《New World +》Ch.12 Council
"And that's what happened." Andrew's finished explaining what happened to the way group as he sat in the middle of the fifty members of what could now be considered his royal guard.
"My god Andrew what the hell were you THINKING" Emily's voice could be heard from the walky as Don just sighed heavily.
"I'm pretty sure I explained all that already why didn't you pay attention!" Andrew whined in exasperation.
"Damit Andrew why didn't you do this twenty four hours ago then I would have been able to use the fifty dollars I just won" Lee shouted from the walky.
"That's what you find wrong with this!" Emily shouted back.
"And to be fair he didn't kill anyone so the bet still wasn't won" Jace spoke up off handedly.
"I'm sorry when did we all become psychopaths Andrew just stabbed someone and your joking about a fucking bet you made!" Emily shouted.
"Whoa calm down there miss wearing the body parts of her defeated enemies, and before you say it because I know you will yes feathers count even if they are fashionable. While we can all argue about the rightness or wrongness of his actions it was something of an inevitability when ever differing ideologies and beliefs come into contact with each other there will inevitably be conflict. Dealing with it now before it becomes something ingrained in our minds was a smart choice." Lee's defense made Andrew feel gratified that someone understood his stance although it didn't help that he felt a little awkward since it felt like he wasn't in the conversation anymore.
'Do they relive that they're still using the walkie?' Andrew had to wonder about.
"But they tried to make dialogue and he just stabbed them that's not reasonable that makes conflict!" Emily shouted out from the walky as one of Andrew's 'guards' spoke up.
"Why did you do that sir if they were willing to talk why fight them it doesn't make sense to me to just attack someone that trying to talk to you?"
"That's simple because they didn't want to talk. There are two way to look at the man one he was a person of power if he had an influential voice than his words would have been lies to get out of a tight situation they would have said anything to get out of trouble or two he had no power and people didn't listen to him in both cases the right thing to do was to press forward even ignoring all the potential ways we could have talked are way out talking is by its nature a tool for compromise you talk to find a middle ground were two groups can live together without either giving up to much but we can't really afford that" Andrew took a break in his explanation to take a drink "Ah... This might sound rambly and cliche but war and other things that we now consider savage existed to insure survival as a species." Andrew finished his little speech with another drink of water putting down the bottle in his hand he once again started speaking only this time addressing his friends.
"I need you guys to come back I have an idea on how to get everything on some kind of track but I need everyone to be working together for this together we can overcome this weird ass world in any cass I'm sure we can all agree we have a better chance of succeeding together than not you know the old united we stand divided we fall so what do you think." Andrew waited expectantly as the others considered the walky in his hand was deadly silent.
"I think you need to work on your motivational speeches that was the cheesiest and most boring thing i've ever had to sit through i'm cringing so hard right now" Jace laughed from the walky as Andrew grond.
"Come on man I was trying to be honest and truthful here." Andrew whined.
"That your problem if you're going to be going into politics your gona need to learn how to lie" Lee continued to poke fun of Andrew as he complained.
"Sigh... Don't listen to these assholes Andy I suppose I can forgive you it's not like you actually killed anyone but i'm pretty pissed about the whole thing and i'm sure plenty of people are too." Emily interrupted Andrews impromptu roasting with was something he was really glad about.
"Don't worry I expected that people tend to either Idolise their leaders or vilify them you never really see a middle ground until after the fact." Andrew said off handedly "Ok so the plan might be off putting to you but I think it's the best way to make this work I'll see you guys soon." and with that Andrew turned the walky off and stood up after looking around he turned to his 'guards' "Gather everyone up we're going to be having a meeting."
"What you can't be serious!" Emily shouted out.
"I agree that's ludicrous what gives you the right to control people's lives like that" Ashly echoed her own discontent. Andrew had to suppress a groan as he looked around at the 14 people around him that made up his newly minted counsel.
"I for one am quite happy with the arrangements" A soft well spoken voice said both Ashly and Emily turned to look as the dark haired girl clearly shocked.
