《Re: Hero and the Demon King》Tale 4 - Tool


Author Notes:

And I'm motivated today... so .... Double chapter!

For new readers, please enjoy reading!

For those who are reading my fiction, thank you for reading!



"He's [Yves Altair], 16 years old, and he's the person I like."



Even I, exclaimed like the whole class. Still clinging at my arm, I looked at her face. When our eyes met, she tilted her head slightly and made a smile.

I said while being flustered:

"Wwwwwwhaaaat are you talking about?"

She sweetly responded while smiling:

"Eh? I'm just saying the truth. It was love at first sight, you know."

When she said that line, all of my classmates glared at me.

"Y-y-you! How did you make that beautiful girl to be attracted to a commoner like you?!"

The plump man stood up and pointed at me. Anger and Jealousy are definitely painted in his face.

Hahaha! I'll say this! ......I don't know either!


The teacher-in-charge stops the class. Mr. [Curt] already left during our introduction, so he's the only teacher around. It looks like this teacher has a little prescence.

"Stop making a ruckus, or else I couldn't start my lesson?"

"Yes, teacher."

All of the students responded to the teacher.

"You two, pick your own seats."

The teacher instructs us to pick our own seats. It seems that there is no seating arrangement.

I saw a seat near the window on the 3rd row vacant. Each row has 5 columns of seat. Since we're only 21 students, we only have 5 rows of chairs. I walked towards the desk. When she noticed that I chose that seat, [Eleonor] followed me and sat on the desk at the right. I felt all of their stares are still focused on me. The teacher-in-charge started to speak.

"For the sake of the latecomers, I'll introduce myself again. I am [Vax Warg], a newly employed teacher of Adventurer's department and your . Since its our first meeting, i'll give you all the rules and regulations of this department. I'll also discuss the privilege and limits of being a student of this department."

"First, we of Adventurer's department, also known as Venturers are different from ordinary newbie adventurers you'll find outside of this academy. Since this school is an independent institution, we have this biggest advantage: all of you are permitted to use magic."



All of us were shocked. None of the present famous adventurers we heard are practicing magic. Since its been prohibited by the whole kingdom for a century, no one dared to practice magic, fearing the wrath of the kingdom.

"But the thing is, you could only use it during magic lessons or field exploration. Other than that, you'll be prohibited to use it. We will also give you a precious present. Take a look under your seat."

All of us checked what's under our desk. I saw a ring with a design of an eagle on it. I checked the others if they were the same. It looks like each of us has a different accessory. I checked what [Eleonor] got. It seems that she got a necklace accessory. All of us thought of what is its use.

"Please wear those accessories you've found under your desk. Those accessories change their form, depending on its owner's will so don't be afraid to wear them if you think that type of accessory doesn't suit you. Its also the proof that you are one of the new students of Adventurer's department."

"Look, here's mine."

Mr. [Vax] showed his hand to us. In his hand is a ring with skull design.

"I'll teach how to change its form after all of you wear your own accessory."

All of us wore our accessory. Every time one of us wears an accessory, strange words and symbols flew upward and goes back inside the accessory.


All of us felt the same way. After the last one wore his accessory, Mr. [Vax] explained:

"Since all of you wore their own accessories, i'll tell you how to change its form."

He continued:

"To change its form, just imagine the form of the accessory you want it to copy. Even the design could be changed. Like this."

The skull ring in his hand vanished. It was replaced of a silver crown in his head.

"You could also change its color and size."

Then the silver crown changes its color into gold.

"You could also make it something you could wear."

Then he changed the crown into a vest.


"But, all of those really doesn't matter to us adventurers. There is only two things that this thing could do that really matters. One is this."

Then the vest disappeared. What appeared is a Gun's assault rifle model on his hand.


An accessory that could transform into a weapon?! Isn't it too overpowered? Its the only thing the whole class thing of when he showed the assault rifle.

"Before you could use this, you need to inject [Etrium] bullets to make it work, though."

All of us felt relief. If it happens to be an unlimited bullet weapon, The whole kingdom might start a war against [Hachn] Academy. Well, if the transformation ability of this accessory isn't enough itself as a ruse for a war.

All of the students excitedly listened to his instructions. Who in the world wouldn't if you were presented the most convenient tool in whole Verdant Continent?

Then, he opened the window.

"And the other one is this."

The assault rifle disappeared. What appeared is a pair of silver-colored angel wings at his back. The wings spread, like it was a part of his body. He jumped outside and flew using those wings. All of his students approached the window. All of them were dumbfounded. After several seconds, he returned to his desk.

"When you use it as wings, it consumes your mana, so mana capacity is important. Its transformation also depends on your present abilities. Please wait for a minute."

Then Mr. [Vax] goes outside. After a few minutes, he returns with Mr. [Curt] in tow.

"Damn you [Vax], you'll treat me lunch later."

Then he shows his own accessory. Its a black gauntlet being worn by his right hand.

"Do it, [Curt]."

"Yeah, Yeah."

In a blink of eye, the gloves vanished and it became wings. If Mr [Vax]'s wings was an angel's, his wings were of the dragons or devils. The whole class laughed as he showed it.

"What are you laughing at punks? Got a problem?"

He angrily scolded the whole class. Then, Mr. [Vax] interrupted:

"What do you think is the difference between my wings and his wings?"

One student raised his hand while chuckling. Then he said:

"His wings suits him much better."

Then the whole class laughs again.

"You damned -!"

Then Mr. [Curt] tried to get close that student. Before he could even walk, Mr. [Vax] transformed his wings into a whip. He wrapped it to Mr. [Curt]'s body, making him unable to move.

"Wha-! Unhand me [Vax]! Let me teach that punk a lesson he won't forget!"

Without listening to his complaints, Mr. [Vax] started to speak.

"Joking aside, what did you noticed?"

Another student stood up and said:

"The size of your wing and his wing are different. Mr. [Vax]'s wing was much bigger than Mr. [Curt]'s wing."

"Yes. That is correct. You may change its size and shape if it is in its accessory and weapon form, but its not the case if it becomes a part of your body. It depends on your mana capacity. But remember, not because its small, the user was automatically weak. Look at this."

He transformed the whip back into those angel wings. Then he transformed his angel wings into the size like of those cupid wings.

"If you could freely control your mana, you could change it in any size you desire, but not larger than your pool of mana. If that would happen, you'll lose your consciousness."

Then he transformed the wings into the skull ring again.

"This thing will be your most trusted ally in your every step as one of the Venturers."

"I will remind you class, that you couldn't remove it from your body until the principal himself removes it from you. As long as you wear this, you couldn't inflict any wound to any human. In exchange, you will be protected from any wound the other party tries to inflict on you. You may use it on duels, but it only inflicts mental damage."

"So now, I say this, little fledglings. Train and Train! If you want to use it to it's full capacity, make yourself worthy of it!"

All of the students clapped happily at Mr [Vax]'s explanation.

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