《Undead Girls: A different change》Undead Girls Prologue


Author note: This is my first story, so constructive criticism and advice will be welcome. It will be updated about 1-2 chapters a week and I should have the first 3 done shortly.


Um, hi I guess... welcome to the calamity. If you wanted to know when it all started, well I can't remember that far back. Who am I you might ask, I don't know that either... I think my name started with a T. As for what am I, I guess you could call me a zombie. Let's go back to what I can recall as the beginning.

It all started with a normal day that became overcast and foggy. The weather stations blamed it on a sudden El Nino. The first signs that something had changed would have been the animals. They ran, or tried to for the caged ones. Then by noon people started to cough, itch, and ache all over. The Survivors would later call these "The Symptoms". By 3:00 p.m., the first "patients" appeared in hospitals, medical centers, and police stations. Healthy people that just seemed to die, but were not quiet "Medically" dead.

By 4:00, that was when the world ended. The Patients and some of the sick began turning into... Something. Those that died or were gravely ill became a type of risen corpse. The feverish turned into something like Ghouls. Those that were sick but somewhat healthy.. well it's hard to say. As more people became sick, healthy individuals started panicking. That was when the newly changed began to attack.

Throughout the world, the news was the same. The movies were wrong, headshots did not stop them. Only a crazy amount of damage would destroy the Risen. Ghouls were like living tanks that could regenerate. Other kinds of monsters were like whole new entities. Humanity lost, and I want to say it was their finest hour. It wasn't sadly, the otherwise normal individuals began to show their true colors. Murder, rape, arson, theft, assault, kidnapping... About every vice and crime started to rear its ugly head. About 75% of the initial survivors turned into scum and were little better than the rampaging monstrosities.


By 11:00 pm, the world belong to the monsters. Night darker then midnight blanketed the globe. Fires burned in what were mankind's greatest inventions. Houses, cars, stores, even some parks... It went up in flames to the depraved in the apocalypse.

But I digress, the way I turned was right at 3:36 pm. To sum it up, never trust a sick brat who says he knows what he is sick with. This is my story, and so much more...

T out.

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