《A Dryflame Child's Life (Rewriting)》Growing?-6


In the big battle arena of Dolores's Hut,some hurried footsteps could be heard from distance.If one where to get closer,they could see a black haired,black eyed handsome man at his 20's going back and forth.From the looks of it,he was anxious,or worried about something.His face was showing signs of weakness.

'Damn,Even though i teached them from young,it was still 6 years ago.Can i still teach,could i guide them correctly?'Was the thoughts of Aeneas,who was the new teacher of Battle Training.He was attending the C and D Classes.Even tough their family had deep connections with school,school wouldn't let him to teach at class B,where Grim and others were,to be fair.He understood it well,but he was still worried about teaching.

He was a doting person,so he always tried to help his younger brothers and sister.Even though Deroc and Stella were his cousins,he was considering them as his own sister and brother,which was also the same case for the other side,So he always treated them the same way he treated to Grim.

Even though Deroc and Stella had a mother for them to look after,Grim and Aeneas certainly didn't.His father at that times were quite busy because of the work at household.There was only a handful people at house,true,But their family had a huge reputation which had to be protected for the sake of their ancestors.Because of that he,with some help from his aunt,always took care of his young brother.So their ties were much more closer.

Especially because he had no mother,Grim was a bit naughty when he was little.Deroc was worse than him while Stella was a real princess,kind and quiet.Because of that,without being aware of it,he started teaching them.Not only about manners,also about common sense,family history and training about being fighter.Because he took the position of big brother for them,he had to be more hardworking.So most of his time were spent learning,working,training,memorizing etc.

But 6 years ago,he was stuck at 5th rank and couldn't get past it no matter what he do.It was not a big bottleneck like 7th or 3rd,but for some reason he couldn't breakthrough.So his father sent him outside world to train by himself.He learnt and got stronger more and more in journey of his,but also forgotten about teaching.So he was very nervous.


Especially this time he was not teaching some little kids nor someone from his family,it was teenagers.This made the matters worse for him so he couldn't help but worry.But whenever he thought about the smiling face of the 3 when he taught them a new thing,he couldn't help but smile.That memory was the last defence against the anxiety burning in him.When he was still walking forth and back,a crisp voice called to him.

''Umm,excuse me sir.Are you from this Academy or a guest?''When Aeneas turned his head around,he saw a pretty girl with blond hair and black eyes.The thing got attention of Aeneas was this girl had a tail and ears of a fox.'She is from the Fang tribe of Western Deserts,that's unexpected'Even though there were some students from the Western Ras,nearly none of them were from tribes.

Because most of the tribes lived calmly and closed to outside.This didn't mean people were restrained from getting out of tribe grounds.It was just closed to outsiders other than people they had ties.Even so,most of the tribesmen were not liking to get out.Especially for childs,it was nigh impossible to find them outside,aside from some exceptions.

Seeing the man thinking,Adalwolfa turned her head around to look at the 3 other from her class.They were also curious about this man,but they didn't want to interrupt him so waited patiently for some seconds.When Aeneas came to his senses,he was a bit embrassed about making them wait for so long.His first lesson was with C class so he was still a bit okay.He just said''Sorry for making you wait'' and bowed down a little.

A boy with messy black hair and sunken eyes,Who was Adrien,spoke in a weak voice''It's not important sir,but we were expecting our teacher in here when we came so it got us curious.''When one looked at him their first impression would be 'This guy must be a villain or something like that'but his classmates knew his kind disposition so they were not feeling any suprise.Aeneas also looked at the files which described the students general traits,so he was also not suprised.

''Well,My name is Aeneas Dryflame your new Battle Training teacher.I know i'm young but don't worry i will try my best''Said Aeneas in a bit embrassed manner.He was not feeling like this for a long time so it was strange for him.All 4 of them were startled though.They didn't expect their teacher to be this young.The youngest teacher at the school was 34 while oldest was at 400's so it was a suprise for them.Just from his looks,they could see he was at his 20's.


Even though there were some people showed younger than their age,or different races like elves,who were living up to 1000 years,he was clearly a human so he must be at that age.Even if they left it at the side there was a much more shocking thing,his surname.

''Sir,are you really from Dryflame clan?''Asked a girl with short black hair and thin,yellow eyes.Her looks were ordinary but her power was definetly not.She was already a 7th rank,which was a great achievment at her age.'She must be Kanene,she is really a good talent,only...'Aeneas only nodded at her.

She suddenly screamed and her disposition suddenly changed,she became like a wild animal and turned circles around Aeneas while talking in a admiring,high pitched voice ''Dryflame,he s really from Dryflame.OH god i knew i knew it.I knew i would meet one of them in real.I'm a huge fan of yours,i read all the books about you,your traditions,your history,heros,family head,geniuses...''As her talk started to be unbearable,another,and the last one of the class,girl came and closed her mouth with a hand.The problem of this child was,her mentality.She was quite a big fan of hero clans,going to the point of being lunatic,just like:

''I'm sorry sir,she is just a huge fan of Sky and Dryflame clans.Don't mind her.''She said flatly.She had pink eyes and a hair near to a bald.She had some thick brows and looked a bit agressive.She was Echo,Troublemaker of the class.She was not disrespectful towards her teachers or friends but if someone angered her,she wouldn't show mercy.She wouldn't fight wtih them,she would just insult them so hard that in most of the cases other side definitely just leave with smokes rising from their head.

He took a mental note of that girl,not because she was a trobulemaker,becuase she had a terrible past.He didn't liked even in the slightest to think about them.She was still recovering from mental injuries of her past.There was even a deep long scar at her back,starting from the bottom of her neck towards her waist.It was made by the bandits that kidnapped her.

''No worry,it's not a problem.''Aeneas just said calmly,also changing his demeanor from embrassment to seriousness.His initial nervousness was still there,just he didn't showed it.''We shall start it then''He said and pointed the changing rooms.They understood and gone there to switch their clothes.

After 5 minutes,all of them were out.The suits for battle trainings were not flashy nor revealing.It was green and white track suit which covered everything other than their knees,arms and head.Echo started to warm up while Adrien sit on the ground crosslegged.Kanene was still not calm so Adalwolfa was helding her down.

''Alright then,even though i know your strenght i don't know how do you fight.Adalfolwa will spar with Echo while Adrien will be with Kanene.''Aeneas told them and got to the side of Arena.They were a bit suprised at first because of his young lookings.But when they heard he was a Dryflame,it was soon gone.Dryflames could live up to 200 years,and that was without reaching 2nd rank.So he is probably more older than he looks.

''Alright then,lets go''Said Kanene and got up to the stage and after him Adrien walked slowly.''I'll count it up to three,then you can start.''Aeneas slowly counted and when he said three,Kanene darted towards Adrien while Adrien was swallowed by a mass of darkness...

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