《Arcadias Moon.》as moons fade-7


I wake up after a one hour nap.

"Lets do the hardest and most expensive part, fusing and have all the mana channels line up"

I put all the patrts together not yet fusing them and I start running through them to stress the mana channels expading them. I'm regulating the power to expand them yet not blow them up having a small amount of mana with high control similar to most dwarf smiths.

The fae races are one of the four classifications consisting of fairy, all elf veriaties, dwarves and mermaids. they have natural talet for magic and their whole race has a blessing of some sort. fairy's have the blessing of the world tree which are differnt for each person and fairy's are 60% mana but they are hostile to most. a few centuries ago there once existed an empire that ruled half the conteint that was an empire that belived in human supremecy and captured fae race to turn them into slaves. fairy's were the worse of because of the fairy dust which increases magic affinity and increases life span.

The elves were hunted to near extinction for their wind spirit stone formed in their heart once they die. it is used for weapons because it caused the heaviest great sword to become as light as a daggar.At least until Allylize"princess of the reflective moon" the Orichalcum rank adventurer froze the entire capital city. And dwarves were hunted to be turned into slaves so they could make weapons that the humans could use to hunt more fae races. the mermaids currently have a treaty right now with most human nations as they could always ruin trading vessels an easily esape back into the depths of the ocean with no causulties. Underground human trafficing rings regurly attempt to hunt mermaids and get wiped out while some occasionally succeed causing them to become rich in underground auction.


"Hmmmmm this is really smooth aaaaaaannd done all the mana channels are line up so lets put in Qi to carve a path for it right down te center and then the blade."

Thanks to the 100% purity magic iron mana and Qi goes through super easily. most magic Iron goes through a purifying process where the ore is bathed in mana as it is melted and purities are removed and then 10 high quality powdered mana stone is added to erase 90% of the impurities but it still doesent't perfectly purify it. Only after repeating this process 10 time do we reach 99% purity for a master smith. There is one down side each time you put it through this proccess it becomes less flexable causing some one to break it if they are not skilled enough to weild it.

magic iron is a very versitlile material because it is not picky of what energy goes through it be it mana, Qi, or holy. Unlike the highest quality of materials like adamantine or mythril. Adamantine is highly resistant to mana flowing through it bu Qi flows easily and it tends to be heavier the higher the purity it is. The currently most pure adamantine weapon is only at 75% purity although the other 24.9% is fire attribute magic iron which is the best attribute fo Qi. While mythril is the next material it is on the oppisite side of the sectrum. It is really resistant for Qi to flow through it after the refining process and extremely easy to flow mana through. making it difficult to pick wether to pick one or the other when you get the chance because most general smiths dont like the layering system for diffrent materials because the energy put in compared to the money earned is too low.


"Now lets fuse all the parts together!" "Fusion"

I run all of the mana and Qi I can muster and push it through the entire sword causing it it to glow a light purple glow.

"This isn't normal it should be a dark purple"

After saying that I faint.

And an unkown amount of time,I wake up though looking at the walls of the dungeon the glow hasn't changed so not too much time has passed. but I look at the sword and try to use weapon appaisal of the black smithing spells.


gained God of smithing's protection

gained God of swords protection

gained title Slime smith

gained contract

gained status multiplied by two

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- name: none--age:0--race: Living weapon--race lv:1--

job: Holy Sword--sub-job: Cursed Sword--health??--magical power:1000--stamina??

strength: ???--agility: ???--dexterity: ???--intelligence: ???--wisdom: ???--

endurance: ???--mind: ???--vitality: ???--charisma: ???--luck: ???--


-----swordsmanship lv: ???--black magic lv: ???--holy magic lv: ???--maid full set--

intrinsic skills:

-----Gist--materialization--status boost wielder lv: base--storage--


----- Smithing gods protection--Sword gods protection--Sword made by a Slime--

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contract automaticly accepted please name the living weapon "Um I guess I'll name you -- meaning Foe of Twilights end" living weapon accepted the name Right after that a little girl looking only 13 years old with fox ears and tail apears before me. wearing a nice set of maid clothes. "Hello Master!" "Hi how are you." "Great!" she glowed when I responeded to her. "Can you not call me master?" "Sure! would you perfer goshujin-sama or lord?" Un I think I figued out how to handle her fom this interaction. "No I don't like any of those..." hmm with this apperance it wouldn't be weird if she called me onii-chan .Un un that's it." How bout calling me Onii-chan" "YES! gladly !" she is literally glowing in happiness. It's hard to look at her. "Onii-chan huhuhuhu" "You're a sword uh...right?" I asked slightly worriedly She suddenly had a smile full of blood lust and actual lust " Yes! use me for anything Onii-chan. you can let out all your desires on me!" Un what is this cute creature. If she kept up for to long I might actually attack her. "We're going to fight alot of gobin's in 2 days so let's prepare." "Ai" she seemed really exited. Is she a battle frenzy? "With the two of us it will be really easy!" The two of us start traing until the time to strike.

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