《The Four...》How to Deal with an Immortal
“You’re telling us you have no intentions of actually using that?” Sors asked, with eyes of distrust.
“I told you I have no recollection of drafting or writing such a book!?” Desyra replied.
“Of course! You would NEVER do that. Right?” Igno replied.
“It’s probably that girl’s fault!”
“Which girl? Menor asked.
Suddenly becoming stumped, Desyra’s memory had failed her. They had met a lot of females during their journey. It did not help that she was trying to get over the fact she was unable to dodge a book. Before she could mutter a random answer the conversation had drifted to the Immortal.
Immortal, is a term used to describe the undying. Not undead undying, but people with breathing bodies that could not die. There are many types of immortality, rapid regeneration, indestructible, or constant resurrection. The term immortal was a bit flawed as there was always a way to kill any so-called “immortal”. Ripping apart their atoms, freezing their bodies, causing them to implode, editing their properties were a few ways to kill them.
“You sure she’s this way?” Desyra asked.
“I’m certain,” Igno replied, “If you doubt me go find her yourself being a hunter and all.”
“I’m more of a businesswoman than a huntress.” Desyra shrugged.
“Last time I checked, you still have a cult of captivated targets,” Sors replied.
“I feel pity for them, unable to touch the beautiful failure you are,” Menor said.
“Oh, shush. I’m not the only one who has that type of following. You’re more of an incubus than I am a succubus.” Desyra retorted.
“At least I don’t have to beg.”
“Oh SHIT!” Igno blurted.
“That’s not too great of a retort.” Sors pointed out.
Following Igno’s chimera form, they eventually found the immortal. She was sulking in a dark mossy corner of the forest. It seemed that Menor did not hold back on his memory manipulation. She was muttering prayers for the gods to save her and to protect her from death. Her brown dress was in tatters and her whole body covered in dirt.
“Did… did you wipe the memories of her being an immortal?” Sors asked looking with pity.
“Of course, what else would I do? Threatening an immortal is useless.” Menor replied.
“You know… you could have held the hero hostage?” Desyra suggested.
“As if holding hostages would work. Playing with emotions belongs to Emota.”
Having a bit of fun, Igno whimsically whispered into the immortal’s ears about all the ways a person could die. Due to Igno’s specialty, his whispers held no origin. Making it seem the immortal’s subconscious was feeding her the suicide plans. Mentally torturing someone, who could not die, was something that was frowned upon. However, cruelty sometimes brings joy and it was one of those moments. After enjoying the scene of a shaking immortal, they revealed their presence.
Fear was what the little immortal felt. Seeing Menor standing right in front of her, she felt the gods had abandoned her. Feeling fear she ran away. While escaping she had tripped countless times, receiving bruises all over her body. It did not help her that most of the plants in the area held thorns. Faster than they appeared her skin quickly healed all the scratches and bruises.
Even as an immortal she felt the curtain of death swaying above her. Paranoia had taken control of her life. No matter how far she ran or where she hid the feeling never disappeared. She could not understand why she was once overflowing with recklessness and pride. It was as if she had become a completely different person. She dared not to reunite with her former allies for the fear they would become involved.
Following the sun’s rays from the east, she somehow ended up looping back around. Not being able to comprehend what had transpired she ran again. However this time she was blocked off by an invisible wall.
“It’s no fun if you bend space like that,” said Igno.
“Oh, shut up. We had enough chasing with that brat.” Desyra replied.
“Let’s get this over with,” said Menor, snapping his fingers.
As if freed from heavy shackles, the Immortal remembered everything. From the eras, she lived through to the many who she bid farewell, all of those memories returned. Her pride came back along with the return of her memories. Although she regained her mental strength the fear she previously had still remained. Taking no risk she encased herself in a sphere of magic.
“Oh, would you look at that. This world is advanced enough to have omnidirectional protection. I hope she doesn’t suffocate herself.” Sors said.
“Don’t worry, she’s immortal and at least five centuries old,” Menor replied, “Who wants to test the strength?”
“I will,” Igno volunteered.
Walking up to the bubble-like barrier she stretched her arms. As she pulled back an arm and expanding till it was three times its original size. With a loud crack, her arm connected with the barrier faster than the average person could see. At the point of impact, cracks appeared all around the barrier. Due to a downward punch, the immortal’s bubble dug itself into the ground.
“One million in force minimum, at max one point five,” said Igno. “It shouldn’t break if we don’t hit it too hard.”
“Good enough,” Menor replied
“Didn’t you say you would finish the job or something?” Desyra asked.
“Yep, I’m going to kill her sanity. My daughter’s going to need all the support she’s going to get.”
“The rise is harder than the fall, yet along with its own responsibilities,” Sors yawned. “Let’s play some ball already.”
With Sors’ queue, Igno kicked the immortal flying. Even if they did not break the barrier it could still be moved. The only downside of the spherical barrier was that it was not anchored. Weak mortals and similar existences could not move a spherical barrier. The required amount of force needed was beyond any mere mortal could exert. It was similar to how a toddler, in most cases, could not move a boulder.
