《I died reincarnated and died again》Chapter 27: Scholarship


After we healed our body up we went back and waited for the announcement of the exam. There were more people then in the exam because the parents and siblings of the examinees were there. Proma was with us. (Proma be with us on this trying day)

After a bit of waiting a middle-aged man came out of the door and went behind a pult and said: “I will now read out the names of the examinees that passes the test” and then started to read names. I had no worries if we passed or not then I went inside the building as a ghost and looked at the examinees that passed. Soma on the other hand didn’t and he was restless.

Than finally after about 5 minutes of restlessness which felt like an hour for proma his name was said. On the outside he looked cool and collected but inside his head he was about to leave the body in joy. The only reason he looks so collected is because I took over the control so he wouldn’t run around and scream “I DID IT!” that would have been funny, though.

I let him calm down and gave him control again. We were now already in the room where the people that passed were supposed to go. Proma was left behind because only examinees were allowed to go further. After that there was a person that explained to us what would happen from now on.

It was an extremely long talk(?) with many unneeded stuff so I will tell you it in short: From now on we will have to go to the capital and take another test there to see in which class we will come. That depends on our age, (depending on what class we would take) learning ability and knowledge (theory); current max MP, MP Regeneration, speed in which we learn spells, already learned spells and what we have attributes (Magic); Strength, Speed, dedication and potential (The combat stuff). After that we will be divided into classes to so people come together with similar good people so they can let people learn in the pace they are good in and that people don’t have to learn too many things they already can. Otherwise it could be that it is like the in music classes where there are people who learn an instrument and people who don’t. In that case the people who already learned and Instrument are often pretty bored for example when notes are learned because they already can do that.


The estimate amount of people that passed in this city are 30 people. Since this is the biggest city after the capital i can guess that there aren’t that many people from the other cities. I would guess it is about 200 or something. But that doesn’t include the people from other nations. One of the reason this kingdom didn’t have war with other kingdoms in a long time is that many nobles and even royalty sometimes send there children here. Royalty doesn’t do it that often but it does happen.

Because of that they have good relationships with many kingdoms because many of their authorities graduated from their school. A thing what some nobles mostly from other countries criticise though is that they let commoners in their school. The kingdom does this so that even commoners with talent can go to school so they can get their full potential. There were many commoner ‘champions’ that came from this school.

(Champions are extremely strong people that would normally go either to high in the S rank or low in the SS rank.)

After the speech was over everyone went to prepare their stuff. We also wanted to go but before we could go the man said we and another 2 other people should stay

“You three were good enough in the test to get scholarship. Congrats” the man said with a slide hint of overwork and disinterest. I know that look. He looks like me in my previous life when I worked as programmer.

“If you want to we can arrange a carriage to get you to the capital. If you want to than come tomorrow morning at 8 am to the second gate” Soma and the other two nodded. I looked at the mother two scholars. One was a boy about half a head higher than our body. He looked like someone who would sell his brain for more strength but nice nonetheless. He had brown hair and dark eyes.


The other was a girl a bit shorter than Soma. She had long green hair and white yellow clothes. Her eyes were also green. If I remember correctly, she had “plant magic” a rare type of magic that sometimes forms if a person had water and earth attribute. The green hair and eyes is probably caused because of the magic she possesses. It could also be that she is a descendant of the woodland elves which would not only explain their green hair but also the plant magic. The woodland elves are a special “clan” of elves that specialize in plant magic. I can’t confirm it though because her hair obstructs the view on the ears.

After the overworked guy left the from me proclaimed muscle brain started to talk to us and the plant girl. “So you guys also got scholarship, huh? My name is Falos , by the way. What did you guys sign up for?” the girl answered first “Ma-My name is I-Ivys and I signed up for m-magic and knowledge…” she said. Seems she is a bit awkward and reluctant. “Okay I-Ivys.” He said jokingly and then said “And you?”

“My n-name is Soma and I si-signed up for magic and kno-knowledge. Same as Ivys” he said. Ivys and soma would go great together. “Huh. I signed up for combat (I know decided to call it combat) and magic.” He said. ‘Magic, huh? Well at least I didn’t think he would have taken knowledge.’ I thought to myself. “How about a mock battle then? In magic of course after all no one of you two took combat.”

I blinked a bit with my non existent eyes. Then I looked at soma and I saw that he had the same thoughts as me ‘That guy doesn’t know us for more than two minutes and the first he wants to do is a mock battle.’ “Maybe later…” Soma and Ivys said almost in unison.

“Awwwwwww…. Why not though?” Falos said “I still have something to do…” soma said and Ivys nodded and said “S-Same for me…”

“Too bad… Well we will have enough time to do it. After all we will go to the same schoo. Anyways see you later.” And with that he wandered off. Soma wanted to do the same but Ivys hold him at his arm. “What i-is it…?” Soma asked. “I just wanted to ask who that person is that is flying besides you?”

To be continued in chapter 28

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