《Mite》1.28 - Mysteries Surround



Hunter had been struggling to sleep since the showdown against Copter, Woolpack and Rampage.

Jimena and Silas had now fully recovered, and Michael had advised them to take a few quiet days at the treehouse in the Primal Lands.

Stick would pop in and out of her room a few times a day. She limped and mumbled when she spoke.

Even though his team and Michael had tried to convince him otherwise, Hunter had taken it as his personal responsibility for the injuries of his teammates.

Doubt ran through his head constantly and he lay awake in bed for hours.

After his fourth night laying in bed running the scenario through his head from every conceivable angle, Hunter had decided to go for a walk.

Hunter walked down the street, focusing too much on the thoughts in his head and not realising what was happening around him.

“Watch it,” Hunter stirred and apologised as a burly woman walked by.

“Stop, thief.” Hunter looked up and watched as the owner of a convenience store stood in the doorway of his shop. He was a grizzled old man, shaking his fist.

Hunter watched as a child ran through the street, dodging people with the grace of a cat.

Hunter took off after the kid.

“I’ll get him,” Hunter called as he passed the store owner.


Hunter kept sight of the kid and as the kid turned a corner, Hunter caught up as it was a dead end.

The kid stood at the end of the alley, an oversized coat and harried expression on their face. They wore an oversized cap and clearly had something hidden under their coat.

Hunter went for his flask of dust and realised he wasn’t wearing his superhero costume.

“C’mon kid. Its all right. Just give me what you took, I’ll say you got away.”


“No. Don’t come any closer.” The kid looked scared.

“I won’t do anything. Its okay.” Hunter held up his hands to show he had nothing.

“I’m so hungry.” The kid revealed that underneath the coat they had a loaf of bread.

“Really? But bread costs nothing.”

“I have nothing,” replied the kid.

“What do you mean?”

“I have nothing. I want food, I’m so hungry.”

“Where are your parents?” Hunter asked.

“I have nothing.” The kid started to cry.

“Hey, hey. It’s okay. Come with me, I’ll pay for it.” The kid hesitated and then walked over to Hunter.

“Promise you won’t call the police?” Hunter screwed his nose up in confusion but then shook his head.

“I promise.” The kid fell into line with Hunter. The kid was half of Hunter’s height. Hunter tried to force small talk, but the kid didn’t respond.

Hunter entered the store. It was an overcrowded little store. Too many shelves and an overabundance of stock. Cheap no name brands of food and magazines lay in stacks all over the floor. There was a musty smell to the air.

“Did you get the little thief?” The store owner asked Hunter.

“I’ve come to pay for their goods. And they’re here to apologise.”

“Is that so?” The grizzled man folded his arms across his pronounced belly. His arms were covered in tattoos and he was missing two fingers.

“Um…” the child hid behind Hunter and poked their head out from behind him.

“Its okay.” Hunter smiled at the kid and nodded.

“I’m sorry I stole your food. I’m hungry!” As the child screamed, the lights in the store flickered.

“That’s okay, just don’t do it again.” The store owner was clearly a little spooked by what had just happened.


“All right, now that’s sorted, here’s the money.” Hunter approached the store owner and handed the few coins needed.

“Thank you. Have a good evening.”

“Say thank you,” Hunter instructed.

“Thank you.” Hunter and the child exited the shop.

“Have you got somewhere safe to stay?” The two walked the streets, the kid tore at the bread.

“I told you, I have nothing.”

“Is there somewhere I can take you?”


A hand grasped Hunter’s shoulder. He whirled around to see a man and a woman in black suits and ties.

“Stop right there. Give us the kid,” said the woman. Hunter felt the kid hide behind his legs again.

“Who are you?” Hunter asked.

“We don’t matter to you. All we want is the kid, please don’t resist.” The woman flicked her wrist and a large, purple ethereal hand appeared in front of her.

“Whoa, whoa.” Hunter held his hands up like he had before and took a step back. The kid was still hiding behind him.

“They’ll take me to the bad place. Please, don’t let them take me.”

“Come now. You’re needed back home.” The man took a fighter’s stance, electricity danced and snapped around his fists.

“This seems a little unfair. What could I even do to you?” Hunter took another step back.

The large hand formed a fist and rushed for Hunter. He gathered dust around his hand.

“Stop!” The child screamed. They stood in front of Hunter, protecting him.

“I’ll go with you, just leave him alone.”

“Good. That’s the smart choice.” The woman took the child’s hand and led the kid away into the night.

“Did nobody see that?” Hunter exclaimed.

“See what?” commented an elderly lady as she shuffled past Hunter.

“The two people in suits? The giant floating purple hand?” The woman shot a glare at Hunter and quickened the pace of her elderly shuffle.

“Michael, you there?” Hunter spoke into his communicator as he returned to the Primal Lands.

“Of course, I rarely sleep.”

“What do you know about people in black suits? Other people may not see them?”

“You don’t want to get caught up with those people. They’re bad news, especially if they take an interest in you. They’ve been known the kidnap supers before. Heroes and villains have completely disappeared. Some return, some don’t.”

“I ran into them. They took a kid I bought some bread for.”

“Be thankful that’s all they did.”

“Who are they?”

“The Clandestine. Privatised company. Perform experiments and research into some shady things. The government can’t touch them. I don’t know much about them myself. Please, stay away from them.”

“Yeah, okay.”

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