《The Hero Transfered Me In Another World》8 - World of Magic


"You got what you wanted?"

Tesuo, the man with eyeglasses, greeted with a question after we left the room.

"I don't know"

"What do you mean you don't know. People have always come out of the room of tests either smiling or dejected expressions. It's a given that people have already decided what they want their magic would be before they take the test."

What Tesuo said made sense, but my situation is quite complicated than normal. First of all, It's just yesterday I got the taste of what Magic is. I don't know if having Darkness Magic is really that bad although based on their reaction, it seems like it.

"We don't force mages to disclose their elements here unless of course, they choose to do so. I only let those two accompany you since it looks like your close with them. Speaking of which, what happened to them?"

He pointed to Shimomura and Yukio who were both showing negative expressions.

"I choose not to say it." I avoid explaining what happened inside because I also don't know what happened.

"Tsk. Your choice."

That seems the last of it before Tesuo open the book he has been reading since a while ago. After Shimomura thanked him, It was time for us to leave.

Finally, we left the Adventurer's Guild after a long time. It was still mid-day when we came in, now it is dark as the night sky.

The village is busier now than it was in the afternoon. More people have come and go to the different establishments provided. It is very lively considering the size of this village.

"We should eat first before anything else," Shimomura said while back to her usual self.

"Ooooh~ That's right! I didn't notice how hungry I was." Yukio was more excited than ever.

'Now that reminds me, my last meal was only a single bite from the dragon steak I had. That didn't go well did it.'

Demons are species that don't require nourishment as often as Humas does. Although, it's always a pleasure to eat something good.


"Silva-san, do you any food in mind?" Shimomura asked me but it was Yukio who answered.

"I like ramen. Slurping noodles while drinking the warm broth is perfect now."

Shimomura ignored Yukio and waited for my answer. The ramen Yukio just said has intrigued me. If it tastes delicious as how he described it, then I'll choose it for my first meal in this world.


"You're the best Silva" Yukio gave me a huge thumbs up.

Shimomura only sighed before bringing us to a small restaurant.

When we went closer and closer to the entrance, an aroma I never smelled before has entered my nose. A pungent yet delicious smell has made my stomach growl.

'That is promising.'

When we entered, few people were busy eating and the chef on the other side of the counter cooking. It is quite noisy especially the sound of them eating, what I assume is, ramen.

"Oi, Oyaji! Bring us four servings of your specialty."

"Is that you Yukio brat. Just wait for a while." The chef began to speed up his actions after Yukio placed our order.

"Why four?"

"He always eats two servings here."

We found a place to sit down and wait for our food. No one talked for a while until I decided to break the silence with a question.

"Why are you helping me?"

Taken aback with my question, Shimomura thought for a second before replying.

"I was taught by my mother to always help others if I have the capabilities to do so. She was also a Light mage like me. If I ever learned how to be selfless using magic, it is because of her"

"She seems nice. I hope I can meet and thank her." I told Shimomura but there was a clear hesitation before she answered.

"She passed away a long time ago"

"Oh. I'm sorry"

"No, it's all good. I have already moved on with it." Shimomura may have said that but it was clear there was still sadness in her eyes.


"Four servings of Ramen served."

Breaking the awkward situation, our food has arrived, and immediately, Yukio started chowing down on his Ramen.

He should have heard our conversation yet he remained silent throughout. It was only when the Ramen has arrived did he start making some noise. Shimomura seems to appreciate his action as she smiled while looking at Yukio slurping the broth.

'They're closer than I thought.'

Back to Ramen. I never have seen anything like this before. Sure does, it smells amazing up close. When I tried to mimic their actions with the utensil called 'chopsticks', I failed miserably and dropped the pair on the broth. Seeing me struggle, Yukio helped me how to use it although I still ended up using both of my hands to have any progress with my meal.

'Oh! My! Lord! This is the next level of deliciousness.'

I can't believe how rich the flavor was. The thing they called noodles was satisfying to slurp and don't start me with the broth. Sipping on it while having the aroma near my nose was torture like experience for my olfactory senses. The only thing regretful was it being finished.

"You're really loving it huh, Silva."

"I'm not gonna lie, ramen was an excellent choice, my friend."

"Heard that Shiki! It looks like I got another brother."

"Yea~ yea~ I got it. So will you be quiet since we're eating."

Yukio keeps on expressing his thoughts loudly while Shimomura tries to shush down him. I only kept nodding whenever Yukio bothers me with his trivial attempt to bring me into his passion. It was a relaxing atmosphere I could always enjoy. After a while, our meal ended peacefully.

"That was fun. I'll see you guys tomorrow. And by the way, Silva, let's spar tomorrow morning."

I nodded in confirmation followed by saying goodbye to Yukio. Now it was just the two of us left.

We went back to the old man Jo's place after she told me I could stay there for the meantime.

"So, what will you do now?" Shimomura asked while we're walking.

"I don't know, maybe I'll study and practice magic in the meantime. After that, I'll decide what I'll do next."

My answer summarizes my whole situation now. I don't know where to begin with. After the crazy sequence of events, I'm stumped on how I'll start with my mission to return to my world.

"If you want to, you could join us together with Yukio. We're planning to go to enroll at the Asmodai, Academy of Magics a month from now after I turn 21."

'Asmodai? That sounds familiar.'

"What about the cost?"

"We plan to avail of their scholarship. Every year, they conduct a selection process to pick those with talent and great potential in magic. It's much cheaper than enrolling in a normal way. You could also try with us"

"But it still costs something."

"Don't worry about it. You can help us with our quests and we will pay for it."

"..." I didn't say anything. Her suggestion sounds good but I needed to think first if it was the right way to go.

After another minute of walking in silence, We have reached Jo's house. The old man himself wasn't at home yet and Shimomura decided to wait for him before going to sleep. On the other hand, I went to my room to think about my plans for the future.

'I guess I could accompany them for a while. It's not like I have some leads to my situation. In fact, learning more about magic is probably the best thing I can do right now.'

It didn't take long before I got tired and decided to think about it tomorrow. For now, I just want to sleep after the long day of my new life.

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