《A New World? I'll Do What I Want!》Chapter 4 - The First Minion
You have learned Basic Telepathy
You have learned Basic Mind Magic
You have learned Basic Enchanting
After the battle with the hobgoblin I made my way back to the safe room, and proceeded to lie down.
"Ugh, I guess Enchanting is fine, it won't be of much use for now though" (Xel)
"It's your fault, next time let me know what you want to learn, we're only as smart as you so if you can't think of a skill to learn you'll waste that level up" (Dark)
"I see, I'll keep that in mind, thanks." (Xel)
"Still, I can't wait for level 3, once we can use necromancy I won't have to do anything strenuous unless it's a boss or hobgoblin" (Xel)
"Why do you think that?" (Dark)
"What do you mean, I can turn dead players I find into undead minions and have them farm the monsters for me." (Xel)
"Erm" (Dark)
"You better not tell me I gain no EXP from their kills" (Xel)
"No no no no, of course you do, it's just half goes to them, and half to you" (Dark)
"So? Can they evolve too or something?" (Xel)
"Of course, and your idea about turning dead players into minions is quite cost effective, usually you'd have to have a higher mastery of basic necromancy or at least spend more mana to make specialized undead, but since players have classes any of them turned into undead will also have a class specialization" (Dark)
"That was rather lengthy, but helpful, thanks." (Xel)
"Smart ass, so what are your goals besides being lazy and becoming a true god?" (Dark)
"The usual. Have a Harem, build a town. Explore other worlds, I think i'm starting to understand a little of why I got the Inventor class now" (Xel)
"Haha, indeed. But most of those are lofty, and require hard work. Aren't you too lazy to do it?" (Light)
"Anything I can't farm out to the undead and other minions I intend to create can't be helped. As long as it's not boring i'll probably do it, but i'll still complain" (Xel)
"I see. Now that we're level 2 are all 30 stat points going into Wis?" (Dark)
"Of course!" (Xel)
Status WindowName:XelAlignment:NeutralLevel:2Class:InventorRace:HumanGender:MTitlesN/AFame:0Infamy:0-Health:10 / 10Health Regen:0.3 / SecMana:170 / 170Mana Regen:1.2 / SecStamina:15 / 15Stamina Regen:0.2 / Sec-Strenght:5Agility:5Vitality:5Intelligence:5Wisdom:35Leadership:0Luck:10-Attack:20(+15)Defense:10(+5+)Physical ResistancesSlashing:2Piercing:2Crushing:3Elemental ResistancesFire:10%Water:5%Wind:7%Earth:5%Light:10%Darkness:10%
"Mhm, only need one more level for necromancy" (Xel)
"Erm, not really. It's just if you intend to use other spells or have more than 1 undead you're going to need more mana" (Dark)
"Wait, so I can already control 1 undead?" (Xel)
"Mhm, but what use is 1 undead vs Not having Healing Magic?" (Dark)
"With telepathy I won't need it!" (Xel)
"Eh?" (Light)(Dark)
"I can cause the monsters to fight amongst themselves and use the single undead and rifle to finish them off" (Xel)
"OH! So thats why you wanted telepathy" (Light)
"Yeah. As for what to learn next level.... Light can you learn Elemental skills?" (Xel)
"No, but I could learn elemental Manipulation, since it's a basic skill for humans" (Light)
"Perfect that works too, Dark could you learn the basic elemental Magic or at least Telekinesis?" (Xel)
"Yes, i'm a dark mage, but you're unable to learn telekinesis until level 5" (Dark)
"Why's that? Not enough mana?" (Xel)
"Yes, but it's also a skill that has a level requirement. Most if not all do. Thats another downside to this" (Dark)
"Thats not too bad, it just means that I won't run out of skills to get as I move higher in level" (Xel)
"Indeed! Thats the way too look at it, be more like him Dark" (Light)
"Shut Up Light" (Dark)
"Next stop, finding a dead body in pile of dead bodies!" (Xel)
"If I want to find dead bodies, I should probably follow the smell." (Xel)
'Note to self: Find tons of smell good spray' (Dark)
'Indeed, for once I agree with you' (Light)
As I walked around sniffing like a bloodhound, I ran into a few more goblins, but they were easily dispatched.