Being sent flying the immortal could not move due to the g-force. It did not help that the spherical barrier began to rotate. At least her body was sturdy, but it didn’t protect her from dizziness.
Chasing after the “ball” the four charged out of the forest and into a grand ravine. The game they ended up playing was chicken. Whoever missed hitting the ball gains a point. The loser was the one with the most points and would have to pay for the night’s dinner. There were some other rules included but they were not important.
A gunshot was fired when Menor was about to kick the ball. Due to the collision and timing of the shot, the kick barely connected. Across the ravine, Sors clicked her tongue. As the ball curve to Desyra, Igno attempted intercepted only to be kicked through.
“Oi would you not kick through me!” Igno yelled.
“Sorry, didn’t see you there,” Desyra replied, sending the ball to Sors.
“BASTARD!” Sors yelled, seeing the ball boomerang back to Desyra.
With a quick draw and pull of the trigger, Sors blew up the area behind the ball. With the explosion, the ball flew towards to her. Successfully hitting the ball she sent it towards Igno. With Desyra’s foot through her body, Igno disappeared and punched the ball microseconds before Desyra could intercept. With the ball flying to Menor, he kicked it skyward before sending it back down with the help of gravity. Teleporting to the ball Desyra lightly tapped it watching it fly past her.
Sors bent reality to curve the ball towards herself while avoiding pillars of rising earth. Through the forest of rising stone, she successfully hit the ball regardless of Menor’s attempts to block. When it came to Igno he created illusions of countless clones to follow the ball. Only to be pulled to the ground via increased gravity. With a quick calculation, Igno successfully touched the ball as she fell. The ball had soon split into a countless number of balls. In respons a hole was ripped in reality, Menor had created a portal to reach the correct objective.
As their competitive nature was ignited nothing was going to be unused. Due to the accolated kinetic energy, the ball had long passed what mortals could deem fast. Their little game had caused massive changes to the land below. Mountains were leveled, seas evaporated, and the earth divided, nothing was left unchanged. Except for the city-states of a few intellectual races.
With the ball going in a circle, everyone had managed to avoid receiving a point. The only loser was the immortal. Being flung around her focus was constantly disrupted. Her attempts to dissipate the barrier failed. Unfortunately, the dirty game of ball continued for hours with no end in sight.
“Who would have thought…?” Menor admitted, exhausted.
“A simple game giving us so much trouble,” Sors replied, taking deep breaths.
“Just give up already! You can’t win HAHAHAHA!” Igno yelled, almost going insane.
“This… this is just nonsense,” Desyra muttered.
In a fight between those near the top, akin to the four, a second was an eternity. Added to the difficulty that each of them could move in an instant. Even with countless lifetimes of knowledge and experiences could not give them an edge. The usage of illusions, acceleration magic, and reality-bending abilities was in play. Nevertheless, for some inconceivable reason, no one had missed. In the middle of the game, they got rid of the pecking order in favor of a free for all. There were a few temporary truces to conspire against a single target, but those did not work.
Their bodies were created to at least be able to overcome the divine level of any world. Each of them expected to face deities that might be able to push their current bodies to their limit. However, the biggest obstacle was a simple game of ball. None of them would give up their pride, even if it was nonexistent.
Luckily, they were still able to restrain their power. The ball had not been destroyed… yet. On the other hand, the immortal had long emptied her stomach. She had given up all hope as her existence became hollow. Her extreme regeneration had not helped her.
Returning the ball to Desyra, Menor shouted, “YOU HAVE NO PRIDE GIVE UP!”
“Why not you and your efficient habits!?” Desyra retorted, avoiding the onslaught of projectiles.
“Shut your trap you stubborn piece of gelatin!” said Sors.
The moment before Igno could return the ball, an arrow shattered it. Being freed from the barrier the immortal was sent flying around the globe several times. Igno was frozen mid kick. She had to process what had happened. Never in all the possibilities did she expect the barrier to break.
“… Why didn’t I think of that?” Desyra spoke, flabbergasted.
“I… I did not foresee this,” Sors pondered.
“Calculated,” Menor smiled.
“Tell that to the many other time’s I did it,” Menor shrugged.
Grumbling Igno ended up accepting her loss. She would pay for the bill for the night’s dinner. In reality, the bet was not really important. They were rich enough to buy the entire worlds. If on the off chance they lacked money they could simply make more.
“So… who’s going to catch her?” Sors asked, looking up.
Following her gaze the remaining three sighed. They watched the immortal fly by a few times, proving the world was round. The accumulation of hits on the barrier held enough force to send the poor girl around the globe free of charge. If she were mortal then she would have died hours ago.
Being the loser of the match Igno went up to catch her. Using the power to convert kinetic energy into heat energy she stopped the immortal's flight. Being thrown over Igno’s shoulder, like a sack of potatoes, the poor immortal was delusional. She muttered something about pretty birds.
Asking for Menor’s suggestion he told Igno to deliver the immortal to his daughter. The immortal’s skills were invaluable. Especially since the potential threats from other kingdoms. Having an immortal that was connected to the divine realm creates a great ace.
