《Making a World Into Fantasy》Chapter 17- Five Minds Gather


Thearessa decided to welcome the two “newcomers” at the gates of Phyranhol in place of letting them fumble around the town and possibly make a mess of things. Before she left the library, she promised Eliott that she would bring the two back without any fanfare.

So, she sat on the railings of a building that had a clear view of the gates. Sparse amounts of people entered and exited past the gates.

There was a flaw to the nondescript town, people don’t seem to think that travelers would be a cause for concern. People passed through unchecked and the guards that stood at the gates seemed to be for show. They chatted and did no action that fit their named status.

She thought that maybe she should get some of the Underworld to pay attention to the security of the town.

The library was there after all and if it met any danger that exceeded the power of Eliott’s or Merla’s spells, her only guide for Source would be gone.

Although talented, she doesn’t have any clue on how to progress down the path of Source. Even if she did, big changes would probably not be made during the prime of her life and it would have been no different from before.

Bored with the mundanity of the task, Thearessa decided to use her Guiding Sight to search for the two individuals. The spell’s ability to sense her goal had been somewhat honed after Eliott explained the extent of her innate Source ability.

Soul of the Occulus was her innate Source ability. Occulus referred to a magical creature that had the form of a giant eye and many auxiliary eyes. Quite ugly in form, in her opinion. It derived its power from its sight and therefore she shared similar capabilities thus gaining a boost in power if her spells originated from her eyes. Eliott did share some concerns about possible drawbacks, but Thearessa was prepared for any possible exchange for power.

Her eyes glowed as large amounts of Source coursed through them. A blue tinge appeared on the edges of her view, it wasn’t a deep blue… maybe the two men were close.

Some time passed before two distinct figures made their way under the pass of the gate, of course, ignored by the guards. People subtly gave them a wide berth and avoided making contact with them.

Both wore cloaks, but it didn’t hide their distinct auras from the years they spent in their special roles and authorities. It was normal that people naturally avoided them.

Thearessa saw this and smiled before she made her way to “accidentally” run into their path.


They had barely wandered into the peripheries of the town’s walls before they found themselves stumbling over a feminine body.


“Oops. I’m sorry sirs, I didn’t expect such strong men to not notice a fragile lady like me.” A coquettish and teasing voice replied.

The two men looked at the person they had stumbled into and were equally surprised. The woman in front of them was completely different from what they imagined. It was a known acquaintance that they would have never met in person under different circumstances.

“Well? You both are here to find answers to control Source better right?” Thearessa looked at both of them with some admiration. In her heart, these two were equals to her in terms of ability just based on what she had heard in passing when she frequented the Underworld.

“Uh… yes.” Septimus rubbed the back of his head in a sort of stupor. So much for their plan to quietly probe the town. He took off the hood that covered his dirty blond hair and rugged features. A look fitting the reputation as the Sword of the Golden Kingdom.

“You certainly found us quite fast, Hermit of the North.” A voice filled with a hint of caution and curiosity came from the other man. Their movements weren’t as exaggerated and kept themselves hidden, only revealing the sharp features of their jaw.

“Thearessa. You both should know of my name, after all, our identities were revealed in the Eternal Library which eventually led us here.” Her gaze scrutinized the thinner man beside Septimus.

“Nobody here would even know who you are. The librarian said it should be fine to reveal yourself and enjoy the sun.” Thearessa then turned around and gestured for them to follow her.

The brief conversation already revealed a lot to both of them. This town should be relatively safe from prying eyes if such a high-profile person that knew about Source resided here unnoticed. Each held a certain sense of excitement to this person who could answer their questions.

Three figures with distinct personalities that would usually clash found themselves touring the town. Thearessa didn’t hold back and offered her opinions on the lifestyle of such a place while providing both some insights of things that they might be interested in.

Eventually, they found themselves in front of a wood and stone structure that looked quite bigger than most of its surroundings. It had fairly large windows on its sides. One wouldn’t think this was where a person who knew about the wonders of Source would live.

