《Onyx Dragonling》Magic


I decided to spend time in Crestview to learn magic inside the mage tower. I found out I had the affinity for fire, air and lightning magic. I have a suspicion that I have more but these mage's knowledge was too limited. Casting spells was alot more simple for me than humans as all I had to channel all my mana either to my claws or mouth and release the only difference was the fire which actually took my stamina and could be only fired from my mouth. Each element I used came out black which looked extremely cool. When I first used the air element everyone thought I created shadows or darkness. It is cool as I can spread pitch black air around and shroud the area in a cloak of darkness. After a month of studying I decided time to travel again but before I left Travis decided to give me a mage cloak with a medallion that signified that I was officially a mage which I thought was intriguing. A dragonling mageling who wore golden armor that can breathe fire but can't quite yet fly even though he jumped off said mage tower a couple of times and came off more annoyed than damaged.

Heading north from Crestview will lead us to a small unnamed village. The road leading there was still just dirt and the trees weren't much present, just more open plains. The trip there only took us a couple hours of casual walking. We only saw a couple of carriages which rushed once they saw me. The village was actually very lively once i got there. People were moving back and forth around doing different activities like moving furniture, baskets of clothing or barrels of some type of drink. They were so busy they didn't even notice me entering. I have no clue why everyone on this side of the world is so relaxed when there are dire wolves that could hunt them down. To be honest I haven't run into any dire wolves but the one. Maybe they aren't as threatening as I thought. Not wanting to make a scene, I just walked right through the village. I even saw someone looking at me but they just continued what they were doing. Why is that?


"Maybe the mage cloak is magical and alters your look for people."

What would I look like then I wonder? Dwelling on it wouldn't be productive on to our next adventure.

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