《The WORLD of Dungeons》Chapter 23.



After we arrive at the hall in the castle, the woman couldn't fathom that there's a beautiful building in the middle of nowhere. She let out a gasped as she noticed that the butlers and the maids are line accordingly and greeted us.

I face Kurogane and told him that to attend the visitor needs. “Find her a proper dress," I told the head butler," and oh! I almost forgot, please send some of the maids to prepare the unused house at the village to clean it and inform the chief that there will be new settlers."

“Yes, your majesty!" Kurogane snapped his hands and 4 maids in their sexy uniform rushing forward, then after I climbed the staircase I saw the woman bowed at me as to imitate what the others are doing.

I went directly to the office that's made for me by zeberu and scan the papers at the top of a wooden desk with beautiful carvings on the side and a transparent glass that made its unique appearance.

As expected of him, everything was stacked properly and accordingly, as I contemplate from the papers on the desk, a serious plan I almost forget that I needed to do, that is to plant the core at the dungeon that I found and help to nurture it.

I hurriedly went out the room and run in the hallway, but suddenly Kurogane the butler stops me and ask me.

" Your majesty, may I ask where you are going?"

" I just want to go outside to stroll" I lied while keeping my face firm and straight so he could not guess what I am about to do.

" If you want to do that, you need to bring 2 battle maids with you, your majesty." he added.

" master zeberu told us that we should never leave you alone if you are going outside the castle." he blocks the way and then stand there spreading his arms to prevent me from escaping.

" You don't need to trouble yourself, I can't take care of myself." then I glide to escape from him.

But to my surprise, I was caught.

" Your majesty, I am sorry to do this, but I can't let you go out the castle without having the maids. " Kurogane added.

" Ahhhrrrrggg! Ok, I will be going with the maids". I peek at the back to see who's coming with me.

" Oh, its Brittania, Debora, Jane and Jonas? Why them? I ask Kurogane to clear my suspicions.

"It's because they're perfect in combat and for keeping you protected while you were outside your majesty," Kurogane explained to me.

As I look at the maids and one butler, I can't do anything if I don't accept it.

"ok, but you won't do anything unless I told so.!" I told my guards for today.

" yes your majesty," the 4 replied.

after that, Kurogane finally paves a way for us as we exit the hallway. the 3 just follow me from behind but since my footsteps are so small, Jonas offered to carry me.

" your majesty, where are we going?'' Brittania asked me.

" we are going outside busuana." I named the first-floor busuana because it's hard to say the latter always.

" your majesty, if you have something to ask for? you should have told us so that, you will not hassle yourself anymore." Brittania added.

"it's something that I should do and no one can do it beside me." I face Brittania while we stopped and Deborah speaks to me.


" your majesty, I can use flight magic and I think it will make it faster if we use it, I can cast at least to all of us."

"really!? I thought you are all just combatant ''. I was surprised about it. it seems that she is a spell caster after all.

When I look back when it was still a game, I never thought that all of them had their own characteristics and skill since all of them are the same in my eyes.

I just made them before without looking with what the system can offer and besides if you add a skill to them, they will add more than what it cost for each of them.

So I just blindly click all the skill of each maid I made before and that's what it looks like today.

“Can you also use teleportation?" I ask Deborah.

“No, your majesty, teleportation is a high tier spell; with my level I can’t use it."

“Only you and master zeberu can use it, your majesty!'' Deborah added.

" ok, let's go!" as I said this like a child, they are all looking at me with amusement and then, as Deborah lift his hand, a magic sequence appeared in his palm and also at the ground and then it encircle us and we lift from the ground.

“Your majesty, please leads the way," Deborah said.

We are flying above the ground and passed the village and then later on we are outside busuana. We head further from the forest southwest from our location and we saw a dense rocky forest from afar.

We fly down and passed the snake-like river then at the end of it, is the massive waterfall where no human could survive if they happen to fall into the river then we flew up again and turned right where we arrived at the dungeon.

We happen to found this dungeon before, when I decided to roam around the area of feloria, we found this rocky forest where most of the monster is goat like creature wild wyverns, rock golems and rock centipede.

This forest is still unexplored due to the high leveled monsters and the terrain that makes it hard to explore.

But we are able to defeat them easily because of zeberu and now since we used flight magic we passed that area where most of them flocked together.

The wyverns were dealt by Jonas and Brittania As we go down, the entrance of the cave was narrow and we need to crawl down to enter. The structure of the cave is somewhat like a narrow from the beginning, but it became wider and bigger as you went through.

As we reach the first floor of the cave were most monsters are goblins and imps are flocking together are killed with one strike of wide area magic of Deborah. It seems in this travel all I did was just leading the way.

the fight was easily done and now we are facing the first floor boss of the cave, it was a minotaur around level 30 since this dungeon is young, most of the monsters are low level and easily to deal with.

As we killed the floor boss by just slashing it with a sword of durandal which Jonas casually strikes, a tunnel appeared that is leading to the final room where the dungeon core is located. We can sense and feel that the dungeon is alive because of the small colored orbs floating around the area which indicates that it is growing.


The temperature also here is different than in the first floor, because it was normal and controlled so no matter what the weather outside the temperature inside still the same.