Before they could send the immortal to do work desk, her regeneration cured her confusion. With her scrambled mind rebooting she had not noticed her situation.
“How did it feel to be scrambled like eggs?” Sors asked.
“Where- Let go of me!” the Immortal screamed.
“Sure,” Igno agreed, dropping her.
As the four were flying the immortal fell towards the earth below. Bracing for the impact the immortal covered her face. Yet the ground never came. Instead, she flew back into the sky due to altered gravity.
“You’re going to fix that, right?” Desyra asked.
“Yes, in a bit,” Sors replied, watching the immortal fall both upwards and downwards.
Hysteria was spread throughout the world as their game had no boundaries. Even the divine realm was affected by the “small” game of ball. Because they had hidden their presence they were not spotted nor was the immortal. The fact their little game was a secret between the five of them.
After a bit of time, the four learned the immortal had not discovered the methods of flight. Correcting the world’s gravity Sors allowed the immortal to gently land. Upon contact with the earth, the immortal began kissing the ground. She muttered a few things about how she missed it. The four watched the spectacle with conflicted smiles. They knew being reunited with safety called for a bit of love. Yet seeing someone else doing it was weird.
When the immortal calmed down, she remembered the four spectators. Cautiously looking over her shoulder, she checked if they were still there. Seeing them, her face paled in both fear and embarrassment. As her face was lifeless her expression was unreadable. Feeling the urge to barf she vowed to never use spherical barriers again.
“You’re free to go,” Said Menor abruptly.
“What?” the immortal replied, confused.
“Free to go, the concept isn’t too hard.”
“Are you not going to torture me or something?”
“Nope, we don’t have such hobbies.”
“We only messed with you because you’re an immortal,” Sors explained, shooing her away. “So leave.”
With no will to retaliate the immortal slowly crawled away. She had the odd sensation that they were planning something. After crawling a few meters, she heard suppressed laughter behind her. Turning to see what was wrong, she suddenly touched air. Going into a free fall she was struck with PTSD. She fell off a cliff.
Hearing the laughter, the immortal wished she could die. With the ground far away, she braced for the pain of impact. Yet the pain never arrived. Instead, she was dangling by her leg. The one holding her was Desyra who had displeased expression.
“Ok, jokes aside,” Desyra spoke, throwing the immortal onto land, “Let’s get something to eat and get this girl some clothes.”
“I leave that to you,” Menor waved, “I don’t want misunderstandings. I have wives.”
“Agreed,” Igno nodded, changing into a male human. ”I’ll go look for a good restaurant.”
“Tch,” Sors clicked, “My sense of style is a bit subpar. So, Miss Businesswoman, you got this.”
Having the immortal pushed onto her Desyra sighed. Nothing really changes. Throwing some clothes to the immortal she took her to a nearby waterfall to clean up. Even if the girl was an immortal a fresh bath would cleanse the mind. Dragging the immortal by her collar, like a brat, Desyra set off regardless of the immortal’s objections.
“What’s your name?” Desyra asked.
“Eh? AH! I-its Imata,” The immortal replied.
Glancing back at Imata, Desyra looked disappointed, “Your guardian had a horrible naming sense.”
“…” Realizing she could not escape Imata asked, “Where are we going?”
“You’ll see.”
Messing with the tips of her gloves, Desyra waited for Imata to finish bathing. She was not in a rush, instead, she wanted to take as long as possible. The energy she used during the game of chicken had taken a toll on her body. As passive recovery was a must in every created body she had to wait a bit before returning to her full strength. Who knew what curses or powers were used in the game of ball, so the recovery period was longer than usual.
Swimming over to Desyra, Imata asked, “Err… can I ask you something.”
“Go on,” Desyra replied.
“I know that all of you are strong but…”
“Why did we do what we did?”
“Well,” Desyra began, “There’s no convincing reason. It’s just whims. When we’re bored we find the closest thing to do. In truth, to us, there is no such thing called death. Because of that, we get… a bit reckless. Most of our decisions make no sense. In general, we only act based on our current moods. When Menor killed your first body, it was out of boredom. Dancing on the so-called line of life and death with ignorant fools is something that brings a bit of excitement. For when we kicked you around, was due to irritation from a previous event. Responding to the environment is what we do best. There are plenty of times we plan. The habit of only planting seeds while leading everything by the nose is hard to break. We do intentionally mess up from time to time, watch out for those.”
“What a twisted view.”
Laughing, Desyra replied, “Indeed. Whims, others, and… desires. They are what drives us. We had long passed the days where we push forward- no, it’s probably the opposite. Just call us erratic, pitiful fools and hope to never be involved with. Brilliant lairs who can’t be read, if you insist. Just living for the sake of living is our reason to live. How foolish does that sound?”
“...” Imata frowned, “I lived for longer than I can remember but why does it feel like I’m a child?”
“Let’s go you must be hungry. Also, wear these clothes. Igno’s treating so the food should at least be decent.” Desyra replied, glancing at the young immortal, “As an immortal, you have a long road ahead of you. Searching for death is a waste. You’ll miss the beauty of the imperfect life.”
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