《The WORLD of Dungeons》Chapter 24.


CHAPTER 24 Guardians

As the white light covered me, my whole body lifted from the ground and then every part of it is growing back to its original form little by little. As the light disappeared, I was now in the ground naked because my clothes were torn when I was transforming and besides it couldn’t fit me anymore.

I checked my body and I am glad that everything seems fine and normal. I tried to kick and do some punch to test my reflexes and then tried some attack moves. It turns out good.

I was glad about the results, aside from my physique, I can feel also the power that is dwelling upon me, I could not fathom how powerful I am based to the amount and level of my capabilities and skill.

”you have successfully transformed.

300,000 mana has been deducted.”

"Wow! it’s amazing" I exclaimed as I view the message window in front of me, I could say that I am damn lucky.

I noticed as I surveyed the room that after I absorbed the rocky crystal core, the bright colored orb all over the place was completely gone and the temperature inside turned cold. All the life form inside including the light crystal that illuminates the core room and the boss room was now gone, the moss turned brown and the herbs and small creatures died also.

It seems that the life of this living thing was nurtured by the core. I open my inventory pocket and pulled out my sleeping robe since this is the only decent clothes I have aside from my armor. I wore it and then lift my hand and then a door appeared.

As I exit from the room, the three people who are waiting was now staring at me like they saw a divine being descended from above.

I was covered with a divine aura since the race I choose is somewhat beyond in this world.as they realized that the person standing in front of them is their king, they immediately kneeled.

“I’m sorry your majesty for not recognizing you immediately,” brittania said.

“Please stand up, “

they rose after I said that and then as I walked towards them I could feel their nerves and anxiousness as I slowly approached them.

“Now, we will go back to busuana since our mission was done and we don’t have anything to do here anymore” I face them and they let a sigh as a relieve..

They don’t dare to ask me as to what happen inside the room and they just silently followed me.

“Your majesty, do we have to use flight magic?” Deborah asked me.

“it would take us longer if we use flight, I will use teleportation since I don’t have any restriction to my magic right now” I face them and then I just wave my hands and a magic circle appeared at the ground where we are standing then I said the word teleportation.

We quickly disappeared from the dungeon and we arrive at the main hall where all the maids are busy cleaning.

As they felt a presence in the middle of the hall they turned their gazes to us. At first I could feel hostility but when they recognize the three behind me they immediately went back to their chores but they were shocked and surprise at the same time when Deborah and the two announce to everyone that I am their king.

They stopped to what they are doing and then gathered in front of me and bowed to greet me. Zeberu who just got back from exterminating the intruders come out from one of the rooms and as he saw me standing in the main hall, he immediately run at me and greeted me.


“Your majesty, I couldn’t believe that the curse has been lifted”

zeberu exclaimed with gladness.

While zeberu and tahuro who was passing by the main hall to go out wonder what is the commotion about. As frosty recognized me he rushed towards me while tahuro just followed him with a question look.

“Your majesty” frosty said.

Tahuro as he heard this immediately followed frosty.

“Since everyone is already here, please rise and hear what I need to say my powers are back and compare before I am stronger and powerful and to answer your question zeberu the curse is permanently cast to me so I can’t lift the curse but I use a forbidden technique to get back to my old form. In the following days also, I will start to build the dungeon and unlike before where our dungeon is underground I will use an ancient magic to build our new home in the sky”.

All of them are glad as they heard my declaration.

“What happen to your mission zeberu” I face zeberu who is in his dreamy state again.

As heard me he went back to his serious state and answer me.

“Your majesty, I already finished it, but I interrogate them first before eliminating them. According to them they were sent by the kingdom and they just following the orders, I also found out that the reason behind why the kingdom found out this area was because of the merchant who discovered this place as they delivered some goods to the capital.

“Their main reason is to harvest the elemental crystal which is the main ingredient of a high potent potion that was found all over the forest after they scouted and discovered it. Since the scarcity of this said ingredient is hard to find they sent some adventurers in the guild and for the next few days the rest of the army will be arriving to harvest and subjugate the monsters around.” Zeberu said.

I was irritated a little when I heard it and it was written all over my face. As everyone feel that my mood was changed they became reluctant and afraid. When I noticed that everyone was scared, I calmed myself and said.

“Tomorrow I will start creating our new home, kurugone inform the villager that we are moving” I turned to where kurugane who is standing at a distance.

“Yes your majesty, “he replied.

“After I will summon back the other guardians don’t disturb me for the moment until I say so,” I told everyone.

“Your majesty, Did your power just returned?’’ zeberu ask curiously.

“After I fused the legendary and the rocky core into me, I was given my power back that’s why I can use high tier spell like this one,” I answered zeberu though I did not include all the details since it would take time to say it. Called me lazy but right now I was not in the mood.

“Also prepare the rooms for them kurogane” I face kurugane and told him that.

After I told them what I needed to say, I pull out my key and then I undo the spell I cast to get my divine staff back and after it, I started the summoning spell to call hades who had my guardians.

I pull out a pointed knife from my inventory to prick my finger. A blood drips from the tip of it then I drop it from the orb of my staff. It is needed to summon hades.

A wide magic circle appeared on top and then a black smoke is started to form below from the ground then a devil form started to rose from that smoke and hades appeared in front of us.


Everyone gasped as they saw hades emerge from the pit of smoke, his tattered wings, and his two bended horns make his appearance scary together with his hands and feet that of a demon but aside from that everything is fine. He is half human half devil that’s why his appearance is like that.

“ohh! What a surprise,” hades exclaimed as he saw me in my form.

“Last time you were a child, but now you got back your old form what happen?” he asked me.