Given Thearessa’s explanation, it was the town’s library. It collected book shipments from traveling merchants that passed by and offered a great range of books for all walks of life. The knowledge inside was open to the public given they had the money to borrow a book or the time to read one.


Both men were surprised at the eloquence of the sudden town tour. Especially with it coming from the person in front of them who was known to rather be a recluse than deal with others.

As Thearessa finished the introduction to the library, a young man came out of the building and offered them a smile. His gaze seemed to see right through them. Septimus felt nervous as only those he considered above him made him feel like this. For Jack, he felt the back of his clothes soak with sweat. These types of people were usually dangerous to him and his cause.

“Welcome! I have a good feeling that you all came from afar to ask about Source?” The young man gestured to the open doorway.

“The name’s Eliott Hearthrom. I think I’m who you’re looking for as well as the librarian of this library.” Eliott seemed to think for a bit before he added an amendment to his previous statement, “this is unrelated to the Eternal Library.”

“I heard about it from Thearessa here. Come inside.” Eliott then turned and walked in before the two could even answer or respond.

Thearessa chuckled at the two of them before she shrugged and went inside.

Septimus glanced at Jack and both of them followed her inside.

The two didn’t seem to have a reaction to the interior as they walked in. In fact, it was somewhat in line with the quality they had imagined when they took a tour of the town. It was definitely going to pale in comparison to the Eternal Library or the libraries they respectively had seen in larger places.

Before them was a large table with various books and parchment on the table. A young woman that was probably younger than Eliott sat on one end of the table, an open book in front of her. Various tiny, birdlike shapes flew around her head.

“It probably doesn’t compare to other places, but it’s a quiet enough place for now don’t you think?” Eliott broke the silence.

Jack was the first to break his trance away from the young woman.

“So, you can help, as that god said?” He went straight to the point.

Septimus also asked right after, “Can you contact the person that was in the Eternal Library?”

Eliott dragged a chair away from the table and sat down. He then grabbed beneath the chair and brought out two identical books from seemingly nowhere before he pushed them across the table to both of them.

The title read Source: The Beginning.

“Take a look through this for a brief comprehension on the basic knowledge of Source. To answer your question, yes.” He pointed at Jack then pointed to Septimus, “No.”

The young man leaned back on the wooden chair, making it groan in protest.

“I can probably help you understand some parts of Source, but due to its properties, it would be better for self-exploration. At most, I could help clarify the things in the book. Which contains most, if not all, the information you would probably ask me.” He then pointed to the young lady and at Thearessa.

“Those two have read it. Uh- Merla, you should introduce yourself. They should be your competition and rivals in magic.” Eliott said in a playful tone. His mannerism seemed to be quite relaxed despite the audience around him which would have left others shaking on the floor.

The young lady looked up and the birds flying around her head slowly disappeared into small blue particles.

“Hello. I’m Merletta, but everyone usually calls me Merla. I can also use Source like you all!” She stood up from her seat and gave a messy curtsy. Careful observation from both men could tell she was new to this kind of action.

“Nice to meet you sir and madam.” Septimus gave a slight bow and took a closer look at the book on the table. His curiosity about Source had grown uncontrollably after he saw the phenomenon around Merla’s head.

“Interesting. Both of you give me a weak sense of crisis. Haha! If those who follow me heard that, I would be beaten and banished.” Jack gave them a hardy stare before his voice was lost to quiet mutters as he opened the book in front of him.

Thearessa was unsurprised at their actions. She was the same after all, but soon they would realize the depths of those two.


Lukas was inwardly happy and excited at the prospect that all the people who could harness Source were all in one place. His own Source was silently thrumming with excitement within his body to resonate with his mood, but he kept it under control.

This is probably a historic moment!

[The Book of Chronicles has been updated.]

[Gathering of the First Sourcerers. The world’s first gathering of prominent Sourcerers has occurred! Although the content of their discussion was related to the basics of magical energy that gave them new Fates, such a feat marks the development of Source in the world. This is a precedent of grander things to come!]

Speak of the devil, hahaha!

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