《Mite》1.27 - Thinking Things Through



Michael had Hunter’s team escorted to The Fortress. Jimena and Silas were under observation, Hunter and Gauzelle hung around their pods, refusing to leave.

Claw waited for Michael to meet them. He gave Michael his report, shook Hunter’s and Gauzelle’s hands and left.

“After only meeting him once, that’s a huge compliment to come from Claw. You’ve impressed him,” said Michael. He looked at Jimena and Silas with concern but replaced that with warm care when looking at Hunter and Gauzelle.

“I don’t feel like we won,” said Hunter. His body was battered and bruised. One eye was swollen shut.

“You’re all alive. That’s a win in my books.”

“That’s not enough. We’re outclassed by some of the most basic villains. If my powers we-” Hunter clenched his fists. He was so overcome with anger; he couldn’t finish his sentence. Gauzelle patted his shoulder.

“There’s so many out there, we can’t pick our fight,” said Gauzelle.

“Hunter, being a hero can be incredibly dangerous. Powers don’t make you, its how you use them. Train and train, know what you can do inside and out. Knowing yourself, you’ll know how to adapt to each situation.”

“We’re going against things like super strength.” Tears burned in Hunter’s eyes. “Its my fault. I didn’t lead well.”

“That’s a load of shit and you know it.” Gauzelle slapped him. “We were all a part of the fight. This was on all of us.”

“Maybe we need a fifth member,” Hunter suggested.

“That’s possible. Give it some serious thought and talk to the rest of the team when they wake up,” said Michael.

“Woolpack mentioned a ‘mysterious benefactor’, any leads?” Hunter asked.

“I’ve got Claw looking into it. He’s good at finding stuff out.” Michael assured him.


“What about the Trash Queen?” Hunter’s anger was still burning within.

“Nothing. Trash golems are still showing up, but we can’t pinpoint her location. She’s steering clear of her normal haunts.”

“What can we do?” Hunter asked.

“You two can stay here and wait for them. Then keep going about your heroic lives. When we start figuring out either the Trash Queen or this benefactor, we’ll let you know. You’ve helped plenty already and you’re all so new to this.” Michael nodded to them both and left the room.

“What do you think about all this?” Hunter asked Gauzelle. Hunter stood against the wall and Gauzelle sat on a waiting chair.

“How badly do you want to succeed as a hero?” a serious tone in her voice Hunter had never heard before.

“With everything I am. What about you?”

“I don’t know. Its better than what I had before. I’ve made friends unnaturally quick with you three. That’s what I want. Whatever we go through, I’ll be there.”

“You don’t want to be a hero?” Hunter asked.

“I’m not sure I care yet. I was a thief before Michael talked to me. I stole to survive. Now I fight things. It puts my life in danger, but I help others. To me, one hasn’t really outweighed the other yet.” Gauzelle went silent, waiting for Hunter’s response.

“Fair enough. Either way, I’m glad you’re on the team. You saved our butts out there.” He smiled and gave a thumbs up.

“Hell yeah I did. And you’re welcome. So, a fifth member?” Gauzelle asked.

“I don’t know. It may help balance some of our weaknesses. More versatility. But I don’t know if I can be responsible for more people?”

“You aren’t wholly responsible for us. We’re also in charge of ourselves. You’re the coach the helps with the plays, but we’ve still gotta do it. Don’t stress yourself so much.” Gauzelle unravelled her arm and patted both Silas and Jimena on the head.


“Do you think we can do this?” Hunter asked. He looked at his unconscious friends.

“Course we can. As long as we know how to improve, we can do it.”

“Hey, you two,” Hunter was surprised to hear that voice. He turned around and saw his mother standing at the doorway.

“Hey.” Hunter stood and the two exchanged an awkward hug.

“Heya Mrs. Hunter.” Gauzelle waved.

“Call me Clara. How are they?” Clara asked, nodding at Jimena and Silas.

“They took a beating, we all did,” said Hunter.

“Yeah, Michael explained outside. How are you two?” Clara looked her son over.

“Little sore, but okay,” Hunter replied.

“I’m all right. Almost got torn to pieces, but I’m all good,” said Gauzelle.

“What happens if you get torn up?” Hunter asked.

“No idea. Haven’t risked it.”

“Hey, so I’ve come up with some things that might help you all out on the field,” Clara informed them.

“Yeah?” Silas spoke up from his pod.

“How you feeling buddy?” Hunter asked.

“My head feels like I’ve been hit by a truck.” Silas tentatively touched the top of his head. The pain popped through his head.

“Yeah. So for Hunter, an armor plate to go on the back of your suit. Gauzelle, a battle staff of my own design. Nigh impossible to break and can hold three charges of a blinding flash. Its good to have some offensive options.” She handed Gauzelle the staff.

Gauzelle spun the stuff around in her hands. She appeared to be a natural at using the weapon.

“I know you can’t tell, but I’m smiling right now. Thanks so much Clara.”

“And as for Jimena, when she wakes up,” Clara reached into her bag and brought out a small pouch. She upended the pouch and small spheres fell out onto Jimena’s pod.

“What are those?” Hunter asked.

“These will give her slime balls special surprises if she wants to use them.” Clara threw one at the floor and a quick flash of fire burned up and fizzled out.

“Thanks mom.”

“Its all right. Silas, I’m haven’t forgotten about you. I’m looking at a few things and building a few prototypes. You’ll have something soon.”

“That’s okay Clara,” Silas gave a weak wave and collapsed back into his bed.

“Rest up.” Clara walked out of the room and Michael came back in.

“If we wanted a fifth member, have you got some ideas?” Hunter asked.

“Yeah, I’ve got a few.”

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