《The Four...》Old Heroes
With another newly-rich restaurant’s food stock depleted the four returned to the royal castle. With them was Imata, an immortal. She was silent after talking with Desyra. Even when she was starving, she played with her food. Countless thoughts were flying through her mind. The true nature of the four could be similar to her, yet she was unsure.
As immortality caused no physical alterations, finding others who were immortal were rare. The non-divine kind. Meeting others in her situation could help Imata verify her reason. Yet the problem was that she could not think of anything to break the ice. As time was not valuable to an immortal she pondered the problem for a bit too long.
Greeting his daughter with a hug, Menor explained that he brought someone useful. Noticing Imata, Memora raised an eyebrow. She recalled that the person should have died a long time ago. Inquiring if the girl was resurrected, Menor laughed. He explained Imata’s situation and a few nods to the reason why some places were terraformed. Hearing about Imata’s immorality, Memora’s eyes began to sparkle.
Noticing Memora staring at her, Imata took a step back, “I do not have a good feeling.”
“No worries. No more worries. All is solved.” Memora sang, dragging Imata with her.
Laughing, Menor called out, “Don’t fall for death’s temptation.”
Leaving the immortal with someone trustworthy, the four decided to head off. They all had one month before the big “war” would start. During those times they decided to take it easy and wait for their energy to be fully restored. There was no need to rush in the first place. An entire month was plenty of time to recover. In reality, they only needed to be around a week of passive regeneration. If the situation became dire they could forcibly regenerate their energy in an instant.
While leaving the castle the four had fallen back into an intense argument. The subject was about the best way to recover strength. As they minded their own business, a group of three females walked past them. The group consisted of a winged person, a shrine maiden, and a swordswoman.
Due to the afterlife incident, they were recovering for a long period of time. Just recently they had enough strength to move around. When they faced an unknown threat they charged in head first. Encountering wounds and curses of another world, even if they were not dangerous, it took a bit of time to cure.
With them mobile, they had decided to meet with the queen. They originally planned to meet her months ago but were stalled with all sorts of things. Now that they had the chance they could gather a bit of information. They came as ambassadors from the Taush clan with the premise of creating an alliance.
For a brief second Furias, felt a nostalgic cold breeze. Turning around to where they entered she saw nothing. She was sure there were people, yet her instincts failed her.
“Hey!” Furias yelled, in hopes of a response.
“Founder, what are you doing?” Vendra asked.
“Nothing,” Furias replied, with a sad smile.
“Don’t mind her,” Astra spoke, “She’s a little bit co-co, sometimes.”
“Shut your trap,” Furias retorted, “Anyways how’s that feeling going?”
“Hm? I don’t know. The feeling is everywhere.”
“I guess that’s to be expected. Let’s go.”
Unbeknownst to her; the four had heard her clear at day. When Furias called out all of them froze. Their expressions had paled. Even if they reduced their presence to nothing; intuition and instincts defied any logic. Noticing that they avoided the situation deep sighs escaped their mouths. Moving along with their usual bantering they went to explore the city. Even if they did not desire to interact with Furias, if she could somehow find them they would take the time to talk.
Being lead to a side room, the three waited for a conference with the queen. Then being they were escorted to the Queen's study not too long after. While being guided they saw the servants and knights bustling around the castle. They figured the queen was up to something again since the earth-shaking explosion a few months prior.
“Welcome, I’m Memora Arron the current ruler of the Millar Kingdom” Memora greeted, showing them to their seats, “I apologize for the lack of elegance. You all had come at a difficult time. We would have prepared some better accommodations but time is of the essence. If we could keep this meeting brief then it would be most appreciated.”
“No need to apologize,” Furias replied, “I’m Furias Taush, this is Vendra Taush, and our companion Astra Lightheart. It’s our fault for coming unannounced. There’s no need for pleasantries”
“If you say so. What brings you so far from the south? I would believe you would like to sign an agreement between our kingdoms, correct?”
“Yes, we had come to talk for an alliance and a few other things.”
“I see, I believe it is best if we have the agreement drafted over a bit of time. There are a few things that would become… inconvenient in the coming days. May I know the other things you plan to do?”
