《One Who Questions》Chapter 21


Once dinner was over, there was nothing but a few scraps left over, with Jeremiah and me eating most of the food. With the two girls having two plates max compared to our ten. Jeremiah wasn't kidding. An increase in stats really does increase appetite. The simple meals I was eating at the guild wasn't doing me service. I should learn to cook like Emilia.

She took care of the mess, of course using {purify} to clean the dishes and Emily putting them up afterward. I can't keep waiting to learn this spell. Basic magic like this is a necessity. "Emilia, can you teach me {Purify}? It shouldn't be that hard, right."

"I wouldn't mind Jack, first. Do you know how spellcasting works?"

"I get the gist of it. Intent and words to channel your mana. I've seen others use different phrasing for the same effect. Am I close."

"Very good job Jack, so what's stopping you from trying it out?"

"I mean, it can't be that easy, right? Words intent and mana, and that's it?"

"There are wordless magic, ritualistic base, blood magic, and much more, but for basic spells such as {Purify}, it truly is that easy. Experimentation for a mage is the cornerstone to growth, balance, and strength."

With those words, I spoke my very first spell. I reached a trance state similar to when I meditate. "Clean the land below my feet and above my head," simplicity is key to all situations. With that, I exhaled, releasing my intent into the world with my mana to follow.

Opening my eyes, I could see a burst of green mana erupt from my body. Radiant outward covering the entire apartment from top to bottom, not a single speck of it was left untouched. I was drained. What the fuck {Purify} couldn't be this draining of a spell, could it. Looking towards Emilia, I needed answers. "Why am I so drained? This shouldn't be normal, right."

"Sorry, Jack, I forgot to tell you the aftereffects of new spell creation. I mean, firsthand experience is always better than second right."

"Please tell me why I feel exhausted for no reason now."

"It because your soul 'evolved' or at least that's the best way to express it. Learning a new spell requires your soul to do something it has never done. Just as exercising tires your body, so does spell work your soul. With this being your first time consciously doing it, your soul didn't know how to handle the impact."

"Keyword consciously, are you telling me that subconscious magic is possible?"

Jeremiah took over the answering for Emilia. "You ask so many questions hearing your blabber is annoying."

"Magic is constantly in the works, subconscious or consciously. It's always happening. The two key components are the spirit and thought. The system allows us to consciously command reality and effect it with our conscious acts. Let me guess on your world psy magic and Qi. We're just things of legends, right?"


"Yeah, they were, folk tales and superstitions at best."

"That's because your god limited your race ability to subconscious effects. If you ever hear someone talking about being a spirit user, stay clear of them because they can always change the odds in their favor. Thoughts have more power than you think. Think positive, and you'll get positive results, and the same goes for negative. That's the power of the spirit to alter the very face of reality to fit your mold of what is and what is not. When your world's people get here, teach them this lesson. 'Never doubt who you are, and success will find you' Doubt is the truest enemy to the source."

"Thanks, Jeremiah"

"Don't thank me, just stop asking questions I'm trying to read."

"There goes your answer Jack," Emilia spoke in reassurance. Now, are you sleeping here or back at the guild?"

"If you'll have me, I'll sleep here."

"Of course, we'll have you."

"Now you're offering my house to bums." Jeremiah grumpily replied with l, but in honesty, I felt no hostility in his words. Emilia and I let them slide.

"Emilia, what time does the library close? Before coming here, I needed to do some research. The guild gave me a special assignment I need to make sure I'm prepared."

"Most public Facilities don't close since there automated to a certain extent. Not sure what your rank is but everything to D rank is accessible 36/7."

Before I knew it, a book was thrown at my head.

"Stop asking questions and get out. I told you I'm reading."

"My bad, I'll leave, see you guys later" With that, I left, heading towards the library. I gave Emilia a genuine smile, unlike the solemn one from before. Jeremiah might be an ass, but he means well.

Jeremiah & Emilia POV

"Now that's he's gone, tell me, what do you see in this kid."

"Jeremiah, how many people do you know would risk their own lives to save another"

"Not many, Emilia, but we both know he's a newborn thrown into the snake pit."

"Exactly, that's why I trust him. He's a newborn thrown into the snake pit, but that fear didn't conquer him. He risked his for mine. I know he hasn't experienced much yet. But acts like those carry good favor by the source. Jacks' special somehow, and I still can't pinpoint what. I know you can see it to Jeremiah.

"Shut up, Emilia, we'll watch the kid. He's got something I can admit. Let's see if it survives and prospers or dies and withers."

"Your such a Debby downer, after giving such a speech an inspirational on positive thought."

"Leave before I throw the book at you like I did the boy."