We reach a wide area where the dungeon lord is waiting. It is a form of a cat woman, her hands were glowing of red miasma which means that it is cursed and if you get caught or get scratch by it you might be fatally wounded.

but since it was around level 40 which is higher than the floor boss earlier it was easily killed by Jonas who was maniacally slash it with its sword. We finally subjugate the entire monster inside. It was an easy win because the dungeon is still in its infancy period that’s why all the monster are low leveled compared to my companions who was above level 70.

The dungeon core was finally appeared when we destroy a boulder of rocks right after Debora found it with a search magic since rocks are all over the place I never think of it at first but when I use detection magic plus Deborah cooperation with search magic we finally found its true location. By the way search magic and detection magic is different. Search magic can pinpoint a certain object while detection magic can detect an abnormal status or energy with in a specific range.

Deborah uses the floating magic to lift all the rocks from the entrance and put them beside it.

It finally revealed, a brown colored crystal brightly glowed inside a small room. I went inside of it and said to the 3 of them to not enter and guard me while I was inside.

When I entered the room the rocks that were being lifted was automatically back to where it was before.

" your majesty, are you okay?" Brittania asked me as they panicked when they see the door was blocked by boulders of rocks.

"yes, im okay! don't worry and stay where you are" I shouted back at them.

As I was inside, I remember that I can fuse two cores so that the skill of the two cores will be added to me. As I touch the brown like core, I feel a surge of energy from it. I pull the legendary core from my inventory and then used my blood to draw a magic circle from it then I put my hands at the brown crystal core and tried to fuse it so that I can absorb the ability of this dungeon.

Dungeon core differs from each other by color, from what I know there are 6 types of dungeon core, brown, yellow, red, purple, black and white. The strongest core is white while the normal core is brown. The color of my dungeon before it was destroyed is black while the legendary core that I am holding right now is white.

a warm feeling enveloped me as I channeled all the life force of each core from me then I was covered with a white light and after a moment I can feel that the enormous power from the legendary core was now chanelling inside of me and then a message appeared right after the energy dissipates from two cores.

“you have successfully fused two cores inside you.

you can now choose what race you like.

do you want to choose right now?”

hmmmmm. I think I should carefully think about it but I was not in the mood so I choose yes.

you can now select the different races below.

* legendary core

* ancestral core

* godlike core

What the heck! It’s different from what I know. I was surprised both by the names and the number of options. Although, it was a bit strange that the last two sounded more like a difficult choice, but then again, maybe as a dungeon core, there are races existed like this. Well, seeing the shiny ‘Godlike’ there, I decided to pick that one. A window popped up in front of my eyes.

“are you sure about this choice?”

I think the first two was lower compared to godlike since I like how it sounds I click yes.

“you selected godlike core.

all the floors from the legendary core and from the rocky dungeon core can now be accessed.

all stats from both cores was now added to your current level.

but the level of the legendary was cut in half due to the penalty of the cursed placed by the legendary boss to you.

your level as a godlike dungeon core is now 499 from 999 level of the previous core.”

what the heck is this thing? I asked myself as I stared at the monitor.

"your majesty, are you okay?" the three panic as they heard me raising my voice.

"y-up , im okay, don't worry" I replied as to calm them.

as I look back from the monitor, a loud sound could be heard from all over the room as I laugh like there's no tomorrow.

“all stats are renewed and updated after you infused the two core in you.

you can now create and build your own dungeon.

do you want to start building now?”

im not in a rush to do this, since my first plan is to destroy the core of this dungeon and plant the legendary core here, but I decided to fuse it since I remember that it can be fused together.

I am delighted that my level was exceeded from the game level which is only a hundred and now it’s totally a whole new level which gives a lot of options.

Ohh! Now I can call back all my guardians from hades and I can create the dungeon like it was before.

" can I move the dungeon from a certain location? " I ask the system voice.

“you can move it 15,000 mana will be deducted for every 1 kilometer. do you wish to move now?”

what? 15,000 mana?. I open my new window stats.

[/tds][/tds] [/tds][/tds][/tds]

Status Window


Race godlike dungeon master

Level 499+8

Class godlike MAGIC CASTER

Health 160,000,000,000,000,000 Mana 140,000,000,000,000,000

Health Regen 10,000/s Mana Regen 20,000/s

Strength 100,000,000 Agility 80,000,000,000

Wisdom 15,000,000,000

Stamina 8,000,000,000 Vitality 12,000,000,000

Luck 7,000,000,000 Divinity 200,000,000,000,000

Special skills

[Attack] (100,000 types)

[Defense](120,000 types)


[Summoning](divine,demonic,undead types)

[Unique Skills](10,000)


I never thought that my stats would be like this. it is absurd, it's like I have an infinite source of power and maybe it's because of the godlike race. im so happy that I jumped like a child.

Well, even my stats became like that, my body was still the same. According to the window system, I was cursed and I can't lift the curse because it was cast permanently, all I need to do now is to accept the reality.

As I scan from the 10,000 unique skills that I have, my eyes glued to the options where I can transform.

"bwahahahhahhah!!!!!!!!!!" I laugh out loud again. As I activate the skill, a faint white glow was now covering me.

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