《Unstable dungeon》Chapter 7
"Malit! Sorry to interrupt your making out, but your mother needs someone by her side at the moment. I will be doing something important, if she mentions me say 'he's not angry', do you accept?"
"What? Of course! Where is she?
Contract firmed
"Her room. Gris, you're coming and helping me with in making some medicine." He ordered.
Some half an hour later.
"Hello, this is Souls and essences, the best exports company in all hell. I am Nina and will be your liason, how can I be help?" Asked a sweet and melodious voice coming from inside Aki's brain.
"Well, first of all, I would like to ask for the company's contact number. I don't think I can keep this makeshift ritual for much longer without bleeding my son in law to death."
"... That would be 646877778 sir." Said the unprepared receptionist. "One moment, I will connect your call to our normal line, please wait a moment and keep the ritual going." She said and immediately some elevator music started playing.
'Shame I'm a sphere and can't appreciate this.' she was back in two minutes.
"Try stopping the ritual now sir." He did and the connection didn't fall. Rapidly closing Gris' wound, Aki said he would need to focus and gave the man a potion on a slime he used more mana to instantly summon.
"Well, I guess that makes a hundred liters of blood well spent. Now, I'm Aki, a dungeon core, and I would like to make a business proposal to your company. Besides my purchase of several materials, of course."
"Of course sir. There are some procedures to be followed before that though, are you free to fill some things in before continuing?"
"Oh, yes, totally free. Sorry, forgot about the questions."
"No problem sir. It seems you are familiar with the way these parts of hell work, would you mind informing us how?"
"I used some crystals I produced while I tried summoning some things over and I got several demons from that. One could talk to my mind, so I interrogated it before killing and storing it's soul fragments. Wasn't that hard to fool, it was probably young." Partially a lie since he actually did use the diamonds, but he knew about the different ways hell might work for years now.
"I see" tacktacktacktack… "Than, before proceeding, I will need to know how you intend to pay sir."
"Well, that depends, can the link support magic jewels of 70-80 purity?"
"A bit hard, but yes, it can."
"I can pay with ten diamonds with the aforementioned purity, some biological blueprints I've made, units of pure mana or some souls I keep around."
"We don't deal with simple souls here sir, but the rest are all viable options of payment. You can directly send a copy of your blueprint and the credits will be deposited to your account after making it. Do you have any doubts before we begin with that?"
"Not really."
"Understood, than…"
One account creation later.
"I would like a skill book on common and some books on basic and intermediate curses and hexes. Relative to the world I currently am, of course." He said after looking at his final balance.
"Why the hell are there so many wolves in here and why do they all look different?" Asked the confused women.
"Oh, you came nya~!" Said the disembodied voice. "Iye got a new twitle! And I juast needed to make douggies! Looky:
Dungeon of monster research (III): Obtained by creating fifty successful blueprints of monsters. Spawning monsters created by the dungeon costs 15% less resources"
Allow me to skip Aki on a high.
It isn't fun when you're the one seeing the bastard going from one emotional peak to the other, I promise.
Why is he like that you ask? Well, it's because he downloaded the books directly to his brain and got like this while his core felt like it was going to explode and go dry at the same time while most of his senses told him a lot of info all at once.
"So you can already heal mon?!"
"I know how, but I'm going to do a few test runs first to be sure."
"I can kind of guess the half dead thing isn't an option anymore, but what would happen if you did it?" Asked the patient in question.
"The curses in you would eat the magic trying to mix with your body and become stronger as they eat it, so it would only be temporary and would reduce the effectiveness of the medicine you already take." Aki explained. "I could try and make it so it wouldn't matter what happens to your heart, lungs, throat and hip bones, but that would make you a full blown undead, and truth be told, if it is not someone with at least advanced level of knowledge in necromancy, then you have a high chance of eternally dying in the process. The damn slavery curse is the main problem, but the other three sure don't help circumventing it."
"Wait, mon still has a slavery curse? That's not possible." Said an incredulous Malit.
"I Imagine It Is not supposed to be my business to tell you, but I'm too damn pissed to care. Slave marks have a part that causes lasting effects on the body if the hex is not constantly taken care of by the slave's owner. It has been constantly eating at her for years now. She would die of multiple organ failures in 2 years if the tribe didn't raise enough funds to get someone to snuff it out. She didn't seem to be planning on doing that though."
