《HP The Birth Of Darkness》Chapter 28


As Albus whispers to Horace, little by little the latter's face began to change, from a smile he had, to a worried face and a little fear.

After seeing this, I decided to ignore the two of them while they were talking and focused on choosing the ingredients for the potion.

After a minute or two and having reviewed all the ingredients on the table, I chose all the ingredients that I believe meet the requirements to make a good potion

As I approach my seat where Filius is, I see that the teachers continue to whisper to each other, the other students also seem to realize that something abnormal happened because it is quite rare for a teacher to interrupt another in their class and even more so that the two teachers are whisper in the middle of a class

I put the ingredients on the table and as I sat down he asked Filius "what's going on? Did you hear something?"

To which he replied that he did not know anything, while his gaze reflected a bit of curiosity and also doubt

Little by little all the students selected to bring the ingredients arrived at their tables but no one began to work on the potion, the classroom was silent as the teachers whispered among themselves

After a few minutes Professor Albus says goodbye and leaves the room, while Horace walks slowly in front of us, looking worried.

"How maybe some of you can guess, a strange situation has happened in the school, at this moment you do not need to know exactly what has happened, what I can tell you is that the potions class has just been canceled, Slytherin students should come with me to the great hall "

'RAVENCLAW students will have to wait in this room until the prefect of their house arrives who will be in charge of taking them to their dormitories, "

"Slytherin students follow me"

I say goodbye to Filius quickly and go with my housemates in the direction of the great room

It seems they plan to gather all the Slytherin students in the Great Hall, to question him maybe?

The sure thing is that they will check the wands of all the students, but only a newbie would commit a crime in this place with his own magic wand

They're probably trying their luck if the killer is an idiot

Sorry I'm not an idiot

I wonder what the school's reaction will be when they can't identify the killer, that would be interesting, we'll find out soon

We all walked behind teacher Horace in complete silence, the teacher didn't say a word to us either

After walking for a while we reached the great hall, inside more Slytherin students and Director Dippet was waiting for us

As we entered the great room, the teacher Horace ordered us to sit with the rest of the students, while he approached to speak with the principal

I was able to observe the different reactions of my colleagues, some seemed somewhat worried about what was going to happen, others curious and the disinterested one was not lacking.

I could hear some whispering from them, trying to figure out what happened, because they were all gathered in the great hall.


Since no one wants to talk to me, I was silently watching the conversation between Horace and Director Dippet

I noticed that a couple of times Master Horace would look in my direction for a few seconds but quickly withdraw his vision from me.

They are probably talking about me as a possible suspect, talking about a suspect, I don't see young Andre

I imagine he will be crying in a corner, probably

As the two of them talked and time passed, they came to some teachers like GALATEA MERRYTHOUGHT professor of defense against the dark arts, or HERBERT BEERY the professor of herbology who arrived accompanied by some Slytherin students.

It must be Álbus's job, to notify the teachers of the situation

As in this situation, I can't do anything else, just wait, I start to analyze what can happen, think about what movements the teachers will make and if it would be necessary to counteract in some way.

As the minutes passed, more and more students were arriving, finally, Álbus entered, he closed the door of the great hall, approached the director Dippet and began to talk with him, it seems that they have already brought all the students

After the short talk between Albus and the director, Dippet, the latter spoke "Hello everyone, I'm sorry to have to interrupt your academic or leisure activities, but as you may have noticed, a situation has arisen that alarmed the teachers and school authorities "

"After talking with the teachers we have decided that temporarily they will not be informed in detail about what the event was or its implications, the only thing they need to know is that all clues point to a student from the Slytherin house being involved in the realization of a very serious act within the school, therefore we will investigate all the students, I hope they understand the seriousness of the matter and cooperate with us with the seriousness of the case "Director Dippet with signs of great concern on his face warned the situation students

"It seems that they do not have solid information about the case," I thought.

Dippet continued speaking and now giving instructions on what to do

"You will have to remain in the great room while individually the teachers present will be calling each one of you to carry out an interrogation about the actions that you have carried out in the last hours, I remind you that you must answer with the truth because your statements will be corroborated with which the rest of the students can give ", Dippet warned with great seriousness as he looked at all the students

"I suggest that you avoid silly cover-ups or lies, as the punishments for such actions can be extremely severe, such as expulsion from school for example."

Hearing about punishments such as expulsion, the atmosphere in the great hall underwent a change, you can see it on the faces of the students.

