got”

(Me)”yes I have once practiced martial arts, those guys appeared to barely know what it is”

(Dragonian)”My team got some weakling to fight against the first round too; apparently there are some people who believe they can win a combat tournament with no prior experience just because it got the amateur tag on. Those people usually loses the first round, so you won’t meet any of them later on”

(Me)”hah, well I guess I have to step up my game then. Oh and: well done I must say, I dint thought anyone would win faster than my team”

(Argonian)”Oh my team just barely won ahead of yours, and by the way: We weren’t the first team to win”

He pointed a few arenas away from us. There was sitting a regular white human woman, a dark elf male, and what appeared to be their son: A half-dark-elf with blonde hair and a dark-grayish face. I saw a glimpse of some clear blue eyes. I swear I could feel a sting from his stare.

The argonian continued:

”They say the half-elf beat every member of the group, predicted to win, within seconds. “

(Me)”..Seriously? That sounds scary..Anyway, I hope we get to duel”

(Argonian) ” With the system randomizing our opponents you never know, but I hope so too. My team name is Two scales and a hair.”

(Me)”My team name is Triple..uhm..Know what? Stay around until we meet in the arena, then you will know it” – I wasn’t going to tell him I accidentally named my team Triple M Slaughter Heroes.

We laughed a little and then we decided to go back to our teams.

We had some time before we had to face the next team, so I decided to take a drink, and Martin wanted to test something out with Mathildes [Light Emission].

(me) “One down. Three more to go”

I mumbled, and took a sip.

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