《Arcadias Moon.》as moons fade -8


After 2 days of training and experimenting various skills have gone up and I've gained new skills so here is my status. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

name:Yuuki--age:4days--race: small slime--racelevel:1--

job:--sub-job:--health:150(-150-)--magical power:200(-200-)--stamina:150(-150-)




-----body control lv10--mana control lv10--swordmanship lv5--martial arts lv5--

-----spirit magic lv1--elemental magic lv7--craftmenship lv6--wood working lv5--

-----smithing lv7--enchanting lv9--magic tool making lv3-- mana detection lv8--

-----Qi manipulation lv11--Qi strengthening lv8--Qi circulation lv8--Qi cladding lv9--

-----body manipulation lv 11--impart element lv 6--mana absorbtion lv10--body strengthening: slime lv6--

-----mana manipulation lv6--mana circulation lv9--mana strengthening lv8--mana cladding lv8--

-----OVERPOWER--leather working lv4--alchemy lv1--self healing lv3--status up: slime(+15) lv5--

-----Fairy mark enchant lv6--

intrinsic skills:

-----phisical damage half--indomitable--preditation--tireless body--dungeon eater--analysis--

-----humanization--create any liquid--

-----all status doubling--mineralization--storage--???--


-----one who is reborn--unfortanate one--one who lives on death lines--human soul--intelligent monster--

-----named monster--one who trains--dexterous one--ex-adventurer--teacher--waste of the adventurer guild--

-----???--???--???--knowledgeable--one pitied by the spirit--

-----one who remains calm--??? of a loved one--slime smith--sword god's protection--

-----smith god's protection--

fairy marks:





-----Tyrhrung--reinforced alchemical dried hardened slime clothing*--

-----heavy reinforced alchemical dried hardened slime boots*--

*enchanted with ,,,,,

*mixed with magic iron of light and fire affinities

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I learned that -- can create anything as long as I understand it enough though the price changes depending on the material. medical herbs were really cheap due to me understanding everything about them. Similar to magic iron due to always working on Sister Gaia's equipment. It is exactly this reason I can not create high class monster leather, or higher class metals than iron. I gained the skill -- by fusion of many skills. the first skill is -- gained by eating a spider and its web. Sadly it wasn't a dungeon spider but a normal everyday house spider causing me to get no experience. I got -- by eating a centipede it was also your everyday bug that can't give you experience. I gained -- from eating said earlier medicinal plants. Then after drinking some water from water magic I gained --. While experimenting with body manipulation I wondered what would happen if I compressed slime and took off a large flat sheet and then artificially remove half of the liquid. The result was better than I could hope for it created a kind of hardened slime leather. It was harder then steel if any thing hit it if cut It would self repair on it's own without enchantment. I then used a spell from the life magic line and it retained all it's natural mana and all of it's previous properties but became as thin as high quality cloth. Then I from smithing magic after creating another sheet the same way as before but using half the thickness placed it under the first cloth and then used both the smithing and alchemy version of fusion. This caused me to come up with another idea 'what if I added other materials' and then I remembered a rare material monopolized by the churches light magic iron I only touched it twice but I understood it enough to make a few ingots from all gauges going down to 1 then fainting. After asking Tyrhrung to watch over me after I faint and did it. After I awoke and made some fire magic iron I turned all the magic iron into a evenly mixed powder using alchemy spells then. I used the earth spell on the powder and placed it evenly across the cloth by using the sticky liquid made by -- covering the cloth then using plating on the powder and the cloth. after that using both 's on the whole thing again. After looking at such a masterpiece I check how many enchantment I can put on it. I nearly fainted as I gasped in surprise. as It could take six enchants at my current level, meaning As I level up enchanting I can put more on. Though for now I'll put on 2 intermediate and 4 basic enchants ,,,,,. is an upward compatible intermediate version of , is an intermediate enchant that passively boost all effects on the outfit. allows one consciously direct force and isn't passive. Meaning it does nothing if you aren't aware. The greatest part of all this is I can change it at any time as it is all a part of me meaning I can control it at will adding or removing effects of my strengthening skills. I can also once I gain the skill to create threads and manipulate them I can have this armor create treads within itself to strengthen it further. well that is the future. "Hey" a moody Tyrhrung complains "How long are you going to look at those clothes and not pay attention to me." She immediately starts pouting. She is a bit different too as she Is covered In fairy marks . Fairy marks are enchants but for magic based races she counts because -- uses mana for its form I thought it work, but I tested it on myself first. they have a different effect for each mark. and this is her new status. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- name: Tyrhrung --age:3 days: Living weapon--race lv:1--


job: Holy Sword--sub-job: Cursed Sword--health??--magical power:1000(+4000)--stamina??

strength: ???--agility: ???--dexterity: ???--intelligence: ???--wisdom: ???--

endurance: ???--mind: ???--vitality: ???--charisma: ???--luck: ???--


-----healing magic lv: 4--enchantment boost lv: 3--maximum mana increase lv: 4--

-----swordsmanship lv: ???--black magic lv: ???--holy magic lv: ???--mana regeneration lv: 6--

intrinsic skills:

-----Gist--materialization--status boost wielder lv: small--storage--


-----,,,,, , -----, .

fairy marks:





----- Smithing gods protection--Sword gods protection--Sword made by a Slime--

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I left some openings for us so I can make new marks considering I found these in an abandoned library while with Sister Gaia and memorized them but had no chance to use them because they don't work on humans. There are holy marks protected by the church but they use holy energy and have a different effect called divine phenomena and take years to learn how to use. They are used primarily by the 10 orders but Sister Gaia had one she let me study. It used pretty normal magical plants and had powdered light magic stone with the miasma removed, and powdered light magic iron with 80% purity. It was put on by applying holy energy to the while it was on the skin. Compared to fairy marks it has little difference other than element invoked but there seems to be holy energy always flowing from it. Ding conditions met released intrinsic skill -- This seems to be convenient for the future "Tyrhrung can you use holy energy?" I asked curiously "Yes and no" she tilted her head "Can I ask you what you want to try?" "Holy marks" I paused "I wonder what I can learn from them." "Do you want one?" "If I do, what would you think?" "I could give you one if you have the material and teach you how to use it eventually. but we don't have time because tonight we will attack the goblins. I'm sorry I'm not allowed to explain how it works, but I can let you study it." "Thanks" As a reward I walk up and kiss her on her forehead watching her glow red and the steam come off her head I couldn't help but chuckle. "Huhuhuhuhu one step forward " "Hmm" I thought I heard something dangerous, but it was probably noth

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