
Kurinai pov

“What took you so long?” I asked Pitou who came inside the study room after they arrived.

“We just encounter minor problems, your Majesty.” Pitou bowed and then said the other reasons why he was there.

“From the information that I gathered when I was in feloria, the kingdom will be sending their elite troops tomorrow to clear the forest, your majesty,” he exclaims.

“Really? Wooahh, they are quick enough to send their troops here already? But anyways tonight I will start to move the entire forest and the preparations were made already.” I said back and then dismissed him after that.

After I talk to Pitou, I went back to the balcony where the whole village and forest area could be seen. Then I open the navigation window.


all buildings can be established as long as you saw and understand the structure.

Each building to be made will vary depending on the structure you wish to achieve.

Mana consumption varies with the size and how luxuriously the structure is.”

As I saw the information about [creative spell]. It says that I can build anything I want as long as I have met the criteria for it.

Since I spend my life in an innovative world, I have seen multiple kinds of buildings and infrastructure with different styles and designs. It’s more of like a copy and paste kind of skill.

I thought of creating an arena because we need a practice room to develop more our skills.


Memory scanning complete.

There are 15 styles of arena you have in your memory.

Based on its structures and properties 300,000 thousand mana is needed to build the structure you want.

Do you want to set up now?”

As I scroll down I am reluctant of what type of building I always want to build, it's either gladiator arena or somewhat like a medieval style or the arena for gods.

There are so many types I want to build. Ohh since the setting of the game was more of like medieval times I will choose a gladiator arena.

As I select the type of area where I wish to place it and the land area needed. The forest beside the lake was cleared instantly and I saw on the monitor where the red grid appeared and an indicator that it is needed to place the building. I click it. Then the building began to process and will be done after 30 mins.

Seeing it finished after 30 mins. , I was pleased to see the results. I also build and upgrade some of the existing structures like the market in the village, roads, decorations, and amusements.

After everything is done, busuana seems different from the previous. The vibes are like more of a small city but I have fewer residences and that makes a deserted place since there are modern buildings, but there are few people able to use it. Besides people get panicked after they felt the vibration and went outside to be shocked of the reformations they saw.


However, I will worry it later. From the balcony, I can see the lights of the village and I thought about my life before. I shrugged the memories and continue on working.

I open the window system and I started to navigate the whole floor including the forest outside since there are creatures that evolved through the crystal from my dungeon it will be a waste if I will exclude them.

I created a crystal using the purest form of my mana so that it will help the whole area to float and will make it steady no matter what the situations is unless a godly world class destructive spell will be used there's no guarantee that the whole area will collapse

I transported myself to the underground room where the crystal of the first floor is located and saw the banshees guarding the iron door. As they saw me they bowed and greeted me and open the door.

As I went inside, it always amazes me seeing how beautiful the green crystal floating in the center is. I approach it, then I pull the white crystal I have just made and fused it to the green crystal.

As the fusion started, the green crystal shined brightly that lighted the whole room. after the fusion is done the light started to concentrate and draw back to the crystal that became dark indigo after the fusion ended. It produces miasma and it became bigger twice about it sized before.

I touch the indigo crystal and cast [defy gravity]. It is a kind of magic that made the selected area to float a certain thing despite the gravitational pull from the earth core.

After that, I transported back to the terrace and I began the process of lifting the ground to the sky. the ground started to shake and I can see here that the people from the village started to come out from their houses panicked and rushed to come here at the castle to ask for help, the birds and all type of flying monster residing from the forest flown to the sky and the animals and other monsters were also disturbed as they don't know what happen to the ground.

They were petrified by the current situation, but I used sound amplification to magnify my voice so that everyone could hear it.

"Everyone, I started the process to float the entire area to the sky, you will feel a little shake, but it will pass after a while so please bear it for the moment. I also fortify all the buildings so they won't collapse as the ground shakes" I told everyone who heard it.