"Rachal how can you of all people be ok with this." Ashly blurted out Rachal just ignored the outburst and answered with a roll of her eyes "Because i'm looking towards the future" her answer was curt as she turn to look as another girl with cream colored hair "I assume that you are also fine with this Maril."
"Oh yes I'm quite excited to begin documenting the local fuan." Mairl had a gleam in her eye as she smiled cheesily.
"Good make sure you bring your findings to one of my people so we can properly document it, that being said I asume Lee and Don will be working closely together so you can just compile your notes and research together." Rachal continued as she quickly looked around at the gathered council.
"to be honest I'll probably not be making many notes in the near future seeing as we'll be busy making shelters." Don add while looking at a sheet in his hands "It will probably take awhile for us to really need to take stock of what the hunters get." Finishing his statement Don took a drink and after clearing his throat he turn to the man next to him "No offence Than."
"None takin the guys I've got are pretty blue but i've got some ideas that I think will really improve our harvest you guys just focus on making everything we need to keep going." a tall boy with strawberry blond hair said turning to look at Lee he asked a question "So what do you think how about we all give a general game plan for what we're going to be doing?"
"I think we already decided on that Don and the builder cast will begin making shelters Lee and the researcher cast will be looking into what plants are edible as the masters of gardening and hunting you and Maril will be in charge of acquiring resources that we can use and as the chronicler and counselor Rachel and Ashley will be in charge of making sure everything runs smoothly you were all voted here by the will of your respective casts so i'm hoping you don't disappoint them. In addition while you represent the casts and while I'll generally refer to your judgment until otherwise stated this is a dictatorship I'm the one with the final say understand?" Andrew spoke as he looked at each on in turn He didn't like being like this but it was necessary for now. Everyone nodded before saying "yes caesar" and with that the council's first meeting ended without much fanfare.
"Can you believe that" Ashly was quite heated as she passed around "The fucking gaul of that guy casts a cast system that's just wrong!"
"I also found that unpleasant people should be allowed to do what they want in life they shouldn't be shackled to just one thing like a slave" Emily spoke up the four girls had gathered together after the meeting to talk "It was also kind of weird that he banned sex that really came out of the blue for me."
"I would think that would be self explanatory were teenagers that are alone without adult supervision beyond that it wasn't sex that was banned so much as having babies which given our situation should be obvious we don't know if we can get pregnant in this world or if we can what we'll give birth too or strange birth defects that could happen do to the child being made up of foreign matter on top of that I doubt anyone here has ever delivered a baby before it's better not to risk it" Merail said absently as she poured over detailed drawings of bird anatomy "Seriously how do these things live without origins" she muttered to herself as she turned the page.
"Well what about you Rachal why did you agree to this of everyone here you should have the least reason to want to do what that guy says" Ashley turned to Rachal suddenly "He stabbed your brother in the throat!"
"I will admit that's not earning him any favours but I don't feel like holding it against him after all an eye for an eye just leaves the world blind. Beyond that I know he's trustworthy after all if he was really bad he wouldn't have let you join his counsel he would have killed you or raped you or both." Rachal said simple as she worked to organize what the camp had as supplies Ashly's face had gone pale as she heard that "Right that's a thing isn't it."
"Well if you're willing to forgive him for hurting your brother guess I have no right to still be mad at him" Emily said with a shrug.
"Oh I didn't forgive anything I'm going to have to find some way of punishing the two of them" Rachal interrupted Emily as she looked through the sheets in her hand "And I think I found a good way to do it to." Ashly turned to her as she smiled wickedly.
"Wait why both of them?" having recovered a bit Ashly questioned Rachal "What did your brother do?"
"what did he do he walked up to an angry man armed with a spear you think i'm going to let him get away with that kind of idiotic behaviour! HE ALMOST DIED!" With that out burst Rachal shooed the three other girls away "I've got a lot of things to get done and if i recall you three do too, I'll see you girls later bye."
"So why Caesar exactly I thought you were more of a Justinian fan" Don asked Andrew as the two were working on making some clay bricks the outing that had turned into a nine hour long fight for their lives had at least turned up what they were looking for a small river with clay deposits right now they were working dry plant matter into the clay by stomping the two things together with their feet.
