《Beauty Perspective》Chapter 9


Nolan started to wake up. Noticing something strange, he jerked, pulling a knife out of his ring. He heard a scream.

"Forgive me, master."

A moment later, and his eyes cleared up enough to see Celine. Lina then burst through the door. She saw Celine cowering on the floor and Nolan holding a knife. "Master, what's wrong? What did Celine do to upset you?"

Nolan looked around, then down. "Celine, what were you doing?"

"I-I'm sorry, m-master. I heard that men like to wake up with a woman's mouth between their legs. I thought it would please you. I'm so sorry, master. Please forgive me." She looked utterly terrified. She was sure that Nolan was furious.

He then put the knife back in the ring. "No, it's alright. You surprised me and I just reacted." He let out a breath, as his heart calmed down. "Come here." He said, as he pat next to him on the bed.

Lina closed the door, as Celine slowly moved closer to Nolan. She feared he wanted to punish her. When she was close enough, he grabbed her and held her close to him. She stiffened up and shivered in fear.

He pat her head and talked softly. "I'm not mad. I was just surprised. I won't punish you, okay. I've only known you and Lina for a short time, but I care for you both very much." As he talked, reassuring her that everything was fine, she calmed as well. "Lina, can you finish what she started?" He smiled to the woman as he pointed down.

Feeling relieved that everything was okay, she then got between his legs and started licking and sucking him.

Celine still felt like she was in trouble though. "Master, I hope you will forgive me soon."

Nolan then started kissing her. When he stopped, he whispered in her ear. "I remember saying we would do this again. Aren't you going to show me some of that enthusiasm you had last night?"


She smiled and kissed him deeply. Pushing her tongue into his mouth to playing with his. After a minute of this he released into Lina's mouth. He stopped kissing Celine to look at Lina cleaning him up. "I might need you to do that again."

"Can I help, master?" Celine wanted to make up for her failed attempt.

"Alright. Lina, switch with Celine." They switched places. Celine started licking and kissing his rod immediately. Lina awkwardly sat next to Nolan, unsure what she should do.

Nolan had his ideas though. He told her to take her shirt off. He then played with her breasts for awhile, then he started sucking one. From the sound of her voice, she was enjoying it. After a couple of minutes he stopped. Celine was amazing with her mouth. Soon he released in her mouth.

After she finished cleaning him up, she looked up to him. "How was that, master?"

"That was amazing. You're a great kisser, and your mouth was heaven. I'm going to need you girls to do that for me every morning."

"Thank you, master. I'll try not to surprise you too much, next time." She said while smiling.

"Alright, lets get downstairs. I'm starving." Nolan quickly got dressed and headed down. They sat at a table and waited.

Sasha showed up soon. "We've got last nights leftovers, three meals for breakfast?"

"Make it four. I need some extra food." He said, as he handed over a silver coin.

When she grabbed it, she smelled something. She then leaned closer and sniffed him.

"Is their a problem, or is this normal?" He asked as he looked between Celine and Sasha.

Sasha then did a quick sniff of the other girls. "You slept with both of them? Pervert!" She quickly walked away.

"Master, she's a wolf and they have a sensitive sense of smell." Celine seemed to always have an answer for him.


"I see. She probably thinks I'm taking advantage of you two." He paused for a moment, then looked between them both. "Am I taking advantage of you two?"

They both had a confused look. "Master, we are your slaves. It's your right to do whatever you want with us." Lina said, as if it was a fact.

Nolan sighed. "I don't want to take advantage of you two. I already consider you my lovers."

"R-really?" Celine asked, wide eyed.

"Yes. I know we've only known each other for a few days, and it probably seems wrong to feel that way for a slave. But it's because you're my slaves, that I feel safe to trust you so much. If you want to be with me, I'll except you completely. If you don't, I won't touch you. If you don't want to do anything sexual with me. I can find a different outlet. And if you want, I can free you later."

Lina was the first to speak. "I want to be with you, master. Like Celine said yesterday. I don't want to be with you because I feel obligated. It's what I want. We want you, master."

"I feel like we're the ones taking advantage of you, master. Not the other way around." Celine spoke fervently. "You bought us for more than we're worth. You then bought us custom armor, weapons and clothes. You even bought us gold storage rings. Even if it was for selfish reasons, you got us infertility rings. You've done so much, and you compliment our appearance. We feel very lucky to have met you, before someone else claimed you."

Nolan smiled at their words. "Then I'm glad that you both are okay with me."

"Uh hum." An irritated voice let out.

The three of them looked and saw Sasha with some of their food. She laid it down and looked Nolan in the eye. She didn't look disgusted anymore. She looked confused and irritated. "You're still a pervert." She then walked quickly away.

They heard laughing and looked around to see most of the people were looking at them, some of them laughing. Then someone hollered out. "This is the second time in two days. You gonna do this everyday?" The rest started laughing at that point.

The three of them were extremely embarrassed.

When they were halfway through there meal, Celine spoke up. "Master, do you promise to not forget us, when you get another slave?"

"What makes you think I'll get another slave?" He asked as he took a bit of his food.

"I didn't forget about that third infertility ring, master." Sounded almost like an accusation at that point.

Nolan choked a bit, he had actually forgotten he got a third one. "I promise you both, that before I buy another slave. I'll ask you if you're okay with her."

"Are you sure, master?" Celine asked timidly.

"Yes. If you and Lina don't think you'll get along with her, then I don't want her."

Celine smiled and went back to eating.

"It's okay, master. I trust you not to abandon us." Lina smiled brightly. Nolan was glad to have her trust. "Me and Celine can barely handle you. If you get a third slave, I doubt she could handle you by herself."

'Wow. She trusts the strength of my libido, more than anything else.' "Thanks, Lina."

When they finished eating, they left to explore the town. It would take another day or two for there custom gear to be finished.

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