《A virtual reality game according to a martial artist otaku》Chapter 26


Dylan ran straight for the level 45. Several other assassins ran to stop him. Dylan had a huge grin on his face and he laughed like a psycho.

'Fucking battle maniac.'

Kira's eyes widened when Dylan showed his weapon. It was an unassuming short sword made entirely out of one dull grey metal. There was one blood red ruby in the middle of the hilt and blade. Knowing Dylan, Kira knew he wouldn't pick this sword just for shits and giggles.

Kira meanwhile acted as the vanguard for the two siblings. They had just drunk their mana potions and were waiting for their spells to charge up. Kira had to protect them while they waited.

His katana clashed with a masked man, his strength giving way. He gave way and the man's sword struck deep into the Earth. Not losing momentum Kira spun round and beheaded him. He turned and immediately parried a sword headed for his neck. Kira activated a chidori and plunged it into the man's chest. Drawing his bloodied hand away, Kira was suddenly stabbed in the thigh by a dagger. The perpetrator slashed sideways, aiming to cut the tendons entirely. 'Aw hell naw.' Kira spun his katana in a motion akin to sheathing his sword. The assassin noticed the sword pointed straight at his face but by then it was too late. Kira stabbed right through the man's head. Drawing his sword out in a wide arc, Kira allowed himself a brief moment of respite. He healed his leg and faced the rest of them. There were about 10 left; the rest were fighting Dylan... Correction. Were fighting Dylan.

Kira's POV

He was standing in the midst of corpses, holding the head of the level 45. His clothing was unblemished. 'Really!? He's that powerful but still asked for my help!?!'

Yu's voice broke me from my thoughts.

"Get out of the way!" I widened my eyes. 'Shit.' I ran to side and jumped, the soles of my shoes vaporized by the laser. I landed and glanced at the assassins. And there was nothing left of them... 'Jesus Christ Kid NPCs are dangerous...'

I got up and checked the soles of my shoes. Burnt. That was the best way to describe them.

Sighing at the state of them, I walked up to Dylan. "Drop the head." He obliged, and it fell down with a wet squelch.


"Well done on fighting those guys." He complemented. "Your two friends took care of them quickly. So did you, and boy those were brutal." He carried on even when I approached him. "A hand to the chest, a sword to the face. Man you are brut-" he stopped talking as I tried to chidori him. He jumped back, narrowly missing my attack. "Goddammit Dylan. Why are such a bastard?" He held both his hands up. "Woah woah. You didn't die did you? There's nothing to be angry about." I looked at him seething.

"There were Goddamn 30 of them!" I shouted. "You were evidently more powerful; why didn't you kill them!?!" He made a phff sound, enraging me further. "I was lazy."


A hand stopped me from completing my profanity. It was Yu. "Kira." He looked me straight in the eye. "Now's not the time to be arguing. There may be extra pursuers" Dylan nodded to emphasize this "So I recommend that we get out of here." Sighing, I found that he was right. "Fine. Let's go." Dylan led the way. The siblings unhesitatingly followed. As I reached the end of the clearing I looked back before following.

29 minutes later...

"WHY THE FUCK DID YOU LEAD US HERE DYLAN?!?!" I shouted at the grinning fucker next to me. Yu and Mitsuki both had angry faces as well. In front of us was a giant treant. It was laughing at us. It raised an arm and brought it down upon us.

29 minutes before...

As we walked through the forest the trees evidently got thicker and darker and more sinister. There were less clearings and as we went deeper and deeper the sounds of wildlife grew steadily quieter.

I don't like that... "There's a large predator nearby isn't there?" I asked Dylan. "Maybe... Maybe not. We'll see." He replies ambiguously but "There's something dangerous here isn't there." We walk out into a clearing that was larger than the previous ones. In the middle of the clearing there was a humanoid tree?

*Ding* You have entered final boss room of the forest.

"Fuck you Dylan." I cursed and drew my katana. I looked at the tree. Evidently it was the boss. Red dots appeared in the eyes as it stood up. I gazed at it, crestfallen. "IT IS OVER 70 METERS TALL. WHAT HAVE YOU GOTTEN US INTO DYLAN!?!"


Dylan, on the other hand, was calmly analysing the boss instead of freaking out. He suddenly called out

"This thing is called Lullaby. It is level 60 and I the boss of this entire dungeon. Apparently, once its health degenerates to a certain degree, it will activate its ultimate called 'Song of death.' I don't know about you guys but let's kill it quickly."

"Or we could get out of here SINCE WE ARE A THIRD OF ITS LEVEL!" I shout at the group. I attempted to get out but the way back was blocked by trees.


The raspy voice of Lullaby made me realise my situation. "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck." I breathe out. "Let's end this quickly. Yu, Mitsuki. Charge up and shoot this thing. Me and Dylan will try and distract it." My party nods. "LET'S GO!"

The siblings stay behind and start muttering their respective spells. Meanwhile Dylan and I ran straight towards Lullaby. It raised its foot and stamped down. I was blown away by sheer air pressure alongside Dylan. We barrel into Yu and Mitsuki, breaking their concentration and thus their spells.

I got up, helping Mitsuki as well. I looked at Dylan. "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU LEAD US HERE DYLAN?!?!" I shouted at the grinning fucker next to me. Yu and Mitsuki both had angry faces as well. In front of us was a giant treant. It was laughing at us. It raised an arm and brought it down upon us. 'Shit.' We scattered.

Instead of running away for the boss, I ran straight to it. It was in a kneeing position and as I stabbed into its foot, I set alight my sword. The boss obviously felt that.

It howled and tried to swat me away like a fly. 'Nope.' It dodged and it hit itself. I raised my hands in the air. Mana gathered in my arms and I turned it into flames four meters in diameter.

I threw the spell 'Brilliant flame of the fire dragon' but didn't shout out the name; Dylan would mock me endlessly for that. The flames headed towards the chest area of the boss. It cried with pain, flailing. 'Why does a tree feel pain anyway?' Not pondering any longer, I followed up with some more, ordinary fireball.



It was the siblings. I looked back and saw Mitsuki holding her longbow and Yu standing behind a gigantic cannon. They fired at the same time.

Mitsuki shot right through Lullaby's arm, severing it at the shoulder whilst Yu made a gigantic hole in its chest. It roared, seething with anger. 'Okay. So far so good.' I looked around.

"But where's Dylan?"

"I AM UP HERE!" I looked at the diresction the sound. "What the fuck..."

He was on top of the head, sliced and dicing downwards through the head.

The boss snarled in anger.

"Curse you mortals! You have forced this upon yourselves. LISTEN TO MY SONG OF DEATH!"

All of us tensed. A low whistling sound resounded. I tilted my head. Evidently something was not right. Even the boss knew that.


Dylan cackled like a maniac.

"WE MADE HOLES IN YOU!" I tilted my head. That's the reason!?!

"We made so many holes in you your sound just leaks out!" Dylan kept laughing and cutting up the boss.


I threw another brilliant flame of the fire dragon, but this time at the one of the legs. "SHOOT THE LEG AND ARM!" I shouted at the pair who had finally drank enough potions for their second shot.



They fired at Lullaby. It attempted to dodge but the laser and the arrow were too fast and too powerful.


His arm and leg fell off, falling in my direction. 'Nonononono' I ran to the side and out of the way of the falling wood. 'Why do movie characters always run in a straight line?' I asked myself. 'Aw well. Time to finish this.'

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