This caused the small goblin to tear up. When she turned to her mother, she didn't say anything. She just ran away.
"Did you really have to do that?" Asked the somber woman.
"Don't act like she wouldn't figure it out. Even if only after you died had I not been here."
"That has nothing to do with you." She bitterly said while looking down.
"Dear, you know how many times I've told my mother I've chickened out of suicide? Three. Than I stopped caring enough to tell her. I made sure she wouldn't see me trying to suffocate or jump because I knew she'd care. And I care about you. Now shut up and let me save you. Go talk to Malit, because you threw away any chance of dying the moment you accepted me. Yes, I noticed the implications, that's why I'm even more pissed and determined to make you really love me." By the time he finished she was already crying and red with shame. And anger. At both him and herself.
What implications is he talking about? You didn't understand that? Well, I see you are still pure of heart, so I'd suggest you go away.
Still here? Don't care. She was planning on seducing and using him because she considered herself expendable. Plenty of ways she could turn his contracts against him and get the tribe a strong backer. To a man with extreme lack of self esteem, of course he is still questioning whether she did start to like him at all, if she simply used him as a stress toy and didn't feel anything else in the mindscape, if she even liked his touch like he liked hers.
She does. Definitely. She wasn't lying on the moment she said they should marry. He would only get the protector title otherwise.
Though, I can properly read all these guys are…..
A week later.
As Gobu lost himself to his curiosity and peer pressure, he once again entered the core room to investigate what was producing all those sounds of bone and meat breaking while letting uninterrupted soul chilling screams.
"This… what is this monstrosity…"
"I knew you were a reincarnated person!" Said he voice of Aki as the floating ball of flesh full of alien faces contorted in agony and despair in their own way, stopped screaming and shifting. "No offense, but you're quite bad at acting if you fell for some medium level com like this." Said Aki while sprouting a tentacle and pointing to the before mentioned mass of tumorous flesh.
"B, B, boss! What are…"
"You just spoke in a language from an empire from the other side of the freaking world dude. That's what I'm talking about. Don't forget I can see your titles mister 'Great virgin'." Said Aki, actually impressed the man could keep his virginity at this point.
"Who are you? What do you want?" Said Gobu with a cold and murderous tone, the light of his eyes changing completely.
"Aki. The same guy you've know for the past 2 weeks. I want a happy, cute family and a fun routine I can share with those I love." Said jackass, with a similar tone.
"You know, it's bad manners not to introduce yourself as well, but just so you know, I will keep calling you Gobu no matter what your name and title are." That was in a much more relaxed tone by the way.
"Is there even a reason to introducing myself then…" Said the confused man.
"Not really. After all, you may have reincarnated but I've been doing constant appraisals of different levels on you this whole time, you haven't retained a single title or skill from your past life. Right now you are just 'Gobu'" That struck a nerve.
"Let's get to the point, what now?" Said the much more calm goblin.
"We talk. Have I proved to be anything less than a friend? If I wanted to do something I'd already have taken your soul for myself. Wouldn't be that hard even if my wife is currently still pouting even after I fixed our bridge after getting her mad."
"... You are married?" He said with surprise.
"Well, yeah. Me and the xamã. We make a great duo and the seed of love has already started blooming in our needy hearts, couple all that with the goblin culture and we had a private ceremony. Impressive how we had our first fight right after, but that happens and everything is fine for now, we will just slowly solve the problem." Aki explained while trying not to have a reincarnated being exploding in his face out if despair. "Back to what we were talking about. Bela, that's how I call my wife, already suspected you were not a simple goblin, she just didn't have much of an opportunity to throw you around for tests yet and wasn't that worried cuss you didn't seem to actually care for anything but safekeeping those close to you. Well, I do care about this place, so I'd like to make a deal with you. I think you will find it very beneficial for both of us.
Some days later, as Aki explained to Gobu and Bela how they could use a mind reading spell to plagiarize tons of books from his world, a new batch of elves came to visit.