“It’s nothing of your concern; I called you here because I want the crystal capsule to be here,” I replied. He retorted and frowns as I did not answer him,

“you're just like before, ok, ok, here they are” he said to me then a crystal ball appeared one by one from the pit then gathers in front of me , the last one came is a cube crystal containing the 3 secret rooms.

“Very good! Then shall we start”

I exclaimed to everyone then I wave my staff and a magic circle appeared to the crystal capsule of each guardian and lords and then after a moment the crystal shattered and falls from every direction. I created a barrier around the crystal orbs as to not harm everyone in the main hall.

Before I can only break 1 capsule because it would exhaust my mana but right now where I have almost infinite mana breaking all of it is just as simple as it is.

The guardians and lords are in a sleep state so I need to cancel the suspended animation to bring them back alive.

“victus, correllius sabadey.”

I chant the spell which is needed for the forbidden magic to cancel. After I finished chanting, they envelop in a dark light and then a moment after as the light gone they immediately bowed at me when they open their eyes.

“you have successfully canceled the suspended animation”

The message appeared in front of me then I heard pitou spoke.

“Thank you majesty, for awakening us,” pitou said to me.

I just nod and then turned to everyone.

“I will go to my room now, continue to what you are doing and to the guardians who just awakened here right now, if you have any questions ask zeberu or frosty, and zeckery since you are here now, put a strong barrier and illusion to covered the entire floor”.

I walked and pass them while kurogane and some of the maids followed me to my room. While hades just remains for the meantime as to ask why, I don’t know what in his mind so I just let him stay.

They once again bowed at me and after I was out from their sight they returned to their assigned task while zeberu lead the guardians and lords to their rooms.

While zeckery asked frosty to guide him outside and tahuro followed them. Ari is not there, maybe she was in her room and don’t know what had just happened.

In this day, I did a lot of things, as I approached my room kurogane who walked ahead open the door for me.

“Thank you,” I said to kurogane.

“You’re welcome your majesty, if you have something to ask for just tell me, I am here outside to tend to your needs” he bowed before he left and closed the door.

As I lay my body at the bed I hear someone knocking at the door.

“Your majesty, I have here the clothes” kurogane informed me.

I never asked for it because I forgot that all I had is just my robe. “What a quick fellow” I exclaimed then I said to kurogane to come in and just place it on the table.

He places the neatly folded clothes at the table then went out the room. I did not bother to get up to dress, I just a little bit sleepy so I just close my eyes for the meantime.

But I never thought that my nap would end up me sleeping the entire night. When I woke up the sun is rising already and my tummy is growling intensely, I never had my lunch yesterday that’s why my stomach is revolting.

I got up and wash myself then I wear the clothes kurogane prepared for me, as I open the door, kurogane greteed me then ask.

“Do you have a goodnight sleep your majesty?

“Yes, I just wanted to take a nap but I ended sleeping the whole night,” I smiled then replied to his question.

“The breakfast is ready your majesty” he added

“ohh!! What a timing, I’m really hungry because I never had my lunch and dinner yesterday.” As I walk to the dining room I ask Kurogane about the guest.

“How’s our guest?”

“She is fine your majesty and she ask if she could meet you today” Kurogane reported.

“I can meet her today. Send her in the dining area” I said and then Kurogane excused himself and went to the kitchen where ari is having her breakfast.

As I reach the dining area, I greeted everyone in the table where all the guardians are present. They must be informed by zeberu that I want everyone to have a breakfast with me.

They greeted me back and then we started our breakfast. I occasionally ask everyone about whatnots but if I don’t ask, the silence is reigning in the dining area and that's what I really hate the most. All I could hear are the utensils touching each other.

all Our eyes set on the door as it opened and Kurogane and the girl named ari came in.

“your majesty, the woman is here now.” Kurogane said

“let her sit on the vacant chair,” I commanded

“perhaps you know me already right, ari?” I asked.

“y-es, your majesty, Mr. Kurogane already inform me beforehand.” She replied.

“Kurogane,give her plate and utensils , so she could have a-----.”

“I already have my breakfast, your majesty, “she replied hastily cutting my words.

“How dare you cut what the majesty trying to say” zeberu who stand up and angrily faced the woman,

“it’s ok, zeberu, you don’t need to act like that” I calmed zeberu and let him remain to his seat.

“if you are done then kurogane just give her a tea. You wouldn’t decline that would you?” I ask her.

“th—anks , your majesty.’’ She bowed her head and smiled.

Everyone in the table just cautious and trying not to cause any disturbance. Then as I wipe my mouth with a table cloth I glance at ari then I ask her about what kurogane said to me.

“ari, what is your concern that you want to meet me”

As she didn’t expect that I would speak, she choked by the tea she dinks.

“uhhg—ugh---. Ye—yes your majesty” after kurogane patted her back she tried to speak her mind.

“Your, majesty, I just want to ask if I could go back to feloria and get my sister if it’s ok with you”. She asks for permission.

I almost forgot that she had siblings. These days it seems that I forget things easily.

“Let pitou and the other maids accompany you,” I said to her.

“No your majesty, I could go on my own I don’t want to hassle everyone.”

“let them accompany you, it’s not a hassle so just heed my words.” I said this to stop the argument.

She’s quite smart because she understand that I would never lose an argument.

“if that’s what you want then, I will follow your words.” She said.

“Pitou accompany her and I want you to gather info while you are there. And after you get her siblings, I want you to go back immediately because I will move busuana to our new place.” I told them that and then I stood up as I finished my breakfast then I decided to go outside today to test some of my new skills.

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