Everyone feels relieved as they heard my voice as they gathered at the center village near the fountain and saw me at the terrace since my location is facing the unspoiled village.


As the quake cannot be felt anymore we slowly ascending from the ground and since, I started it during the night the temperature became colder as we are now a hundred meters away from the ground.

I cast [atmosphere creation] then after, a black colored magic circle appeared in my palm and sent it upward toward the sky then the atmosphere started to envelop the whole area and every time the layers of atmosphere created from troposphere to mesosphere it gives a faint glow from the sky and now it was done, the temperature went back to normal.

I cast another spell [invincibility] to hide the entire floor since it will be a big problem if I will not use it because it will create a shade below the sky island. After a couple of minutes the shaking stops and now we are floating above the clouds, it was really different as you view it from the above. Everything below is so small and from here endless clouds are like a marshmallow. So white and beautiful.

There's a huge crate below where the entire forest was located before. It was like hit by an asteroid. Now if the kingdom will attack all they would see is the crate left in the forest as we float from above.

After I finalized the last process of maintaining the whole floor, I pulled out from my inventory the cube crystal where I put the three secret rooms for my important items. I made extra room below from the castle and place it there. I cast multiple lock options and restrictions so that I will only one who could access it.

When everything seems done I call all the guardians to the meeting room because I have something to assign and tell them. As I open the door, they were already there waiting for me.

"Since everyone is here already. There will be a new assignment for all of you since our base is different from before and also your responsibilities as a guardian will change, I did not make any floors for you to guard, but I will allocate you each to your new position. But before that, zeckery may I have the scroll that I gave you before?"

"Here it is your majesty" zeckery moves forward and pulls out an item from her pocket inventory. The two scrolls containing the hydra and imugi, and handed it to me.

"Thank. You! “I said to him then I threw it up and the scroll opens and the ancient letters that wrote there were shined brightly.

The letters separate from the scroll and create a large circular force field and gradually became smaller and two eggs appeared after the lights gone.

I fast forward the incubation process and now the eggs are started to hatch, cracks are now starting to form at the eggs and later on, two baby imugi and the baby Hydra is looking at me.

They come at me and brushed their body to me. I think that like most other animals, the first creature they laid their eyes on will be their parents.

The imugi coiled his body to mine while the hydra waits to pat his head. They were all cute.

I tried to stop myself from cuddling them so I won’t embarrass myself to everyone here. I am fond of baby pets that's why I am weak when I have them in front of me.

The three beasts in front of me now, are the legendary creature before in the world of dungeons, possessing one would be a great help and could increase your battle capabilities since they are hard to acquire and there only few were able to have it.

I face everyone as the three creatures went beside me and designate the new duties.

“Right now we are going to defend our new base and I will not create floors for you to guard on. Instead, I will assign you to your new duties."

“Zeckery and Lucas, you will be responsible for the protection of the outer area of busuana.

Beelzeve and gecko you are responsible for the army and the defense of the whole area.

Emerald and Pitou you were my link between here and the outside world.

zeberu I will assign you as the prime minister of busuana and for the other demon lords you will each company the guardians, you will be distributed evenly."

After I said that, they all bowed and then I dismissed them, but I forgot frosty and tahuro since the two of them don't have any responsibility yet they remain and ask me.

“your Majesty, sorry to ask this but how about us?" Frozty exclaim.

" Ooh, sorry, I will make a queen monster to modify you and tahuro because your current level is not enough to guard busuana. I will call you tomorrow after I made it." After I’m done explaining I wave my hand as a signal for them to leave.

They exited the room and then a message appears.

your transformation has ended.

Do you wish to transform again?

As the message appears, I transform back to my child form and the three creatures wander what just happen but they still brushed their bodies to mine.

I called Kurogane to send these three to their cage since there will be a trouble if they will escape. After that, I went back to my room and then I took a bath and went to sleep.

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