《The WORLD of Dungeons》CHAPTER 26 A DUEL


Kurinai pov

What a beautiful day, the warm feeling of the morning breeze and the sun shines beautifully in the blue sky. I walked outside to breathe fresh air as pitou and his team went to feloria kingdom to get Ari's sibling.

We use flight magic to go where the volcano is because that’s the only place that has a wide space for practice. As we fly over there I was also thinking about creating the Sky Island. I decided to build my dungeon on a floating island because the probability of a raid is 0.1 percent.

It’s hard to attack our new base since its floating and there are only few races that could able to fly and humans barely able use flight magic since only the magician who has a high input of magic power can use it.

We landed on the open space where the cooled magma was formed to be the floor area in this location, about 30 meters wide; I brought zeberu because he’s the only guardian who could par with my powers before.

“zeberu I want you to use your full power as we start to battle and don’t hold back” zeberu nod and started to equip his best armor and ready a stance.

“im honored that you choose me as your sparring partner and your majesty, im ready” he exclaimed.

“Bring it on,” I said to him while doing nothing.

“Aren’t you going to equip yourself your majesty?” he asked.

“There’s no need, I want to see how powerful my new acquired power and I think I can fight even without my armor” as I said this he disappeared in his position and appeared at my back.

One large sword suddenly appears in his hand and tried to cut me.

“So slow,” I said to him, and then with my bare hands hold the sword and break it into pieces. To think that I could break his weapon is unbelievably amazing.

He quickly makes a distance and cast his fireballs to my direction, as it approach me, I slash it with my hands to hit the fireball to change its directory but when it hit my hand it explodes and creates an explosion where thunder lightning were engulfed me. As expected of zeberu theres no way he could cast with a simple fire ball.

What a smart fellow, he uses not only fire magic but fused two elements to create a powerful magic. But I’m not fool to fall for that pity tricks, even I was hit by it, I was neither affected nor unscathed by his attack.

Even my dress is not affected by it. He grins as he saw me standing in the crate were caused by his magic.

“Come on zeberu, I know you can do better than that” I taunt him to exert more effort in his attack.


“Ok here I come master,” he smiled and used [earth destruction].

The ground below me started to shook and then it cracks and hundreds of different sizes of rocks and soil were floating and started to trap me with in. I use [flight magic] to avoid the attack but he cast [magnetic field] to pin me on the ground.

As he successfully stops me from flying, the floating boulders now coming to me in a rapid speed not only that he used [whisper of darkness] and [fame of darkness] to add to his attacks. It is an attack where it damages the target with a 100% attack power even if he is immune to all debuffs.

It is a great magic, as it rushed towards me I just remain standing in my position and a huge explosion and a quake was created from that attack. As the dust started to fade away, a large hole was seen on where I was standing before.

As if not contented from his attacks he cast [celestial bolt]. A huge angel sword appeared on the sky and strike to where the hole is and cast again [power of flame]. A gigantic phoenix descends from the sky and flies toward the hole in a rapid speed.

After that, the whole area where his attacks hit on created a large pit that you could not even see the bottom. Zeberu who just cast multiple high 10 tier magic was now gasping for air.

But he was shocked as he saw me ascended from the pit where his attacked created, without having a single scratch Though my clothes were tattered by a little bit but aside from that there’s no sign that I was suffered from any wounds or scratches.

“Is that all you can give me zeberu?” I laugh as I saw him weakened from his constant use of high tier spell.

“Are you done? Now it’s my turn.” I smiled wickedly then I started my attack.

[Darkness lords fury].

A dark tentacle of miasma formed from the ground and then a gigantic angel of death appeared in front of him and uses its death scythe to strike him.

As zeberu saw this, he cast a [sturdy shield] to himself that increases his armor defenses and decreases the attack of the enemy to 50 percent. As the large scythe hits him, the ground from where he stands was divided into two and creates a deep cut from it.

