《Re: Hero and the Demon King》Tale 3 - Lovers


Author Notes:

I find it hard to write this story with my other fiction, but I'll try my best to continue it with my other fiction, "Magical Conquest".

For those who read my story, Thank you for your time!



"Mama, tell me a bedtime story!"

"Okay, okay. This story is called "The Boy who cried wolf".

"Ehhhh? That one again? Pick another story Mama!"

"Okay. What do you want?"


"Hmmm? "The Lovers"? This one's too early for a 4 years old like you."

"I want that one! I want that one!"

"It can't be helped. I'll read it for you."



Once upon a time, there were two lovers who were both in love with each. One day, the woman washed the clothes on a nearby river while the man collected firewood in the forest. The woman saw a bracelet. She said "Its pretty, will it look good at me?" and wore that bracelet. She didn't know that it was a cursed bracelet that makes the wearer the wife of an evil king. Since the king knew that the bracelet was worn, he sent his minions to retrieve the woman. The man, who saw his woman being taken away, tried to fight the king's minions. The minions, enhanced by black magic of the king, was far too strong for the man. He was defeated. Losing all of his will to live, he asked God to grant him powers to reclaim his wife. God, who wants to punish the evil king, gave him powers enough to defeat the evil king. The man traveled towards the kingdom of the evil king. On his way, he killed all of the evil king's minions, making the evil king his only opponent. But the man was too late. The woman's memory was already removed from her. Now, she only looks like a doll, void of any expression. Because of fit of rage, the man challenged the evil king into a death match. The man won against the king, but before the king held his last breath, he unleashed a deadly spell towards the man. The man, who is exhausted from the battle, cannot move his body to avoid the spell. But something unexpected happened. The woman, who has no memories of him, shielded him by throwing her own body on the spell to protect the man. When the woman held his last breath, she said to the man:


"Huh? Its strange..... I tried to protect..... a man I've only met..... Huh? Why.... are tears falling from.... my eyes? I don't really knew..... what happened, but I feel relieved.... when I protected you....... Please, good sir, may.... I know your name....?"

Before the man could say his name, the woman died. After the woman died, God appeared at the man's side, snickered at him and thanked him for taking his revenge from the evil king. The man discovered that the one who granted him powers was not God, but the Devil. The evil king deceived the Devil to give him half of his powers, angering the Devil. When he saw an opportunity to get his revenge, he used the man, who is born with miraculous talents, unknown to the man himself. The Devil just gave him advice on how to unleash those talents, but he never gave a portion of his powers on the man. Every time the man suffers, he finds it entertaining. He said to the man that the most entertaining part of all was when his wife died. Because of anger, the man fought the Devil, who has his powers completely recovered. When the Devil was defeated, he cursed the man by saying:

"Hahaha! Foolish mortal! You may have defeated me, but not my will! I curse you, that every time you'll reborn in this world, all of the events happened in your previous life would repeat itself! You will taste despair over and over again! Hahaha!"


"Mama, will the man find happiness?"

"I hope so. Now go to sleep, dear."

"~kay. Mama, I hope that man would find his happiness."

"Me too, dear."


"I'll grant your wish, but what happens next will depend on your conviction."



I woke up since I feel hot. Its in the middle of Goldscale month, known for its hot weather. It looks like I was carried towards the infirmary. What I first saw was it's blue ceiling, and curtains surrounding me. I tried to rise my hand to check the time. What I noticed was that there is something holding my hand.


"Hmmm? It looks like you woke up."


The one who's holding my hand was a girl with blonde hair.

As I retract my hand, I grabbed the pillow and covered myself with the blanket.

"I must be dreaming!"

"How cute."

C-cccute?! Did s-sshee just say I'm c-cccute? Eh? I think its a male's voice.

After I heard that line, someone pulled my blanket from below.

"If you have that much energy in reserve, let's go to your class!"


I unconsciously responded due to my fear. After that, I noticed that the blonde girl tries hold her laugh. Ugh. I showed another embarrassing side of me in front of a beautiful girl! I want to die!

Before I forget, the man who said that previous line was another instructor, Mr. [Curt Bardock]. He's a big muscular man with a bald head. One thing that you'll notice about him is his battle scars throughout his body. That's also one of the reason why I'm scared of him. For people like him, those scars are like medals or proof of strength, but for me its just a scary reminder that battles could inflict me such painful experience.

It looks like he's the one who brought me to the infirmary after I lose consciousness.

We were guided by Mr. Bardock to our class. We accessed the levitator and he clicked on the screen the fifth floor button. We followed him until we reach a classroom. He gave us a signal to wait outside and talks with the teacher in charge of the class. After a few minutes, he looks at us and makes a signal for us to enter the classroom.

The whole class was stupefied, not because of me, but the girl who walks in front of me. When I entered, no one looked at me, but I noticed the three boys at the back of the classroom. They are those boys who bullied me during the opening ceremony. Looks like i'll be their target.

The teacher directs his attention to us.

"Introduce yourselves to your fellow classmates."

The blonde woman walks to the front.

"I am [Eleonor Vega], 16 years old. Nice to meet you."

Then the blonde girl, [Eleonor], bowed her head. Most of the students clapped their hands while the other three shouts loudly. The plump one then asked while snickering:

"Miss Eleonor, may we know your three sizes?"

The other boys beside him whistles. All other students looked with disgust at the plump boy at the back. Then [Eleonor] respond coldly.

"Its not of your concern, ugly."

All of the students other than the three laughed. The plump boy has an angry look on his face but other students didn't mind it.

Then its my turn to introduce myself. I nervously walked to the front.

"M-my name is Y-yves A-alta-"

I bit my tongue. All of the other students laugh at me. The trio's voice is the most prominent on the crowd.

But something I didn't expected happened. The whole crowd's laughter became a silence. My arm was embraced by someone. That person announced a very shocking revelation throughout the classroom.

"He's [Yves Altair], 16 years old, and he's the person I like."



Before I knew it, [Eleonor]'s revelation broke the silence of my classmates.

I muttered to myself:

"What in the world is going to happen to me!!"

Off to work on "Magic Conquest!" I'll post another 6-12 hours later.

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