《Pearl of cold (Old version)》Chapter 4: The tournament, part 1


I stared at the sword.

It was laying unsheathed on a pillow, the sheath, a.k.a. the scabbard, was next to the sword as well. I couldn’t exactly determine what sort of sword it was, but the first word that popped into my name was Nodachi, a somewhat longer version of the katana, handle included. Although: It wasn’t as curvy as other Nodachis, the guard had a different style, and the blade wasn’t as thin.

Embedded between the blade and the hilt there was a blue crystal, showing that it was, or could be, enchanted with greater enchantments.

All in all it had a solid feeling to it.

I wanted it. Badly.

I think it is the same feeling a child get when it suddenly sees a toy for the first time, that they just want, or when a person suddenly sees their soul mate, excluding the “I want to have sex” part , you want it so badly you need it, you don’t know why, and you know it isn’t necessary logical, but somehow you feel willing to walk a thousand miles to get it.

I noticed a sign next to it:

Possible award for winning the Amateur Tag-Team Combat Tournament

….F*ck. Seriously? I couldn’t just buy it?

I looked up. Besides sword there was a number of other items, about 12 or so, such as some wands in varies seizes, some spell books, weapons, and a few other things I couldn’t determine what was, but they dint seem combat related .They were all nicely displayed, with a sign next to it, stating that it was a possible award for winning, as well as a description of the item.

I made a quick scan for a poster, or something similar that could show me how to join the tournament.

There it was. Let’s see...

It seemed to be a normal combat tag-team tournament, and it required at least 3 members per team. Participation fee was 10 silver pr. Team, reasonable. The awards for wining was:

First place: 3 Optional items (And the right to choose first)

Second place: 2 Optional items (And the right to choose second)

Third place: 1 Optional item (And the right to choose last)

Those were some generous awards.

… and the death line for joining was in half a hour.


I sighted, grabbed my Phone and began to call the only two people I could imagine having a tag-team tournament with right now: My siblings.


­­­When they showed up they seemed surprisingly willing to join in. Mathilde did it because she wanted to try out her spells, and win one of the spell books. Martin wanted because, well I honestly don’t know, I can’t even tell why I wanted him on my team, he had virtual no fighting experience or potential, I just couldn’t imagine this without him. Teaming with a stranger or my one of my parents, somehow just grossed me out, especially the parent part.

Before we decided to enlist in the tournament we took a closer look at the rules.

The rules are as follows:

Rule 0:

This is an AMATEUR tournament, do you have any history of participating in professional combat you are not allowed to participate.

Rule 1:

It's and elimination style tournament.

Each team will send out a combatant to face the other teams in a 1v1 duel. The first team who defeats 3 of the opponent’s combatant wins, and advances in the tournament.

Rule 2:

If you get out of bonds, gets knocked out, is rendered immobile, surrenders, get artificially injured to death, or if the judge deems it: you lose the duel and the winner can then choose to take on the next opponent or let the next from the team fight.

Rule 3:

You are allowed to cast or use any of the spells and aura techniques listed. If you want to use any other spell or technique you have to show it to a judge before the tournament in order to get permission. To vary the spell is allowed to a certain degree, but if the judge thinks you are using something you aren’t allowed to use, he can decide whatever or not he should let the opponent win the duel or simply disqualify the team.

Rule 4:

You are, despite of the circle of protection, not allowed to attempt to severally harm the opponent after defeat. Does the judge believe that you are no-longer in control of yourself (duo to anger, not magic control) he’s allowed to disqualify you.

Rule 5:

Any item you take into the duel has to be allowed by the judge.

Rule 6:

Keep up good sportsmanship, and have fun!

Mathilde and I both jokingly agreed that the last rule was so misplaced it literally hurt our eyes, and was in-fact a bunch of hippie-kindergarten bullshit. Secretively we booth knew it was there to remind us that the tournament was, for all intends and purposes, for entertaining and held little to no danger.


We decided to enlist in the tournament.

“What would you like to call your team?” The woman asked, pencil ready to write.

I looked at my siblings, shit I hadn’t thought about that.

(Me) “uhh, what about: Three heroes? “

(Mathilde) ”way to dorky, what about: The SLAUGHTERS?”

(Me and Martin) “NO!”

Martin continued: “what about Triple M? we all starts with a M”

(Mathilde)” Thanks captain obvious, it isn’t like I noticed our parents terrible naming skills years ago, and no. No! we are NOT going to call ourselves triple M"

Some other were waiting for us to decide, and the woman got impatient:

(woman) “Team name, now”

Okay got to think fast, how about..

(Me) “uhm., we will call ourselves ,,ehh. Triple M slaughter heroes?”

(woman)”got it, now move on”

On the way out, Martin repeatedly beat my shoulders, while Mathilde laughed so hard she could barely walk.

You. Fucking. Failed. Me. Brain.

Afterwards we immediately began to prepare and plan for tournament. After all: we had to somehow win with a team consisting of one that couldn’t fight, another one that just had learned magic, and a rusty swordsman.

24 -hours later we were standing nervously at one end of, one of several others, arenas. Each arena was circle shaped, with regular grass as the “floor”, surrounding the arena there was 3 stone layers of runic circles that, when activated, pretty much ensured that you wouldn’t die unless a meteorite where to strike you.

Around us there were about 16 other teams of 3 or more people, making a total of about 60 people.

A medium sized tribune surrounded the scene.

There were a feeling of anticipation and excitement in the air; to me it was an old familiar felling I remembered from the tournaments in swordsmanship long ago. The setting was similar to now. Suddenly I could no longer remember why I had ever stopped, I looked forward to face my first opponent and try out my old hopefully-not forgotten skills in a more “real” fight.

in less than 5 minutes we would face our first team.

The commentator began to speak:

“Ladies and gentlemen! I’m happy to declare this years annual amateur tag-team combat tournament for started! In front of us we have 16 teams, 55! brave participants who are ready to fight! And prove their worth in the ring! But only 1 can be the winner, and be able to claim 3 of the prices set aside especially for them, and I must say: This year there is some real gems among them, literally too!

I’m Paulos Renn and I will be you commentator! As you are well aware, we will start with 8 battles at once! Don’t say I can’t multitask! I will now ask each team to let their combatant enter the ring!”

We had agreed to let the weakest link go out first: Martin, then Mathilde, and at last me.

Martin stepped into the ring; he was wearing what seemed like a white designless armguard, and had a similar looking dagger in his right hand.

(Commentator)” As you can see, ladies and gentlemen, some of the combatants wield white shields or weapons. Those are the arena weapons! They won’t be able hurt the opponent, but the pain is still there! With those they can defeat or temporarily cripple the opponent, as if it was a real weapon! But you all probably already know that from professional tournaments!

Anyway: start the runic circles! “

The three layers of runic circles around the arena began to rotate.

“I will have the honor of declaring the start of the first duels, are you ready? Here we go! 3. 2. 1. Begin!

Martin raised his dagger and faced the first opponent.


yes, the currency of this world is copper, silver and gold coins. However: in this modern world they don't actually use copper, silver, and gold coins, instead they use, coins made of cheap alloys, notes, and credit cards. The name is duo to historical reasons.

This is of course only true for the region this story currently unfolds in. it is a big world with a lot of different currencies, the biggest is however the previously mentioned currency. again: for historical reasons.

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