《Beauty Perspective》Chapter 1


"That was savage. How could you kill your own grandfather?"

"The bastard deserved it." The young man looked around, confused with his surroundings. When he looked to the man who talked to him, he asked his own question. "Who are you?"

"I am the god of reincarnation."

"My name is Nolan. Since your the god of reincarnation, I guess that means I'm dead. What will happen now?"

The man stared at Nolan, confused. "Are you okay?"

"What do you mean?"

"You act like this is normal. Most people panic or some get really excited. You're neither excited or panicked. Why?"

"I died, over exerting myself, while killing a lying old man. I trusted and respected him. But he was lying to me for over ten years. He is the reason I was dying in a hospital bed for the last five months." He paused for a moment. "I feel kind of numb right now."

"What did he lie about?"

"When I was ten, he convinced me that we came from a long forgotten tribe of magical warriors. That they gained power by eating the raw heart of an animal they killed by themselves. That if I were to work hard enough and prove myself, the ancestors would grant me the same power.

"It started out with obey the elder of the family, without complaint. I did chores for him. I cooked for him. I gave him money. I worked hard to earn that power. He even said that my father would be extremely proud if I succeeded. And that I couldn't tell him, since he failed and would think it was too much for me.

"He just didn't want my father to stop his 'joke'."... "I was excited to think I could gain all this and make my father proud. He's done so much since my mother died." Nolan then started to cry. "I wish I would have spent more time with him. I wasted so much of it on lies. Now he's alone."

"Wow. That is a bit messed up.".... "If I let you talk to your father one last time, will you do something for me?"

"What would you want me to do?" Staring at this 'god', with distrust.

"I want to send you to a world of swords and magic. Human, Demi humans and dungeons. I want you to fight and survive. I will even give you a cheat to help you grow. Do we have a deal?"

Nolan looked suspiciously at the man. "What do you get out of this?"

The man smiled. "I'll be watching you. Your life will be my entertainment. A real life reality show. And if you're entertaining enough, I will stream to others gods for payment. You will be an investment. What do you say?" He asked with a smile.

"I guess this will be my premier as a star. Deal." Smiling to his prospective future.



He sees his father again and tells him that he's sorry. Wanting him to move on and live a happy life. That he made a deal that will give him an opportunity to start over in a new world.


Nolan was now getting excited. "What will my cheat be?"

The man smiled. "You will gain strength and abilities, by eating the hearts of what you kill by yourself."

..... "I hate you."

"Ha ha ha ha."


"Because it's a great ability and sounds quite entertaining. Also, you will be able to comprehend one language the killed knew."

"Wait. You want me to eat people?"

"That's your choice. Anyone and anything you kill yourself."

"Okay. Where will I start?"

"In a dungeon."

... "Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Don't worry. I'm going to give you a head start. What is the most difficult animal you killed, without a gun?"

"A brown bear."

"Really? How did you kill it?"

"A trap and my hunting knife. It took awhile, and a lot of hit and run."

"Wow. I need to know now. What was the second most difficult?"

"A pack of wolves."

... "Why and how did you kill a pack of wolves?"

"I was trying to kill a lone wolf. But the noise he made attracted the others. Luckily for me, I didn't need to deal with the entire pack at once. Also, with my hunting knife."

"Yep, you are definitely going to be entertaining. Since you are so interesting and crazy, I'm going to start you off with a mix of bear and wolf. One sec, this will hurt a lot."

"AHHHHHH!" Nolan felt like his body was ripping apart.

After, what felt like hours, it stopped. He laid there breathing heavily.

"Come on, get up. Let's see how you look now."

He stood up and looked himself over. "Looks like I'm more muscled. Do you have a mirror?"

"Nope, time to go. Bye." The man waved to him, while laughing.


Nolan looked around, he was now in a cave. "I guess my new life begins." He walked carefully around, looking for something useful. Not only did he have no weapon, he was butt naked. He needed to find a weapon and something to wear.

Eventually he stumbled upon a monster. It was short, fuzzy and had long ears. The moment it saw him, it started screaming. It ran straight at him with a spear. Before the spear reached his face, he slapped it away in a panic. Unfortunately, he slapped the blade instead of the shaft. Slicing his hand open.

He ignored the pain and grabbed the creature. Grappling it to the ground. He then noticed something. This creature was weak. He was easily overpowering it. Deciding to end it quickly, he got an arm around its neck and squeezed. After a minute of not struggling, he felt that he had succeeded.


