《I Reincarnated Into a Fictional Character》Well, I tried


It is the moment of truth. This test will determine my future. I could become a significant character in the story or a side character with a mediocre role. I could finally find out if I could become a cultivator.

If I could, I could finally shed off my mortal shell, to become the cultivator I always meant to be... Hahaha, I mean the cultivator I dreamed of being. I am trembling as I walk up the stairs, feeling nervous and excited at the same time.

Furthermore, I suddenly have the urge to go to the bathroom to relieve myself. (Nah! I'm only nervous.)

I'm almost at the crystal... Blue…blue…blue let it be blue... Please, God, let it be blue. I chanted under my breath. I closed my eyes as I placed my palms on the crystal.

I felt nothing, no blinding light, or any reaction from the crowd. I opened my left eye to peek, and there is nothing, blank, no reaction at all. It broke my heart so hard, and I want to die!!! Huhuhu T_T .....

When I was about to withdraw my hand, the crystal starts to glow blue, then black, and then it settled to read. The colors changed in rapid succession, and I almost missed it. I'm not sure if the cultivators noticed the color changes since the light was faint before it settled to bright red.

At first, I was surprised because of the changing colors. What does it mean? After that, I felt disappointed because I have the lowest talent. But after thinking about it, I felt relieved. At least I have the chance to cultivate even if it's red.

What puzzled me, though, was the black color. I did not include black on the talent hierarchy or planned to have it in the later chapters.

Let's worry about that some other time; let's focus on the present.

I joined the other kids, then approached Miss Chen. I raised my hand, expecting a high five. She leaves me hanging, giving me a questioning look. My hand fell immediately. I realized that the concept of high five does not exist in this world. I gave her an embarrassed smile and made myself scarce.

Finally, the first level of testing finished. One hundred one kids passed, including me. It was supposed to be 100 since I was lazy to think for a better number, but another change has occurred because of my presence.


The next test will be conducted in the Sect. The results of the second test will determine where we will be assigned. The qualified children will have one day to say their goodbyes to their families. Tomorrow we will be departing for the Sect. This is, of course, is being announced by one cultivator, but I'm not listening.

The test is to awaken our martial souls. Each of us will be undergoing a QI shock. Meaning a cultivator will inject a small amount of his QI into our meridians, shocking them.

This way, it can be unblocked, allowing the stored QI in the body to circulate the meridians. Like it is jump-starting a car with a dead battery. Everybody has QI on their body, but the body can not use it. The body knows it has QI but can't sense it like it has forgotten how to use it.

By injecting QI into the meridians, the body will feel the external QI. It stimulates the body to sense the internal QI within like a man who has amnesia—being stimulated by an external object or an experience helping restore the forgotten memory. QI shock will assist in awakening the martial soul of a person.

This process puts the body in great danger for an average human. But not for those who have the talent for cultivation. For a person to manipulate QI and cultivate it, he or she must undergo this process. Of course, there is always an exemption to the rule. Some people have more excellent senses. Allowing them to sense the Qi by themselves without external help.

People like our protagonist, who is gifted by the heavens. He will be awakened by his own and will have the King Martial spirit... Damn, OP, right!! The King martial spirit does not mean he will become a Royal King. But, he will become the king of cultivators, the strongest. That's how I planned to end the web novel.

Oh, shit! I have forgotten vital info... He will awaken his martial soul after the death of his family...and the attack of the evil Sect will be tonight!

The evil Sect will attack town A! How can I forget about this?! Is being reincarnated made me forgetful? I don't know if I have time to warn the townspeople. Will they even believe me?

This time the children started scattering towards their homes.

I looked around, but I can't find Bo Jin; I could have warned him. Instead, it was miss Chen who I saw. I approached her, trying my best not to stammer.


"Miss Chen, I wanted to thank you for saving me earlier today. I know this will sound crazy, but this town will be attacked tonight by an evil sect. You can believe me or not, but try to be safe. Take care of yourself."

I expected her to laugh or say: "Are you crazy?" Instead, she was speechless. I'm not good at reading facial expressions, so I'm unsure what expression she is making now. She was about to speak when her bodyguards came and fetch her.

"Your welcome and goodbye," she said and went away.

Okay, that's the longest I talked to a girl. Whoa! That's not so hard... I almost collapse. I steadied myself and started to think about my next step. I know I could change the whole story if I don't allow the town to get attacked.

Bo Jin might not awaken his martial spirit without the death of his family. But I cannot, with my conscience to allow the end of many innocent people. It is different when you are writing about the death of hundreds of people in a story. Compared to a situation where the possibility of witnessing a massacre yourself.

Story/Fiction/Novel, etc. It is not real, made up, fake. Except for those stories based on real life. While this is reality... Big difference... Whether I accept it or not, this is my reality now whether I like it or not. Yet, this does not mean I forget everything I was before.

I cried for weeks when Bruno died. Bruno was my dog, my best friend. Yeah!! You got me!! I'm a sortie!! I'm not some guy who is hardcore, bloodthirsty, and remorseless; that would not blink an eye while many innocent people die!!!

Having this in mind, I started warning the townspeople of the impending doom of the town. I shouted and tried my best to convince everyone I pass in the street. That they should run away and save themselves, yet they just laughed at me, calling me crazy, kicking me out of the way.

How naive I was, who would believe a child beggar, without any credibility? I forgot that this place only feels the strong, not the weak. My last resort was to go to the Bo family residence and try to convince them. The townspeople will listen to the Bo family since they rule this town.

So there I was in front of the large gate of the Bo family. The magnificent entrance is the only thing that is preventing me from entering.

This will be easy...only a walk in the park... I only need to talk to Jin, and He would, believe me, right? It was me who created him (as a character), so I know him the best.

He was a spoiled brat, but after Bo Jin from "Earth" was reincarnated to his body, he "changed." That's what people thought, but the truth is, Bo Jin replaced the original owner of the body, who is a good person. You know...same plot as any reincarnation wuxia. I only hope this reality follows the script I wrote.

(If everything happened as I have written. I wonder if a guy named Bo Jin from China died and reincarnated to this world. Ooooohhh!!! This is Mind Blowing!!)

Two guards are stationed at the gates, so I approached them.

"Excuse me, gentlemen, can I speak to young master Jin?" Two of them looked at each other, and they seem puzzled.

Oh, shit! They might be confused about the way I talk.

"Who are you? Young Master Jin is a significant person; you dare to speak with him? A nobody!!" The taller guard hollered.

"I'm a friend of his; I must speak to him..." I answered shakily.

"You look like a beggar; our young master does not make friends with beggars. Go away, or I will kick you out of here!" This time it was the short one who spoke.

Damn, I'm here to fucking save you all from dying. But this is how you repay me. I shouted in my mind. If I said it out loud, these guards would likely kill me. I don't want to give up just like that, so I shouted.

"Young master Bo Jin...young master Bo Jin! An evil sect will raid this town tonight...young master Bo... I never knew what happened; next, I lost my consciousness before I could even struggle..."

I woke up the next morning on a pile of garbage outside of town. Did someone throw me at the dumps? Damn ungrateful bastards!!

I look up and found dark smoke rising from Town A.

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