He disappeared from there, but I saw him from a distance lying helplessly on the ground. As expected he survives from that attack but when I approach him, his armor was totally shattered and a blood is flowing from all the wounds he recieved.

He successfully avoided the darkness lord’s fury, but he suffered from a great wound that even his 12 tentacles were cut off.


It was one of my simple attacks but because my magic was amplified the effects were tripled also. I use it to stun him first, but I never thought that it would lead him to these state, even his defense became useless with these attack. I just use a forth tier magic though.

“zeberu, are you ok?” I ask him while I saw him trying to endure the pain.

I know I asked a stupid question but as I saw him having trouble in answering me I cast [blessed hand] to heal his wound.

As the faint light covered his whole body, the deep wounds is now closing instantly as if it wasn’t there in the first place. His pale face was now having color and his ragged breath was returned to normal.

“I’m sorry, I think I went over from it” I help him as he got up.

“I thought I was gonna die from that moment your majesty, thanks to the spell I cast before the scythe hit me, it reduces the damage,” He exclaimed.

“I never thought that it would result to that, it was one of my weakest spells though, but I think it was amplified after I absorbed the core.” I apologetically explain to him.

“I understand your intention majesty,” he said back.

“We should stop it now and return to the castle since we created a disturbance here, I will let zeckery fix the damage.” Then I use transportation after I said that.

As we arrive at the main hall I told zeberu to take rest and I will deal the other stuff as he suffered enough for today. He just nod and then floats toward his room.

I just silently followed him with my eyes. After he was gone I use communication to contact zeckery.

As I wait for zeckery to come, I saw Kurogane heading to me.

“Your majesty how was your practice?” he bowed and then asks me.

“It turned out bad as I coincidentally hurt zeberu,” I said to him.

“Do you want me to prepare a bath for yourself, your majesty?”

“Maybe later, as I need to talk to zeckery first but please get me a new set of clothes because my current one was totally damaged.

“Yes your majesty” he then leaves me and disappears from my sight.

“You called me your majesty” zeckery suddenly appeared and ask me.

“The area where we practiced a while ago was totally damage, can you please fix that,” I ask him.

“Yes, of course, your majesty, but where is zeberu, your majesty?”

“I let him recovered first since he received great damage from me” I explained to him.

“Really? I never thought that you could beat him in just one spell your majesty, as expected from our king.” He smiled widely then bid me farewell as he went to the place where we had our battle.

As if on cue, Kurogane approach me with a new set of clothes in his hands.

“Your majesty, I already prepare your chamber and here is the new set of clothes.” I get it from him then I enter my room.

After I changed I went to my office and read the papers on the table. Then Kurogane serves me coffee as I started to flip the paper. But I got bored after a couple of minutes so I decided to go to the library since pitou will be back around twilight.

As I enter, a beautiful woman with a curvaceous body and revealing dress greeted me as I walked towards the shelves. She is one of the eight demon lords who became the caretaker of the library for the meantime, she’s responsible in creating scrolls and potions, but I ordered her to just stop for the moment since the laboratory was still not created.

“Good morning your majesty,” she greeted me with an alluring smile.

“Good morning too Carla, I went here to read so don’t disturb me for the meantime ok” I smiled and started to walk away from her.

She went back to her desk while I proceed to the books that I wanted to read. As I choose a book from the shelves, I found an interesting book that caught my eyes.

I was deeply concentrated to the story of the book that I forget that it's almost 4 o’clock in the afternoon, my tummy is revolting from hunger so I closed the book but leave a bookmark to it and place it on the shelves.

I passed by the desk of Carla and as she saw me, she stands up and bow then I went outside and headed to the kitchen. Kurogane who is waiting outside the library followed me to the kitchen and help the chef prepare the dish.

I was full the moment I finished my lunch and then I headed back to my room to take a bath.

All my stress and fatigue was relieved the moment I submerge myself from the warm water Kurogane prepared for me, and I stayed there for 45 mins. Until I was done cleaning my entire body.

When I got out from the Jacuzzi pitou and his team already arrived so I went to see them.

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