"Is it me or do they seem a bit easier to kill than before?" (Xel)
"It's not you, after using the guns and knives I forgot to show you we got a few skills" (Light)
"Wait! You're responsible for the pop ups?" (Xel)
"Nope, Dark is, but he's as lazy as you and leaves it all to me" (Light)
"I see, then keep up the good work?" (Xel)
"Hey hey! What about me?" (Dark)
"Do your job!" (Light) (Xel)
"Urg" (Dark)
You have learned Handgun Proficiency Lv 1
You have learned Rifle Proficiency Lv 1
You have learned Knife Proficiency Lv 1
Skill Name:Skill Level:Handgun Proficiency1[tr]Precision when using a Handgun increases by 20% Additionall Increases of +5% per Skill Level
Skill Name:Skill Level:Rifle Proficiency1[tr]Precision when using a Rifle increases by 20% Additionall Increases of +5% per Skill Level
Skill Name:Skill Level:Knife Proficiency1[tr]All knife damage increases by 15%. Higher levels of skill proficiency cause more damage over time from bleeding
"Huh, do those seem a bit broken to you?" (Xel)
"It probably would be if there were intermediate and advance levels, but there are currently only Lv 1-Lv 10" (Dark)
"I see, no wonder this seems easier, can't everyone just get this proficiency" (Xel)
"Of course, but even with those increases, because there are only 10 Levels, they're instead much harder to raise than usual" (Light)
"Oh, so the initial increases are to keep us alive long enough to raise them by the measly 5% each time" (Xel)
"Hahaha exactly, it's pretty fucking hilarious isn't it?" (Dark)
With a sigh, I continued moving towards the worst smelling area, but before that point I found the dead body of a pretty boy holding a stick.
"Think he has a class?" (Xel)
"Who knows, reanimate his ass and see?" (Dark)
"Ugh, so wasteful, but alright"(Xel)
"Turn Undead!" (Xel)
Turn undead was the skill Dark came with. Light came with Heal and Dark came with Turn Undead
Skill Name:Skill Level:Heal1[tr]Heal an ally or yourself by 30% of their total HP. Costs 10 mana per cast.
Skill Name:Skill Level:Turn Undead1[tr]Turn a dead body into an undead servant. Mana cost depends on level and type of dead body. *Undead created by this skill are yours to command until released, can be summoned and unsummoned at will.* Defeated undead cannot be called for 24 hours. Mana used to revive the dead will not restore until undead is dismissed or unsummoned.
"Shit, I see what you meant when you said 'Would you rather have 1 undead vs Not having Heal' " (Xel)
"Yeah, it took all 80 mana to revive a low level smart undead, imagine trying to control a low level army" (Dark)
"Aren't there any ways around the mana cost?" (Xel)
"Of course, raising the proficiency cuts the mana cost by 90% at level 10. You could also evolve a undead mage into a Lich and and have him summon the undead for you" (Dark)
"I see, thats good to know, but the EXP will be divided further at that point, which sucks" (Xel)
"Well, when you get to that high of a level, EXP is already low, so it's not much of a difference" (Light)
"Oh look! He's started changing!" (Dark)
I turned back to the body in time to see the skin, eyeballs, blood and muscle all disappear. What was left was a moving set of bones, a skeleton.
"Hello my first minion! Have a name?" (Xel)
No response....
"You said he was intelligent" (Xel)
"Er, I think he wants you to give him a name" (Light)
"Oh! Thank god I didn't say that out loud" (Xel)
"From now on you'll become a Death Knight. Your name will be Hades" (Xel)
"Pft Ahahahah! Real fucking original ahahaa!" (Dark)
"Shut up Dark" (Xel)
I looked back to Hades.
After receiving a name, Hades bowed respectfully before standing there silently.