“Of course, but…”
Continuing the discussion they talked about the benefits and downsides of having their kingdoms allied. While conversing with the queen, Furias felt that Memora held no interest in the current subject. It seemed that she was carefully choosing her words to speed up the meeting. Feeling a bit nostalgic she remembered how most of her conversations with Menor were short.
After a bit, the talks of treaties and trade agreements finished. They moved on to the next subject; the Kingdom Coalition’s conference. As a new ruler, Memora would run into difficulty dealing with other nations. Even such an important talk finished quickly. In the end, the session only lasted for half an hour. During those thirty minutes, there was not a single charter or alliance that was made. It seemed that Memora had no intentions of relying on other kingdoms.
“Your Highness,” Furias spoke, “I strongly recommend that you form an alliance with us. Not only do we control most of the southern region, we also hold much weight at the conference.”
“How can I trust a country who has its capital hidden in a time dilated barrier?” Memora replied, “For your information, as you have no knowledge of current circumstances, the lands have changed. Lush green forests had turned into deserts, new lakes have been formed, mountains are gone. The world’s geography literally changed overnight. It does not matter if I’m considered a new ruler or surrounded on all sides. This elaborate game of reality has been thrown on a new game board.”
“Which is the reason why we should negotiate trade and form an alliance,” Furias spoke.
“Oh, shut up you dumb god. Do you think the situation is on the scale of mortals? Do you think that my actions would be ignored? I created a new biome to the east. Not only that, your damn religion is going to cause a holy war! Do you understand where your fault lies, Insanity Goddess!?” Memora retorted.
Freezing at the sudden retort, Furias was left with nothing to say. She had not expected to be called by her true identity. Only a few know of the times she ran rampant and even less knew she was a god.
After a few minutes of silence, the annoyed Memora told them to leave. She had no time to deal with negotiation with other kingdoms. She had already declined countless requests for similar matters. As an offspring of Menor, she had the right to be arrogant. She was not a fool to expend her kingdom’s resources on other kingdoms that could be wiped off the map. Preservation was her main goal.
Furias had suddenly asked about where Memora had learned the information. The answers she was granted with were vague. Memora only said that she had a few unknown sources. When Furias asked about any information of the four she was called a religious fanatic. Then they were quickly escorted out.
Being lead out of the room another person entered carrying boxes of parchment. Making eye contact with them, their eyes opened wide. With a sudden scream she the boxes fell to the ground.
“Furias,” cried the person.
“Imata!” Furias hugged her, “It’s been awhile.”
“Yes, yes it had.” Astra walked up.
Noticing the hold up at the door, Memora took the boxes. After berating Imata for slacking off she allowed her to take a short break. Even If Imata was recently hired sending the ambassador off quickly was more important. In reality, she did not require the immortal’s help in anything. She only took in Imata due to her father’s recommendation.
Leaving the room, Furias’ group and Imata went to the castle’s dining hall. They caught up on the recent hundred years. Back in their days, they were a party. Facing all kinds of dilemmas and prevailed. They held so much power that they were both an asset and a nuisance to everyone. Running rampant was a daily occurrence due to their uncontainable strength. It could be said they brought peace because everyone feared them, being dubbed “Heroes of Chaos”.
Only when they went their separate ways, ascending or continuing as a mortal, the world could finally breathe. Imata had envied the ones who refused immortality. In the end, of those who stayed mortal, only their legends and offspring remained. What surprised her was that triplets working under the queen were one of the descendants. Those girls had also found a way to free the cursed rings.
“If I recall, you traveled with the current hero party, correct?” Astra asked.
“Yes…” Imata replied with a shiver. “I was killed.”
“Hm?” Furias asked. “Aren’t you immortal?”
“I am, it’s that the second body, I worked so hard to make, was killed,” Imata admitted.
“How?” Astra asked.
“I don’t know, the guy moved so… oddly…” Imata explained. Going into detail she explained all that happened during that day. Finding the hero dying, following odd looking people, and experiencing death. The memories she held after that day were blurred by the fog of fear. Afterward, she explained the embarrassing events earlier today.
“Wait? You said four people right and one of them wearing a vial?” Furias stood up with glimmering eyes.
“Yes…” Imata spoke, “How could I forget them, they kicked me around LIKE a ball. Also, they oddly looked like those fabled people you made a religion of. Thought the fourth was a doppelganger.”