They said they came to make Aki sign the contract and directly went to the core chamber. On the way, about half of the ten elves in the procession scoffed at the various wolves and spiders in the three corridors leading to the core room. Some even laughed as the hobgoblin guiding them stubbed her toe and almost fell face first, but the woman in question didn't let much out in her expression.
Dungeon Aki formally greets you.
"Welcome your excellencies. Since you've come unexpectedly soon we could not procure drow delicacies, so I'd ask of you to forgive us. May I offer you some tea, milk or juice?" Politely said a childish voice.
Yep, that's Aki. No vocals, no need to train to change your voice.
"No need for such frivolities. I will perform the contract spell now and we can be done with it. Everyone not related may leave now" Said the woman with a small hint of a smile.
Inside Aki's mindscape.
It's one trippy shit I tell you. Actually looking around would give a normal human vertigo and most likely make an adult vomit.
Kaleidoscopic waves of bright color all converging in black, gray and then white, then back to all the specters. That's the general color scheme of most things.
There's a big mithril chest floating over an altar, some books encased in gold around the same region together with a tumorous, giant beating heart full of scars. That's his core. The center of a bug shits storm.
The rest of the scape has tentacles slowly wringling around, nightmares, those demonic horses, roaming plains of black grass while preying on everything that moves, chameleon walking everywhere while immediately changing colors to match the rainbow or gothic surroundings, sex demons listing over totally degenerated forms of sexual pleasure, so on so forth.
This was a representation of Aki in full. All his fears, desires, experiences, love… it's all more than enough to entrap the whore who tried to enslave him with contract magic.
No idea what I mean right? You seen the last airbender? Look at the explanation of what the lion turtle says at the end. It's the same concept as bending will and inner energy.
Oh, right, I didn't explain shit, did I? Well, the resumed version is that this isn't the group sent by the drow to form a contract. They're traitors from the same place, but they wanted to capture Aki for the reason he was actually scared of in the beginning, being made into a battery, a magic focus, a pet, a pretty stone in someone's neck.
Aki noticed this not from their obviously evil worshipper titles, most of the drow pantheon can be categorized as such, but by the fact that they charmed his wife. The moment they did that, he stopped giving a shit about who they actually were and decided to get them.
First he woke her up first though. By way of making her stub her toe from a rock he just made. Then he explained to her in a few words so she would pretend to still be under a spell.
By the way, the woman right now is:
"You will obey. In time. But for now you are to suffer." Said the tall, completely white manikin shoving it's hand down the woman's throat while making spikes around his arm after they entered. All that in a creepy monotone. A new meaning to suffocation play and ravaging her insides.
It was stopped on the 20s mark though.
Groaning in a strange voice it could only pick its whole arm back in a fast manner, practically ripping the woman inside out, which was quite disgusting both in the first time and when it played back in reverse.
As all three entities torturing her stepped back to avoid the vomit, which came mostly as stomach acid when you consider there wasn't actually anything inside her, only her thinking she should vomit after something like that made her.
"And she would die if you kept going. We still need info. It's my turn anyway, why don't you choose me a music Kie?" Asked a more perfect version of Aki. Big muscles, 1,90 of height, wearing some comfortable clothes, a well cropped beard on his whole face and a charming calm smile. That's the man he wants to be.
As the manikin saluted him with a finger, he also opened his mouth enormous, filled with rows of shark like teeth, mouth and took his cellphone out.
To the sound of Killer, from Ready Set, Aki picked the woman on her four by her head and slowly started breaking her teeth one by one with his other hand. When he finished the upper side of her mouth he stopped and looked her in the eyes with pity one would would have for an ignorant child.
"You know, we can stop this. You just have to let me in. You just have to obey a new lord. Nothing will become of you, following someone so weak. Here we can have everything in the tip of our fingers. I am better than those idiots you call gods."
As he finished speaking he pressed his free hand on her breast and instead of groping it, the hand passed through her like a ghost.
"Good girl." Aki smiled a little and skeamed through her memories. He'd won a bet with getting her to open up too.
After healing her, he got her to stand and put the hand inside her on her shoulder. Instead. "You will eventually see that secretly serving me is the best decision you have made in your whole life dear Alanis. Before you go, I want you to stay with us for some time. You will learn much from me. With enough time, you won't just dream of level 100, but much, much more." Said Aki to his newest slave-priest.
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