《I died reincarnated and died again》Chapter 28: Spirit Eyes


I blinked a few times to check if I am sleeping then I remembered that I only sleep if I exhausted my MP to the limit… ‘did I sleep since I created the new part?’ “W-W-What d-do y-you me-mean?” soma stuttered.

“I-I mean that p-person” Ivys said while pointing at me. Does she have a special sight or something? If she really was related to elves she could have “spirit eyes” which is a special ability that let’s you see spiritual beings no matter if they are invisible or not. And I am a spiritual being…

“Y-You do-don’t ha-have to te-tell me if you don’t wa-want t-to” Ivys now said. I decided to tell her a bit. “Do you have spirit eyes?” I asked. Ivys jumped. “I-I-I-I-It s-sp-sp-spoke!!!” ivys said. She probably thought I was something like a contracted spirit or something and not many contracted spirits can talk.

“Yes.” I said “I spoke. And don’t call me an It. I am a male.” While I comedically crossed my arms and looked away. “I-I-I didn’t w-w-wanted to b-b-be rude or s-something” she said. “Don’t worry I am only joking.” I said which calmed her a bit.

“S-So a-are y-you a h-higher spi-spirit or some-something?” she hesitantly asked. I used some of my magic to block anyone of hearing what I am about to say “No I am not. I am not a spirit” she looked a bit startled “The-Then w-what are you?” she asked a bit confused.

“I am a Sentient ghost” after that she looked like she was about to pass out. Understandable. “You good there?” I asked. She looked like she just came back to reality from a journey to outside this multiverse. “W-w-wait w-w-hat? A-a-a-a sentient g-ghost?” She asked. “I-I-I ne-never hea-heard of s-such a thing” She stuttered more than usual

After a bit of watching her muttering to herself I asked “You calmed down yet?” “I-I thi-think” she answered “If you can’t belief me you can appraise me.” She thought for a moment and then checked my status. Of course I didn’t show my full status. I copied most of the status from the level 100 ghost I met about 20 chapters ago.

“Le-level 100? Tha-that is pre-pretty hi-high fo-for a-a g-ghost.” I know what she meant. Ghost in general are pretty rare but most of them just stroll around the area they became ghost because they are bound there and attack things that come too near. That is because ghost normally appear if a person dies while having an extreme amount of willpower not to. Like not normal not wanting to die but more like you would sacrifice almost the entire universe for that cause. Not necessary that extreme but anyway if the person has enough willpower the body dies but the soul becomes instantly stronger and most of the things that made this person that person vanishes because of it except the purpose that gave them that willpower. And that is often protecting something or someone. It’s just that they can’t remember what so they just wander around protecting everything in the area from everything outside it. And because of that they normally don’t become very strong after all they mostly attack things that come from outside in to ‘their are’ and not the things that are already inside.


“Well I am not bound to a place and I kept my mind and sanity, so I could level up easily.” She looked like she thought pretty hard for a moment and then asked “Th-than wh-why a-are y-you g-going to the a-acade-demy?” she asked “To learn new magic of course. Do you even know how hard it is to find them? When I was still alive I always wanted to learn magic but never had the power to do so and now after I am dead I have an extreme amount of mana but now I can’t learn many spells because I can’t find any books on it. You don’t know how frustrating it is.” I grumbled while telling her a ‘half-truth’

Well the only part that wasn’t the truth is actually that I can’t learn them the rest is 100% truth just easy to misunderstand. And yes when I was a kid I tried some of that embarissing stuff with chanting and holding my arms up to cause some magic event.

“And now that you asked me some question I also have one. Do you have the spirit eyes of the elves?” She looked a bit startled. Well it’s understandable. Not many people know enough about elves to know about the spirit eyes some of them have. I only know because Sina, the elf girl I met in the forest, had that skill and there was a skill description to it.

“Ye-Yes I ha-have the spi-spirit eyes” she said as she slowly pushed her hair aside for us to see her slightly long and pointy ears. “So you are an elf offspring…” I mumbled.

Ivys looked like she remembered something and looked quite freaked out about it and then she said “O-O-Oh d-da-damn! I-I-I h-ha-have t-t-to g-go f-fast! S-See y-you t-t-tomorrow!” She said looking at us giving a small bow and scrambling away.

“She did say she had something to do…” I said looking at the now empty spot where Ivys stood. She ran out at what would have looked like lightning speed if she didn’t stumble over her own feat a few times…

I was currently processing everything that happened… Soma looked like he was doing the same…

About an hour later we were sitting in my dimensional domain to be precise in the village part. The village is pretty much finished for the time being. “So what are we going to do tomorrow?” I asked Soma.


“What d-do you mean?” soma reluctantly asked. “Do you want to take the carriage that was offered to us or do you want to go ‘alone’” I answered to his question and he answered “I w-want to go wi-with the carriage tha-that was offered”

“Okaaaaaaay… you should probably ‘pack’ some stuff to take with you… After all we can’t stand out by taking all our stuff with space magic.” I told him “Okay…” he said and we walked off. I helped him a bit by choosing what to take with us. We took a few clothes, some ‘personal’ items that weren’t really that personal after all we didn’t really have many and the few items that were important to us we left here after all we could come back here all the time, and lastly our adventurer equipment.

I told proma that he should come with us to the carriage to say goodbye to us. And then we went back to the inn to rest. Well Soma rested I read a few books on different topics. There was a really small library in this town and I went there and copied a few books.


(I am thinking about taking this as time skip/scene jump indicator)

“Hey soma?” Proma called out. “Yes? What i-is it?” soma answered “When do you have to go to the carriage again?” he asked. Soma and I perked up on that question “Shit” we said at the exact same time. “What?” proma asked but we already stormed out of our room proma and our luggage in tow well for the first few seconds that is after that Proma picked us and the luggage up and made a sprint worthy of the gods to the second gate. When we arrived it was ten 7:50. I don’t know how we managed to get here in meagre 4 minutes but I won’t question it.

When proma sat soma on the ground he looked really exhausted. “What are you looking all exhausted for? I carried you most of the way here.” Proma said to “Maybe *huff* let me breath *huff* next time you carry me under you arm.” Soma said breathing heavily. The carriage was already there including the old guy from yesterday, Ivys and the other guy whose name I forgot Falos.

“Hey there!” Falos exclaimed when he noticed me “O-Oh he-hey!-!” Ivys followed suit. “We already thought you wouldn’t be coming but it seems I was wrong. Oh and who is that guy he looks strong!” Falos said pointing at Proma looking like he was holding himself back not to fight him instantly.

“Oh that is my brother. We wo-worked t-together as adventurers. He came to se-see me off” soma said “Hey!” soma said and then turned to Falos “I would totally battle you but I have no time right now I am meeting with a friend like in three minutes so I have to be off! Bye!” He said while running of. I knew he had no meeting so he probably just wanted to have an excuse not to fight this muscle brain next to me.

“Hey you three! Get on the carriage!” The old man from yesterday shouted over to us. He stood next to the coachman waving us over. We did so and after we sat down in the carriage he said “So it will take about 5-6 days to the capital if everything goes smoothly You will stop in two cities and go on with two more carriages where the other scholars from those cities are in. And now bye!” He said closing the door and shortly after we started moving…

To be continued in chapter 29…

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