“Where was the last time you meet them?!” Furias demanded, her breathing had become rough.
“Just now,” Imata backed away, “Also apparently the current queen is the daughter of one of them.”
As if everything had clicked together, Furais eyes widened. Suddenly disappearing into the shadows she went to confront the queen. Whether it be with force or persuasion she would take the information she needed. Her desire to meet the four would not be obstructed when she was so close.
“Do you know where that veil wearing lady is?” Astra asked with interest.
“Hm? When did you have an interest in someone?” Imata asked. “Well, she led me to a bath- WHOA, WHOA, WHOA, put down the sword!”
“How dare you act if Desyra was a simple person!?” Astra said.
Pushing the sword away, Imata asked, “I understand. She’s possibly older than me, from what it felt. Yet her twisted view- PUT THE SWORD AWAY!”
Catching the sword Imata understood Astra was acting odd. She remembered her friend held no interest in anything except the sword. The woman who held countless battle scars. With her only talent being swinging a sword. She was all for a dual, but the current location and the queen would not permit it.
“Why are you so obsessed with this Desyra person?” Imata asked.
“De… Desyra?” Astra spoke. In her mind, there was a small hole that allowed memories to slowly return. Due to her sudden rage, she had hastened the process of her memory recovery. She began to understand where her instinct was leading her to.
With a conflicted smile, Imata wondered of the reason behind Desyra’s vial was her beauty. Thinking of the possibility of charms it became obvious. The lady seemed to regret many things. Maybe her looks were one of the regrets.
Before her mind could ponder further Furias had crashed through the ceiling. Her condition looked horrible. She was coughing blood and holding her chest in pain. Groaning Furias was stuck in the ground. Few of her ribs were broken and most of her limbs dislocated. As she was a god she never expected to be in such a state.
“I’m pretty sure I locked the door when I was changing,” Memora spoke. “What did you expect to happen if you peep?”
Seeing her companion wounded, Astra instincts were kick-started. Swinging her sword she lunged at Memora. Unfortunately, their reign of terror had ended many years ago. On the stage, now, were unbelievable existences. Knowing this Imata reframed from fighting.
To Memora, Astra’s attacks were too slow. It was not that Astra’s swordsmanship was faulty, but due to Memora’s ability to process things faster. With a quick wave, she smacked the sword away. Following up with a quick punch the once sword hero was sent flying.
The shockwave created from the punch reverberated through Astra’s body. Because Astra had thrown away her divine power, her body was only a bit above a mortal's. From her body, the sounds of crackling rang. She ended up landing next to Furias.
“Tsk, tsk, tsk,” Imata spoke, “I just told you she was the daughter of that insane person.”
Nearby a group of triplets who saw the seen, gulped. The whole situation had happened too fast. Weather their encounter with the queen and her father was a blessing or a curse yet to happen, they did not know.
With a snap of a finger, Memora fixed everything. Healing the wounded and repairing the building. Afterward, she went off to do her own thing. She had no time dealing with small fries. Preparation for her kingdom’s survival and future was her priority.
Slowly crawling back next to Imata, the two held faces of despair. The pride they had was shattered. Their once untouchable figures were pulverized into the ground. They could have avoided their current shame if they listened to Imata’s warning. Yet their desires had gotten the best of them. They had silently finished the little food they had. During the time Vendra consoled her senior.
Eating their fill, they left the castle. As their group’s majority wanted to find the four their plan for the night was set. Knowing the ability of the four finding them would end up difficult. So the only thing they could rely on was instincts and luck.
But who would have thought…
“GET AWAY!” Desyra shouted running for her life.
“TELL ME WHERE YOUR WAREHOUSE IS FIRST! RETURN THE FAVOR!” Igno yelled with eyes of a hunter.
Following behind, Menor spoke, “I would have never thought I would see the day.”
“Another thing to spread rumors about,” Sors sang, “The hunter being hunted.”
With laughter of joy, they recorded the entire situation via magic. How many times would allow them to blackmail Desyra with? They could not guess. There were so many people who had grudges against the failure succubus such information would be invaluable.
Noticing the four running around, faster than the wind, the old hero group were conflicted. They expected to have trouble finding the four, but maybe their expectations were a bit too high. Remembering how the four’s personalities, Furias sighed. With no choice, they followed the unbelievable chase.
