《Anon: Goddess of Anonymity》Chapter 2 - Majesty and Menus


Where were you as the summer heat gave drought?

Collecting the fickle amounts of water from wells.

Have you seen the summer birds dance?

No, they've died long since then.

I'll say, I'll say,

just where were you

When the summer heat gave drought?

The [Assembly of the Gods] took place once every decade. Gods and Goddesses, no matter how menial or major partook in the (somewhat optional in participation) event. Known on the surface as an important conference by the mortal planes; divine beings had more time than sense and in reality it was but a grand party hosted by His Majesty, King of the Gods, who was in fact fairly carefree in nature.

The event normally took place at the Palace of Creation itself in a large, grand hall named [1.] Its magnificence was said to surpass the beauty of the River Goddess; with walls ingrained with precious jewels and floor made of the most beautiful granite. Exquisite paintings and beautifully carved sculptures- all over centuries old- decorated its venue.

An aura, no inferior to that of a minor God, could be felt excluded from the years compiled of this ridiculously mysterious place. Mortals say that rumour has it: anyone who managed to cast only witness upon the hall will be exposed to an intense amount of mana and turn to dust immediately. The hall was said to be a forbidden ground to even overpowered Heroes!

The Gods and Goddesses themselves have discussed the rumour however, and concluded it to be partially false.

Currently, said King was in a dilemma true to his own. He sat in his office, decorated extravagantly with weapons of all nature and magical crystals, rarer than any other. Plus, amongst other luxury items, foodstuff- in which were most plentiful as they stood stacked in mountainous volumes by the corner of his office.


Gods and Goddesses had no names, but for convenience purposes they take a nick-name in place. Anon, for example, required hers through the first few alphabets of her title: The Goddess of (Anon)ymity. His Majesty the King, called himself simply as 'Majesty'

As of late, Majesty had his fingers cupped to his chin. His eyes in a daze, the well-built God hummed in contemplation of the menu for this year's great feast. 'Seafood could be the theme, but wouldn’t that offend the Sea God?' Majesty thought carefully. He didn’t want to go with vegetarian again, the God in charge was hysterical then. Animals- mammals, or reptiles were an option too but... the same problem would occur.

A light brightened in Majesty's gold rimmed irises. He tapped his finger on his desk and summoned forth a servant clad in a simple lilac uniform. The figure kneeled before his King and politely inquired of Majesty's wish. The God gave an order, albeit laughingly, "This year's theme shall be colourful. Have all variety of foods prepared. Open-mindedness shall be practiced."

“As you wish.”

‘Gods, goddesses alike do not even have it compulsory to consume food or water. But his Majesty always insisted… Why?’ wondered the servant to himself as he left the King’s office.

Anon, on the other hand, remained firmly seated on her couch with the book at hand. War, so was the uninvited God’s name- remained standing not too far from where the Goddess was. He stared at her still figure, mind seemingly afar. Faint clinks were heard; silver windchimes rang clear. The atmosphere turned serene.

“Okay.” responded Anon finally.

War didn’t even bother to look relieved. The hurried steps back to his own manor was obvious. The muscled God already predicted of her answer but only remained for courtesy's sake; so His Majesty the King wouldn’t be able to reprimand him for being lazy and disobeying menial orders- or playful whims, as a matter of fact.


And he was in charge of wars, for existance's sake.

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