《The Ritual of the Summoned Ones》Awaken


The idea that the Floor Boss he’d have to face had driven Hadrian into a panic, the very thought of having to face such a foe scared him. Every bit of information he had about them, even though it was fictional, was that they were both beings of immense power and strength, one a master of death magic and nigh immortal and the other, a master of their chosen weapon and a beast of a combatant, enhanced even further with death magic.

Recalling that his last book might be about the history of the town, he hoped that it would have some information that could give him a hint about what Monster that could be the Boss of this Floor. He picks up the book and starts to read through it.

The first few chapters were about how the town came into existence and the days after it, explaining how they survived and slowly built a small village that eventually grew into a town. As he continued to read through the book he became more and more sure it was of the town that they decided to build the main blacksmiths shoo at its crossroad’s and that was the last clue for Hadrian to completely confirm his theory.

As he got further into the book he realized that it wouldn’t be able to confirm anything about the Floor Boss. The rest of the book was just events and milestones of the town, no information about any important people or items in the town that could give him any clues.

Disheartened by these facts, as he had placed a lot of his hope on the book, wanting it to reveal to him the identity of the boss. “I suppose no information could also be a good thing, you’d think they would record anything or anyone strong enough to become a Lich or Death Knight”


Having enough of reading book’s for now, Hadrian places all the books back into his Inventory. Deciding to go rest and then head back into the Dungeon, he heads to his room and starts to fall asleep on the stone platform.

“AHH!, .....shit” Hadrian awakes in a start, his rest once again ripped from him due to the horrors haunting his dreams. Sitting up he wonders if he’ll be ever able to have a restful sleep again, “Shit, the last peaceful sleep I had was when I died”

Getting off his makeshift stone bed, Hadrian heads into the main room's fountain wanting to get a drink. Hadrian starts to get ready, he wants to try and awaken his MANA core today. Hadrian decides to head into the Dungeon hoping that the floor full of undead will increase his chances at detecting Death MANA.

Not hesitating he jumps through the Gate. Landing on his feet he steadies himself from passing through the Gate, “God I can’t state how much I fucking hate going through that bloody gate”, planning to also scout out more of the town today, he starts to have a quick scout around the surrounding fields for any skeletons, making sure nothing would disturb him. After a quick search and finding nothing, he heads back to the field that is home to the Gate knowing the undead won’t cross over into it.

Sitting down near the Gate, he starts to use the meditation technique. It takes quite a while before he can fully settle into the meditation, trying to meditate in the Dungeon was testing Hadrian last nerve even in the field surrounding the Gate. Slowly but surely he gently falls into his meditation and starts to try and sense the MANA in the air, a good while passes before anything happens and then as if someone had flipped a switch he started to sense something.


It was like an object he could just catch out of the corner of his eye, little orbs filtering across his senses. As he focused on these orbs he was able to gain a clearer image of them, countless colored orbs littered his senses, blues reds golds whites yellows he could sense countless colors and all the shades in between. Hadrian was stunned remembering what he learned from his book about MANA, that every individual shade represented a different affinity.

The shock of such a massive amount of affinities existed had broken Hadrian out of his meditative state. The very existence of all those affinities showed him just how deep the magic system of these worlds might be, he quickly falls back into his meditative state wanting to awaken his core as fast as possible, not long later he starts to sense the wisps of MANA.

He gradually tries to get a feel of the Death affinity, knowing it’s what he needs to awaken his core. Slowly he starts to filter out the weaker affinities in the air, hoping that Death MANA would rich in his environment. Carefully he removes more and more from his senses until it hits him like a Tidal wave, a deep black wave of MANA bringing a primal dread with it, knowing that this was what he needed deep in his core.

It was like an old friend welcoming him home, he starts to try and control the Death MANA. Trying to reach out his senses and grab hold of the Death MANA poking and prodding it, hoping to move it. As he gradually gained a better sense of the MANA it began to react to him more and more until he could slowly bring them closer to his body.

Starting to surround his body with Death MANA encapsulating it with his own, after gathering what he assumes is enough around him, Hadrian carefully starts bringing the MANA inside his body. As the MANA enters his body it automatically starts to head to his chest revealing a core to Hadrian’s senses as the MANA seeps into it, encouraged by how it’s going he starts to pull more MANA into his body.

‘CRACK’ An audible sound echoes from within his body.




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