It only remains to wait for them to call me, I think I have a good alibi

The only problem that I can observe in the implementation of my plan is the girl who was reading in the common room, that the door had been opened and no one had entered or left seems a strange event


In normal situations, nobody would pay much attention to it, but now, that may give some clues to teachers

I look for her with my eyes in a sneaky way, but I can't see her in the crowd of students

Just wait

The teachers then start calling four students at the same time and take them through a door located near the teachers' seats.

The great hall is silent

After waiting and waiting, seeing how they call the rest of the students, it was my turn

".... And Alexander Gaunt" said, Master Horace

I entered that room with the other three students, the first thing I can see is the other 3 teachers sitting on a chair looking at us

"Have a seat with some of us and then we will ask you a series of questions" said teacher Horace

While the other three students think about it, I decide to go in front of the teacher Horace

I think Galatea is very serious and Hebert too lax, About Albus ... I have mixed feelings, he seems an excellent teacher and a good person, but I always have the feeling that there is something more behind that appearance, there cannot be a person who is so good at everything.

from my experience, it is these people who have the most problems and hide horrible secrets.

You can defend yourself against attacks; against praise you are helpless

the most notable option is Horace, I sit in front of him and we start talking

"Just to inform young Alexander, you are currently inside a barrier and the conversation we have here will only be heard by the two of us."

"Having said the above, I ask him to tell me in great detail what he did today, where he was, with whom, who saw him in those places, among other things," Master Horace told me

I told him in great detail everything I did today, what time I got up, then I went to a class in the history of magic, who I was with, then I went to my room, where I met a girl in the common room, which I did in my room and then while I was going out I saw the same girl again, heading to the library where the librarian saw me come in and out hours later when I was going to potions class with Master Horace

As I related my activity today to the teacher, he took notes of some things on a parchment.

After I finished my story, the teacher Horace told me "okay, sir. Alexander, I will take your testimony into account and it will be corroborated with the rest of the students, if everything is correct then surely there will be no problem for you, we are finished, you can go to the great room while we finish with the rest of the students "

As he went out he observed the other teachers, of the three students there were only two left, the one with Herbert already left.

I stood in the great hall while I waited for all the students to pass, Director Dippet constantly looking at the group of students who had already given their testimony, trying to look for some sign that betrays something, I imagine

After an hour or two all the students finally passed, but the wait was not over yet, we had to wait another hour while they searched the suspects and discarded the rest of the students.

When the four teachers finally left they did not show any expression on their faces, it seems they do not want to give information, the teachers Albus and Horace approached the director Dippet and spoke with him for a while

"Thank you for your patience, according to the report you have just presented to me, I can happily say that none of you told a lie, I am proud to know the values ​​and that you can demonstrate the dignity of the Slytherin house"

"Next we will call some students to perform some tests on their magic wand" explained the director Dippet

Quickly Master Albus and Horace began calling students into the room again and testing the latest spells performed by the wand.

Now that I remember, I have yet to cast any spells with my own wand.

it's curious

I wait quietly for them to call my name, twenty minutes later they called me, teacher Albus checked my wand "a beautiful wand Mr. Alexander" he commented to me

"Thank you Professor" I replied dryly

The teacher made "Prior Incantato"

Indeed, no image came out of me casting a spell

"As you can see Professor I have not yet performed any spell with my wand"

Professor Albus looked at me as if trying to see something else, which I cannot clearly achieve.

he wrote something down on a parchment and said "thank you for your collaboration Mr. Alexander you can go to the great hall now"

I went back to the classroom and waited for all the students to pass

after twenty minutes of sitting it seems they are done with the suspicious students.

"Thank you all for your time, we have already finished with the investigations, then everything will be taken by the head of your house to your rooms, there will be a meeting early tomorrow in this same room and everyone must be ready before 8 o'clock in the morning. Tomorrow in their rooms, it will be the prefects who will bring them, no one can leave the Slytherin house, it is strictly forbidden to leave their rooms during tonight, I hope you have a good night ", finished Director Dippet

As we followed Professor Horace I was thinking about what just happened

I think there is some kind of suspicion against me, but it must be based on Andre's testimony, there is no indication that I would do it

nothing happened until we got to my room, I think I'll go to sleep immediately so as not to arouse any suspicions.

as I lie down to rest, I relax, after a few minutes, I feel that I am about to enter a vision ...

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