《Mite》1.12 - A Conversation With Stick



Jimena, Hunter, and Silas were staying in a top-secret hideout/treehouse that Stick lived in within the Primal Lands. The outside looked one with nature but once inside, it was obvious with all its high-tech gadgetry that the house was not natural.

Stick had set Hunter’s shoulder back into place and used some healing herbs from the Elder Tree to hasten his recovery, but the pain was still there.

The others had all retired for the night and just as Hunter laid down, his watch flickered into life and he could hear Michael’s voice.

“Hey there young hero. Time for you to have a one on one with Bulldog. He’ll meet you outside the Primal Lands. Stick will escort you out.”

With laboured effort, Hunter pulled himself out of bed. He sat his head in his hands for a few moments, his body ached from the day’s activities.

“Who would’ve thought being a hero would be so hard?” Hunter put his costume on and walked out of the room where Stick was. She was out of costume, wearing denim overalls and a red undershirt. She still held the staff.

“Ready for your training with Bulldog?”

“Yeah, I guess so.” Hunter wasn’t looking forward to his training session with the seasoned hero.

“You’ll be right.”


“Hey kid, you wanted this.” Stick came across firmly, but Hunter detected an underlying softness to her voice.

“Should probably get going then. Ready when you are.” Stick led them out of and away from the treehouse.

The two walked in silence for some time before either said anything.

“Do you think we’ve got what it takes?” Hunter asked.

“Its hard to say after just one day. You show potential.” Stick replied.

“But what would you say?”


“If the three of you can continue to rise to any situation, then yes. Why do you three want to go after the Trash Queen anyway?”

“You know that’s why we’re here?”

“Of course. Michael’s filled me in on the whole situation. What’s your reasoning though? The Trash Queen’s pretty tough. I should know, I’ve tangled with her.”

“You’ve fought against the Trash Queen?” Hunter found himself a little surprised by this.

“Of course. Lots of team ups happen when she returns. She ain’t no easy villain to take care of. There’s so many other things you can do to help you stand out when you enter The Academy.”

“If you knew who I was.”

“You’re Hunter Hires. Son of Blockade and Sentinel, Keegan and Clara Hires. Your father and mother were founding members of The Victories. I know who you are.”

“Then you know why I need to do this.” There was annoyance in Hunter’s tone.

“You don’t need to do anything.” Sincerity in Stick’s tone.

“Yes, I do.”

“Hunter. What happened to your father was tragic. But being a hero won’t change a thing.”

“Don’t talk to me like you know. My father was framed and then murdered in front of television. I need to become a hero so I can find out who it was and avenge my father.”

“Hunter, I get it. But there’s no point throwing yourself headfirst into such grave danger. He wouldn’t want that.”

“You do-” he whirled on Stick, tears in his eyes.

“I understand, believe me when I say I do. The Victories were the whole reason I wanted to become a hero myself, I was gutted when your father was killed.”

“You didn’t lose yours.”

“Being a hero means sacrifice. I’ve lost people that matter to me. Look, if you really think the Trash Queen is your sure-fire way to get to where you want, that’s up to you. But don’t you dare lead the other two into danger. If you want them to go with you, you make damn well sure they stay out of harm’s way.”


“I will.”

“If you don’t, I’m coming after you.” The pair had made it to the perimeter wall of the Primal Lands.

“Okay, I get it.”

“Make sure that you do.” Stick held her hand up to a panel Hunter hadn’t noticed. There was a beep and a small door opened in the wall. “Make sure you’re back before sunrise. I won’t go easy just because of your extra training.”

“Hey Stick?”


“Thanks.” Hunter walked out into the cold night air; the door closed behind him.

“Ready for your training?” a gruff voice asked.

“Yes, Uncle Jordan.”

“Good. You’re late.”

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