《Making a World Into Fantasy》Chapter 2 - Source Magic


[You have received the following:

1x Essence Orb (Large)

1x Mysterious Seed

1x World Fate Enhancer]

[Essence orbs are a pure condensation of the world’s myriad of energies. It can be slowly absorbed through active intake or through natural diffusal in the air. The larger the orb, the more energy is contained within.]

[Mysterious Seed. Unknown lineage, but contains a great amount of natural energy. It is currently dormant, but once planted will sprout in no time and enrich the land.]

[World Fate Enhancer. Increases the quality/quantity of the world’s Fate through spontaneous means. The effects will be unknown, but will significantly bring about a great change to the world’s inhabitants that cannot be ignored.]

“Shit…” He muttered under his breath.

Just based on the descriptions alone, they seemed like powerful items to use. there’s just the matter of time and place to consider. Especially concerning the seed.

Checking his inventory, he took out each item and placed them on the table.

A large white, teal orb.

A fist-sized nut with streaks of blue and gold running down its ridges.

Then finally, a scroll sealed up by a ribbon with golden runes written on the cloth.

With each one taken out, Lukas could feel the change in the energy around him. It was easier to breathe and the light in rooms also seemed brighter and gentler.

After admiring the items for awhile he decided to stow away the items for now and look at the other important tab provided by the system.

Closing the [Inventory] then moving to the [Create] option that was available to him.

There was a sudden flash in front of his eyes. The surroundings changed from the quiet library interior to an area surrounded by a swirling mist and twinkling lights in a dark background.


Lukas looked around curiously as the new setting seemed to replicate what they called nebulas in his past life. The mist however swirled around him and filled him with refreshing energy. It eventually condensed itself into a terminal with various inputs in front of him.

[Host please write how you intend to introduce the mysteries of miracles to the world using the inputs below. The more detailed the origin and system of magics you wish to introduce, the easier it will be for you to grasp. Otherwise, this system will fill in the more intricate details.]

[Once completed. The world will change in accordance to your descriptions and the beings within will slowly realize your addition to this lackluster world.]

Lukas looked at the information with some thought. He wasn’t completely aware of how he wanted to do this, but he had a myriad of examples from his past world’s literature.

He thought for a while, but eventually settled on the idea of a cultivation magic style. It might be a slower system of development, but the power that could be obtained later after the establishing of stable foundations would make up for it in the long run.

He started inputting his ideas of the magic into the terminal. Source Magic!

There would be 7 stages of magic with three sub tiers within (Apprentice, Adept, Master):

Source Opening > Core Creation > Source Heart > Refined Body > Source Origin > Origin Star > Origin King

In Lukas’s mind, through these stages of magic, one could eventually become a pseudo-god of their own little world. He wanted magic to be a way for miracles to exist and for future generations to seek adventure.

This was his dream for this lackluster world. He didn’t want it to go through the same changes of the world in his past. It was a bit selfish, but the system gave him the ability to do so!


Or so he thought…

[Error! Current world Fate quality and quantity is too low to allow the full implementation of this powerful design.

Are you okay with it being implemented in a slow manner as the world accumulates fate?]

Lukas froze. It wasn’t a bad idea to slowly implement it in.

After all, the whole idea with this design is slow, but stable growth. Maybe he could eventually speed it up with the Fate Enhancer item afterwards.

He accepted the idea.

[Source Magic creation and implementation analyzed and approved!]

Lukas narrowed his eyes at the response. Approved?

[Source spouts from the small world, Xerveres!]

[The natural world is affected!]

[Flora and fauna may experience mutations as source permeates the land.]

[Minerals and other natural resources may slowly change in quality as source permeates the land.]

[Host body is deemed a qualitative fit for source energy and has improved in quality!

No longer afflicted by (Weak Neurotoxin)!]


[Congratulations for completing the first task: Fantastical Origins!

Xerveres Fate quality has improved: Dismal > Weakly Dismal]

[Host privileges have improved and have unlocked the [Champion] tab!]

Facing the barrage of system notifications, only one caught him by surprise. It was was a clue for the reason of Eliott’s death and his takeover.

Before he could do anything, the mist swirling around him exploded outwards and the lights shone brighter. As the light faded, he realized that the mist created a topographical map of the world.

Lukas to this point hadn’t known what Xerveres looked like till this moment.

It was abysmally small, only containing one large landmass and a few outlier islands on the fringes of the main continent. Large mountains divided the continent in half and a somewhat vast ocean separated the two halves on the coast.

There was a flat piece of landmass to the north with mostly flat lands, assumed to be ice fields he casually managed to learn about from the books he cleaned up earlier.

A small light glowed on a small section of land almost tucked into one of the mountains. Lukas had a good feeling this was where he was located.

[Welcome host, this is the world map of Xerveres in real time. From here you can use the Create function to apply more subtle touches to the world to make it more magical.]

[However, you are limited by your ability to use your new source energy to manipulate fate.]

Lukas lifted his brows in understanding. The room seemed to get brighter as he leaned forward for a clearer understanding of the world.

A sudden pain stabbed his mind!

Lukas heard one more notification from the system before he blacked out.

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