Because of the speed of the chase, the old hero group became exhausted. It had only ended once Desyra was caught. Because she was a hunter and was rarely pursued it was a matter of time before she was caught. Especially against someone at a similar ability level. Since her specialty involved searching, escaping was not her forte. Also, Igno’s ability in stealth allowed him infinite initiatives on sneak attacks.
With a loud curse, Desyra was pinned down in an arm lock. No matter how much she struggled Igno’s ability of transformation was limitless. The only thing she could do now was keeping her mouth zipped. Igno was going on and on about how she should return a favor. Letting the location of the warehouse be known would result in an unthinkable amount of losses.
Yet before Igno’s questioning could proceed, Furias appeared with an exhausted body. Despite her rough breaths, she could not believe her eyes. In front of her were the ones she desired to meet so much. The ones she regretted ignoring. The ones she lost the trust from. The four- Well, she only saw three of them but she was sure Igno was there.
Through her breaths, Furias shouted, “I’m sorry!”
Looking at each other, the four held gentle smiles. As a precaution, they deployed a soundproof barrier. Igno had let Desyra free telling her she was lucky. Taking a moment Igno revealed his presence to Furias. There was no need to hide. During this moment a miracle happened to a single person.
“Come over here you brat,” Menor called out.
Hearing his words, tears began to flow from her eyes. Furias could not believe it, it felt as if she was dreaming. Even if it felt false, she ran forward.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Furias apologized crying, hugging Menor until her voice turned hoarse.
Receiving the hug, Menor slowly shook his head. It was true that they had abandoned her, but during that time it was the only way to berate her. She had gone insane, obsessed with showing the world the power of her teachers. No persuasion nor physical punishment could snap her back to reality. They avoided mental manipulation as it would greatly stagnate her growth. So, in the end, turning their backs on her and hope for the best was all they could do. The only other option was to kill her, yet each of them rejected that option.
Unlike other student and master relationships; learning under the four made Furias feel a part of a family. The care and nonsense that went around when she was a student were unreplaceable. The impact of such a peaceful and bright aspect of her life disappearing, was so sharp it cut away her delusion. Falling into despair she realized the truth. It was not until she met Astra, Imata and the others she was able to take a step forward to recovery.
“Tch, you always had such bad timing,” Igno complained.
“I owe you one,” Desyra said.
“Didn’t we tell you time erodes?” said Sors.
“Have you learned your lesson?” Menor asked.
“You better,” Igno added.
“Oi, that was unneeded.” Sors retorted.
“Was not!”
As her throat could not utter another word, she slowly nodded. Hearing the sounds of the familiar bantering from years ago, her tears continued. Even as a god so powerful that she ruled over all other divinity, this was something she can never have again. She never knew how important it was till it was gone.
She believed she messed up.
She thought she had thrown it all away.
She never expected a second chance.
Yet in the back of her mind, she held a glimmer of hope. Never did she think it would become true.
So what if she was a goddess of gods?
So what if she was the Founder of the Taush clan?
So what if she was part of the Heroes of Chaos?
To her, the most important title was being the student of the four.
In the cold harsh reality, the four never intended on returning. Life was just that way. Second, third, fourth and even fifth chances exist, but not for everything. Yet at reality’s own discretion; luck and coincidence kept it running.
When her tears had finally dried, the rest of the old heroes arrived. Astra leaped at Desyra only to be avoided. Igno awkwardly spoke to Vendra remembering her claims. Watching the scene Sors lightly smiled. Behind her, Memora appeared, with the triplets and Julie.
“I always wondered,” Memora asked, “How much did you know?”
“I know enough to influence my own decisions,” Sors admitted, “Well… if we account for infinite-“
“Stop with that,” Memora interrupted.
“Fine, I only control coincidences. Be it true or false; luck is made by everyone.” Sors said, walking over to Furias.
Repeating Sors’ words Memora glanced at Desyra. She frowned. What she wanted was a definite future, a definite answer. Not for her current world nor her current kingdom. It was for the one she called sister.
She wasn’t the only one who looked at Desyra with enmity. Menor was looked too. Along with his smile, he had a frown. Both of them hoped that she would fulfill her promise. The promise she made that ended the war of Desired Memories.
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