《The Ritual of the Summoned Ones》Status and Searching


A sense of strength came over Hadrian like a part of him that he never knew existed was missing had finally returned to him, he felt complete. A sense of security enveloped him, for the first time since he was dragged into this nightmare he had felt a measure of safety. The knowledge had finally gained magic, stepping into the realm beyond his definition of mortality.












[ Name: Hadrian ]

[ Class: Swordsman – Level 2 : EXP 100/2000 }

[ Strength – 16>33 ]

[ Endurance – 18>32 ]

[ Dexterity – 19>30 ]

[ Intelligence – 10>35 ]

[ Wisdom – 11>30 ]

[ Luck – 29>40 ]

[ Magic – 0>47 ]

[ Class Skills ]

( Active Skills )

{ Sword Strike – LEVEL 2 }

{ True Slash – LEVEL 1 }

{ Sword Flurry – LEVEL 1 }

(Passive Skills)

{ Sword Mastery – LEVEL 3 }

{ Eyes of a Swordsman – LEVEL 3 }

{ Innate Sword Knowledge – LEVEL 1 }

{ Dual Wielding – LEVEL 1 }

[ Learned Skills ]

( Active Skills )

{ Identification – LEVEL 1 }

{ Black Haze – LEVEL 3 }

( Passive Skills )

{ Physical Damage Resistance – LEVEL 2 }

{ Night Vision – LEVEL 2 }

{ Iron Stomach – LEVEL 1 }

{ Poison Resistance – LEVEL 1 }

{ Stealth – LEVEL 1 }

{ Tracking – LEVEL 1 }

{ Parallel Thinking – LEVEL 1 }

{ Kulonese Language – MAX LEVEL }

{ First Aid – LEVEL 3 }

{ Hunting – LEVEL 2 }


{ Survival – LEVEL 2 }

{ Great Sword Mastery – LEVEL 2 }


( Natural Blessing's )

{ Protection of the Summoned Ones – 24 DAYS REMAINING }

{ Blessing's of the Gods of Humanity – 3 DAYS REMAINING }

{ Blessing's of the God of Swords}

( Granted Blessing's )

{ Curse of the Dungeons }

[ Magic ]

( Mana affinity’s )

{ Death – Greater }

{ Space – Weak }

{ Dark – Standard }

( Active Magic Skills )

{ Mana Bolt – LEVEL 1 }

{ Mana Shield – LEVEL 1 }

( Passive Magic Skills )

{ Basic Magic Knowledge – MAX LEVEL }

{ Meditation – LEVEL 5 }

{ Basic MANA meditation – MAX LEVEL }

{ MANA manipulation – LEVEL 3 }


{ Path of the Sword II 1/20 }

{ Path of the Summoned One II 1/20 }

{ Path of the Dungeon Explorer 4/10 }

{ Path of the ????? ??? }

{ Path of the Undead Slayer 5/10 }

{ Path of the Hunter 1/10 }

{ Path of the All Speaker 1/10 }

{ Path of the Skilled 1/10 }

{ Path of the MANA Awakened 1/10 }

{ Path of the Mage 1/10 }

“Bloody hell that’s a lot of information to process”

Hadrian starts to read through his new status, puzzled by how his stats have increased the way they have. Trying to work out the math, if he’s got it right he’s gained a large amount naturally and from his new skill.


Seeing that a whole new page has appeared for magic he was very excited noticing that the spells he read in his magic book had been unlocked from awakening his core.

“Double sweet”

“Wait how the hell did I get more affinities, dark and space, Huh. I wonder if it’s due to my environment, I mean I spend basically all my time in darkness and in between my Inventory and the all mighty dick Gate I spend a lot of time around manipulated space”


Having a feeling that he was right, Hadrian decided to close his status pages and start to go and finally start to scout more of Dungeon out. Hoping to also create more safe houses in the commercial district of the town or as he found out from the book about the history of the town, the merchant quarter.

Getting up from his seat near the Gate, he leaves the surrounding field and enters the town via the closest road. He starts to scout each of the first stores of the road, one being a stable the other being a building what he found out to be a small guard tower.

In the stable he found it was pretty empty, only two rooms to search. A small storage that was completely useless only some horse care products and other horse related items basically completely useless to Hadrian, the other room was a small apartment probably belonging to the owner or worker at stables, it was pretty trashed and everything was either perished or destroyed nothing worth taking.

The guard tower was a completely different story though, it’s doors still closed tight protecting whatever inside and also allowing him to turn it into his second safe house. Searching the tower he found a lot of useful things, the armory was basically fully stocked, the guard’s armor and weapons still in place. The kitchens fully stocked, granted a large amount of the food was perished, but he still found a lot of good food, he gathered every thing useful he could find and started to secure the tower, turning it into his new safe house.

As he continued up the road he searched through more and more stores, most were either empty, destroyed or full of useless items. He entered many stores not really gaining much, his luck not really coming through for him.

As he reached the blacksmiths he was able to find three useful stores, in a tailor’s shop he picked up a few different items of clothing and was able to find a lockbox. He found a small personal library in the house above a butcher's shop grabbing all the useful and expensive looking books, hoping to continue his Lucy streak he has had with books.

The last store was a jeweller basically grabbing everything that was shiny, he was going to properly identify them when he was back at the safe zone. After giving the blacksmiths a quick check to make sure everything was still secure, he heads to the crossroads thanks to the history book he read he knows this was one of eight large crossroads of the town.

He carries on walking straight hoping to reach the center of the town, at the center was the mayor’s mansion and what he thought was probably the location of the First Floor Boss. He sneaks through the town wanting to scout out the location hoping to find any information he can.

As he got closer to the center, he could start to make out something in the distance. The closer and closer he got the more he could make out what it was.

It was a wall of white bone, he wondered why he didn’t see any skeletons on his way here, thinking it was strange that he didn’t see even one.

He now knows why, the skeletons were locked together to form a giant wall surrounding what was probably the mayor’s mansion and a few buildings surrounding it.

“Holy Fuck”

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