"Love you, brother-in-law," Emilia walked off to check up on Emily.

Jeremiah thought to himself as she left. Good thing I didn't kill the boy earlier. She's right. He does have that 'something.' Maybe he'll spice up the place.


Jack POV:

The library was nothing like I expected. It was magnificent in design with statues of multiple races. Some I recognized from bearskin, dwarf, and orcs. With some new ones, including a tree person. That's the best I could describe it. If you could imagine a tree as a person, that's what this statue was showing. Each had plaques underneath them. To my surprise, all but one had was readable to me. That was the tree person; his name was Dareth. Under his name was a quote, 'Knowing you within you is beauty, do not forsake it. For that is your wisdom."

I wouldn't have minded meeting him, not knowing if he was alive or dead. I could only take his words with me.

Entering the library, I saw a male dwarf receptionist and walked towards him.

"Hi Mr. Talbot, how may I help you."

"I'm looking for books on Qi Mana and Psy, and they have to be in the universal language. Lastly, beginner-friendly is a must."

"Universal language, hmm, with your current rank, you do have a limited selection. I should be able to find something one second, Mr. Talbot."

I'll never get used to the blank stare they all do when searching through their system. While he did that, I looked around, to my surprise, it wasn't that many books. Very few, in fact, with most being on the second story of building in a secluded spot. Most of the library was decor and tables and chairs. Then I remembered status screens. Who needs books when you have an on-demand screen.

Mr. Talbot, I found five books for you. All five are non-rank. Not to surprise you, but three are categorized as children material. Still informational but considered elementary level books. The remaining two were given out to noncombatants oriented individuals still wishing to learn the basic of Qi Mana and Psy control.

The disappointment wasn't the only emotion I was feeling, but reluctantly this was all I could do at the moment. "I'll take them"

"Please extend your hand so I access your system status. These books do have a 1-day limit because of their designated rank. If you accept, I can complete the process."

"I accept" Similar to map skill transfer. The newfound information was transported into my brain, readily available to learn from. I'm positive I'll never get used to this feeling. I could tell a part of the brain was forcefully imprinted with what was needed for me to have this information but not understand. Imagine having a book, and by merely touching it, you gain all the words printed on the paper at once. But with none of the understanding attached to them. I needed to know."

"I have a question, do these transfers cause brain damage or alter my brain in any state."

The question made the dwarf ponder for a minute before answering. Alter Yes, damage technically No. All the process does is transfer skills or information from one entity to another. As long as the physiology is similar enough to one another, then there is no harm. Of course, races like the atherials or manatherian have special workarounds but nothing major. Now when it comes to damage, this where ranking is crucial. Without proper ranking, cerebral overload from information complexity would result in death, mental retardation, or a multitude of mental health problems. Mr. Talbot, please be advised underground transfers are strictly illegal for a reason. I would not have to report you to the guild for any reason understood."

That last sentence had a sense of seriousness that I knew meant business. "Understood, you have nothing to worry about from me. Before I forget, is this information locked to the library, or can I leave. Lastly, can I have a history book on manatherians"

"You can leave whenever you want, Mr. Talbot. This isn't a prison, sir, also the book on manatherians will cost 1 silver. Also, racial history is considered a special category non ranked"

Paying, I left the library to head back to the apartment, or should I call it a house. With the amount of space inside, it could be called that. Whatever I got my info now it's study time. Let's hope I gain some wisdom and intelligent increases from this.

Thinking about it, I should have gotten books on what exactly stats do. Even with the increase in int and wis, I don't feel wiser or smarter. Hogan's will probably go over this tomorrow, one thing at a time. Rushing things will just lead to half-ass knowledge and, at worst, the wrong understanding of the basics.

Entering the apartment, Emily greeted me. She was reading some book I couldn't possibly read the title of.

"Hey Jack, your back already?"

"Yeah, I'm about to read up on the different energy types."

"If you ask Uncle Jeremiah, you can use his blank books to read them. He says he doesn't like the blank stare people get when reading from their status screen. To be honest, it is pretty creepy" Like most kids, she made an exaggerated face to show her feelings. The stark contrast between her and the first time I met her couldn't be any different. She's a child, but I know from firsthand experience she has that warrior determination inside her. But I think we all can agree it would best for her to keep that small piece of innocence left in her a tad bit longer.

"Thanks, Emily, I'll ask Jeremiah, where is he right, right?"

"In his room, he said he's going to sleep. Something about a night raid later tonight."

"I'll just wait then. No point in waking him up and getting on his bad side."

Moving over to the couch, I opened the first book that piqued my interest. 'The basics of Qi' by Herald Kingsfold

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