"Erm, what do I do with him now?" (Xel)
"You can just issue orders to him telepathically" (Light)
"Alright then, lets check his stats!" (Xel)
Status WindowName:HadesAlignment:EvilLevel:1Class:WarriorRace:Skeleton SoldierGender:MaleTitlesN/AFame:N/AInfamy:N/A-Health:30 / 30[tr]Mana:10 / 10[tr]Stamina:N/A[tr]-Strenght:10Agility:5Vitality:10Intelligence:3Wisdom:3Leadership:N/ALuck:0-Attack:10Defense:10Physical ResistancesSlashing:25Piercing:25Crushing:0Elemental ResistancesFire:0%Water:0%Wind:0%Earth:10%Light:-50%Darkness:50%
"He did have a class! And it's warrior to boot, perfect!" (Xel)
"Though, whats up with the missing Regen rates, and N/A on stamina and Resitances?" (Xel)
"Skeletons are undead, they do not get tired, so no need for stamina. As for regen rates, if you unsummon and resummon him he'll be fully healed, though there is a cool down, and since you can only summon summon him will all 80 MP I suppose that is a bit of a draw back." (Dark)
"Quit teasing him, if you feed Hades a defeated enemy, it will restore his HP" (Light)
"Really? Thats pretty useful, alright then, lets find some enemies and test if my tactics work."
"Aren't you just excited to level up after 6 more goblins?" (Dark)
"That too" (Xel)
Instead of continuing the way i've been exploring, I headed back to the safe room and went the opposite way this time.
As I was walking I came across the electonics store and decided to take a look inside. To my surprise the fucking goblins and a Hobgoblin were playing Call Of Duty Black Ops 3.
"Never before have I felt such rage and jealousy than I do right now" (Xel)
"What, why? I think it's funny how they're playing video games" (Dark)
"No no no, thats exactly the problem, they're playing videos games, and I'M NOT!" (Xel)
"PFt aahahaha" (Dark)
Ignoring dark I began trying to listen to what the goblins were thinking. Thank god telepathy speaks in a language common to the listener.
Skill Name:Skill Level:Telepathy1[tr]Grants the ability to listen to others and speak using the mind. *Be careful when using against psychic beings*
"I wonder what the warning is about..." (Xel)
*Guh Gah* 'Bitch you suck at this' - Hobgoblin
*Gah Gah* 'Sir, your mother is a whore' - Goblin 1
*Gah Gah Gah* 'Haha noobs, I fucked both your mothers' - Goblin 2
*Gah Guh Gah Gah* 'You know we were all born from the same mother yesterday right?' - Smart Goblin 3
*................* 'Fuck off!' -Hobgoblin, Goblin 1 and Goblin 2
They've been playing Call of Duty for a day and they're already calling each others moms a whore... Incredible.
"Well this makes it easy to try out my tactics" (Xel)
"Pft ahaha" (Dark)
Ignoring dark who is still laughing I send a mental message to the stupider Hobgoblin and the 2 goblins.
"The Goblins hate that we're so good, and wish to destroy the game" "The boss hates us and wishes to kill us to keep the game all to himself"
Sending these messages to the dumb creates I pull out the rifle and instruct Hades to get ready.
It took mere moments for crashes and screeches to be heard. The goblins and the hobgoblin had begun fighting.
I hand hades the Boey Knife.
"Go kill them" (Xel)
When I said those words Hades ran inside and slashed towards the only smart goblin impaling and killing him.
The other 3 we're too busy to even notice him do so. The goblins faught valiantly stabbing at the hobgoblins legs but the Hobgoblin was just too much, and he broke their neck with relative ease. Severely wounded, he walked back to the game completely missing the dead 3rd goblin and Hades.
"Thank god I can finally start being so lazy if this is how it is" (Xel)
"Now now, don't be too hard on him" (Light)
I pulled out the handgun, walked up behind the hobgoblin and fired.
You have Leveled Up
Light has Leveled Up
Dark has Leveled Up
Hades has Leveled Up Advertisement Previous
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