"Alright. I'm starving and I've killed my first monster. Time to test out that cheat." He grabbed the spear and cut its stomach open. It was a stone blade and not too sharp. "Great. The only reason it probably cut me is that I panicked and slapped it away. Live and learn."

After cutting it open, he reached in and pulled stuff out. "Alright, this should be the heart." He ate the whole thing and waited.


(Congratulations. You've killed and eaten your first monster heart. This is a goblin. One of the weakest monsters out their. Its strength lies in its numbers. They breed like crazy. Be careful of them swarming you. Even though there weak, doesn't mean you'll survive a hundred or so at the same time. Now to your reward. Also, as a favor, I'm going to double the effects.)

"Cool. A blue screen like in those stories."


(You have gained an increased goblin libido.)

.... "I hate this so much."


(Warning. An increased goblin libido can cause bouts of rage, when unable to properly find release.)


(Good luck finding a woman in this dungeon anytime soon. Have fun. :) Lol.)

The man fell to his knees. "That's right. I'm entertainment." ..... The man stood back up and grabbed the spear. "As soon as I get out of this dungeon, I'm going to make it triple x rated."

As the days went by, he carefully explored and killed goblins. Training himself with there numbers and his throwing.

... one month later


(You have eaten one thousand goblin hearts. Goblins will now slightly fear you.)

"At least I now know I can get more stuff." He has been killing goblins to tire himself out, since his increased libido has been making him quite angry.

... two months in the dungeon

Nolan is carrying a chest to his campsite, a hole in the wall that he can defend. "Wish I could pick the lock. It'd be nice to know what's in this."

... three months in the dungeon


(You have eaten ten thousand goblin hearts. Goblins will now fear you.)


(Bonus for eating ten thousand goblin hearts. You have gained goblin hearing.)

"I've become the goblin slayer. Ha ha ha ha ha." Nolan may be losing it now. He then goes searching for more goblins. Taking at least two days of goblin slaying to tire out from his pent up rage.

... 'Ding'

(Congratulations, you've survived four months in a dungeon, all by yourself. Keep up the good work :).)

"Aaahhhhhhh. You've sent me to hell, you bastard! How the fuck do I get out?!"


Nolan looked to the sound and saw someone looking at him. They were thin and covered in leather armor and a hood covering there face.

"Are you real? Are you a person?" He asked desperately.

The person back up a bit, frightened of his desperation. "Y-yes. Do you need help?" They sounded feminine.

"Yes. I've been lost in here for four months."

"Follow me and I'll lead you to my group. Just don't make any sudden moves."

Nolan started to cry a little. "Thank you so much. I've been alone this whole time. Thank you."

The person stared for awhile before asking. "How did you survive by yourself?"

"I've been killing and eating goblins. I just needed to avoid large groups."

"Follow me. Keep your hands to yourself and don't touch anything without asking. Got it?"

"Yes mam. Thank you so much for the help."

They said nothing and started walking away. He quickly followed, not wanting to be trapped alone anymore. As they walked he looked the person over carefully. This is the first person he's seen in this world. And he had nothing else to do. Since the person wasn't chatty, he didn't want to bug them too much. He also couldn't help staring at her butt.

Then he noticed a tail. "Are you a demi human?"

She stopped and turned to him. "Is there a problem with that?"

Nolan backed up. "Sorry if I offended you. I was just curious and wanted to talk. I can stay quiet if you want."

She pulled their hood down, revealing a pretty face with what looked like rat ears. "Are you okay with getting help from a rat?" She said that like she knew the answer already.

"Especially from someone as pretty as you."

She gave him a hard stare. "Are you mocking me?"

"No. I'm sorry, did I say something wrong?"

"You are human right?" She started looking him over, looking for what would make him not human.

"Yes. Is that okay?"

... "Let's get back to the others."

"Thank you."

They walked for a few minutes, him staring at her butt the whole time, then stopped. She pulled her hood up and walked around a corner. "Master, I've found a human."

When he got around the corner, he saw four more people. A man dressed like a warrior, short sword and shield. A man dressed like an archer in leather armor, holding a bow. A woman, who looked like a priestess, holding a staff with a white crystal on top of it. And someone big wearing full steel plate armor, it was horribly dented and rusty.

"I'm so grateful to see other people."

They didn't reply. For some reason, they just stared with wide eyes. A little low. Looking down, he remembered he was still naked.

Quickly he tried covering himself with his hands. "Sorry, but could I get some pants?"

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