"Well you Know what happens to Caesar right?" Andrew asked as he tried not to think about the weird sludge that was seeping between his toes.
"Thats pretty dark Andrew I personally don't like the idea that you think were going to kill you." Don said with a frown.
"Thanks I personally don't like the idea of being killed." Andrew said with a laugh "You know when you do something and you think you're ready for the consequences then you realise that you really aren't ready for them thats what im feeling right now."
"Yeah I know how that feels just recently actually" Don said with a sigh as he stomped his leg down with a muddy thud "I'm sorry for that by the way." Andrew stopped what he was doing and looked at Don.
"It's ok man. To be honest I'm kind of flattered that you thought Emily had a crush on me." Andrew said as he poked the big man next to him "Have to admit though that was probably the most pointless thing you have ever done in your life."
"Shut up man I panicked, when I called Jace to help me out he laughed at me for half an hour!" Don explained while pinching his brow.
Andrew had to hold himself back from laughing too as he asked "So...he he... why didn't you..pff.. tell me?"
"I thought you would have died from suffocation." Don answered as he started to rub his temples.
"Ha.. ha.. really?" Andrew felt that that was unlikely but he also found the Idea that big old Don H. Borin would fall for a little spit-fire like Emily fucking hilarious.
"Ha ha what's the matter kong afraid of being shot down." Andrew ignored his friends put upon expression as he continued "Oh that Ann always monking around" Don groaned as Andrew collapsed to the side of the pit laughing uncontrollably.
"Dear God why did I show him that movie WHY!" Don was once again regretting the day he introduced Andrew to his favorite monster movie.
"HA HA HA HAHA HA AH THERE IS NO MONEY HERE HAHAHAHAHA ... huf...huf..huuu ok ok i'm good i'm fine it's not that funny not ...pff... funny at all ...ugh" Andrew grunted as he picked himself up.
"please say you're done" Don asked Andrew as he cleared his throat.
"Yeah I think I'm good" Andrew said as he stretched.
"OK Andrew please don't tell Emily why I lied to her she'd hate me more than she currently does, please." Don looked at Andrew in the eye Andrew froze and looked back before sheepishly smiling.
"Oh fuck no" Don turned around to see a stunned looking Emily the three stood staring for a bit before Andrew started to awkwardly whistle and Emily walked away for Don's part he just laid down in the clay pit.
"Can I die now just bury me here, on my tombstone just put a dunce hat on it or something, god could that have come out at a worst time or in a worst way" Don groaned as he laid in the mud hands covering his face Andrew leaned over him and started to poke him in the head.
"yeah that was probably up there. Why do you think she even came here in the first place wasn't she working with Ashley?" Andrew mused as he continued to try prodding some life into Don.
"Who knows maybe she wanted to talk to one of us unlikely since she was pretty mad at the two of us not to long ago" Don's voice sounded muffled by his hands.
"You going to go talk to her?" Andrew asked.
"Don't think she's wants to talk to me right now" Don groaned as he pulled his hands from his face as he sat up "Stop it now please." he asked as he swatted away Andrews prodding hand.
"OK... But shouldn't you let her tell you?" Andrew asked.
Don looked at him funny "is the guy that guy that stood out side school for three hours because he was afraid of the teacher trying to incourage me."
"Mrs. Jolin was fucking mean I still have nightmares about her" Andrew said as he glared at Don.
"So you have dreams of wrinkly old ladies then?" Don asked back at Andrew with a sarcastically puzzled look.
".................................OK then i'll just let you get back to your weird human relationship things then" Andrew then stiffly walked out of the mud and away from Don.
"you know you aren't striking the imposing figure of a leader when you walk like that" Don shouted at his departing friend.
"Fuck you I'm on vacation" Andrew yelled back.
"Vacation? there's no vacation here" Don cupped his hand to make his voice louder.
"I'M THE FUCKING BOSS IF I SAY I'M ON VACATION THEN I'M ON FUCKING VACATION" Andrew continued the match as he marched away walking backwards.
"well can't really say anything to that" Don muttered as he stood up he took a moment to think about what he should do..... "Well I'm Fucked."
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