《A virtual reality game according to a martial artist otaku》Chapter 25


The older brother started their tale.

"When my sister and I were little, we used to attend this academy called Dragonar Academy. We used to learn how to tame fight and ride dragons. We had many friends and all the teachers were nice. It was a happy life and we were content.

The sister continued.

"One of my friends had this elder sister who was considered to be the best Dragonar in the academy, some even thought that she was the best."

'Alright. Happy little life and then tragic backstory. AmIRight?'

"We were very good friends with each other. My dragon was awesome and friendly. Yu's was weird, but powerful."

'Get to the point... I have to log off soon.' Kira was getting impatient... Unfortunately the girl kept droning on.

"So once every four years we have this competition called the Bladedance of Elementalers." She suddenly started to talk rapidly. "ThereWeAreOnlyAllowedToUseSwordSkillsUntilOnePartySubitsToTheOtherMy friend'sSister

CameFirstWhichReallyExcitedUsAtFirst." She took a deep breath.




Kira had snapped, his patience broken


The siblings looked shocked. The girl looked away like a timid mouse but the brother spoke in place of her.

"The sister stole the strongest flame spirit Leviathan and angered the flame spirit king. He destroyed our academy and our home, so we want revenge." Kira pondered. "So what is her level?"

"We do not know, but last time we saw her, she was level 60..." Kira whistled. "You do realise that I am the same level as you, right?" They both nodded. 'Oh NPCs, why do you have such complicated back-stories?' He cursed the system.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to ask; what is her name?"

They looked Kira straight in the eye.

"Stella Vermillion."

10 minutes later...

""WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!?!" Kira screamed. In front of him was a gigantic green cannon six meters in diameter. On the inside multiple rings were spinning, forming a ball of light. 'ShitshitshitshitShITSHIT!'


It fired.

20 minutes before...

"So you want me to train you so you can kill this... Stella Vermillion." They both fiercely nodded. "Alright. Let me warn you. Revenge is not a way of life. Don't let the darkness consume you. Once it touches you it's too late to fully go back." They stared at him in shock, taken aback by the philosophical line Kira was sprouting.

"Anyway, show me what kind of fighting prowess you have." He stood up. Dusking himself off, he walked 20 meters away. "Give me your best shot, Yu, Mitsuki."

"Yes!" They both shouted energetically. They both stood up took a stance. Suddenly a blue longbow appeared in Mitsuki's hands. Pulling the string with all her strength, she poured mana into the bow. An arrow made out of pure mana appeared. 'That shit is dangerous...' He jumped a millisecond before Mitsuki released.

The arrow sped by Kira faster than he had expected. It hit a tree and


A massive explosion swept Kira off his feet. He did a twist mid-air and landed on his feet. He looked at Mitsuki; she was breathing heavily.


"This is a practice match. These are the only spells we know soooo... Yeah." Yu interjected. He raised one of his hands up and a giant cannon was materialising above his head. As it solidified, the upward-facing cannon fell down to point in Kira's direction. The rings inside the weapon started to slowly spin, but were rapidly gaining speed.

Thus bringing us to the present situation...

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!?!" Kira shouted. "It's my one and only spell!" Yu shouted back. 'ShitshitshitshitShITSHIT'

Kira sheathed his sword and drew his throwing knives. He managed to throw two before rolling to the side.

The laser obliterated the space where Kira's body had been a moment before. 'Thank goodness I dodged.' Kira thought. 'Otherwise I would have woken on the altar again.'


The laser disintegrated several wolves and bears in the forest, but an otherwise unhurt Kira didn't know that. He looked at the siblings. They were both on the ground, crying in pain. A throwing knife was stuck in their thighs. Kira approached them. "Aw come on, stop being babies. 'Tis just a flesh wound."

He gripped the knives and pulled them out. The pair winced. Thankfully, the wound was not deep. However "It would be detrimental for you to have injuries. Anyone here know healing magic?"

They both shook their heads, applying pressure to the knife wound. Kira sighed. Looks like healing spells were a no-go... Wait. 'I have mana sensing. I can create the spell.' Kira grinned at the idea of healing himself mid-combat. But first, he actually needed to create the spell.

Kira concentrated, focusing his mana into their wounds. He imagined a light re-growing their cells and closing up the wound, leaving no trace.

A surprised gasp made his eyes open. Mitsuki was looking at the place where the wound should be; instead, there was nothing. Just normal skin. Yu jumped in front on Kira, almost knocking him over.

'He obviously cares for his little sister.' Kira smiled at the panicking Yu, who ignored his own injury.

*Ding*Congratulations! You have created spell: Healing touch! This spell heals your allies and yourself just by touch. It does holy damage on undead. Costs: 50 mana

'Well holy shit. I didn't expect it to have such a massive drain. Oh well.' He beckoned to Yu. "Come here. It's your turn."

Yu complied and turned to face Kira. Kira placed his hand over his wound and activated healing touch. A light glowed from inside his hand for few seconds before fading. Once Kira removed his hand, the skin looked good as new.

Kira's battle sense went into over drive; he whirled round at drew his sword, blocking two throwing knives. He looked at the intruder.

It was Dylan! He relaxed his guard. "Hey. Mind trying not to kill me everytime we meet?" Dylan laughed and shook his head. "Nah mate. Trying to kill you is fun and it keeps you on your toes." Kira smirked.

"So what are you doing here?" Kira asked Dylan.

"Ah nothing much. Just running from some people." Kira blanked. "Wait what!?"

Dylan laughed once more, albeit slightly embarrassed. "I used to be part of this organization and I left. However, the organization didn't want me to leave, so I had a choice. Join them or die."

Kira sighed. This guy...

"So I choose option three: I killed the ones there and ran away."

"So now they're actively hunting you."


"Do you run about a lot."

"Not always."

"Are you running now?"

"Well I was kinda hoping you would help kill them."

"Man you are just..." Kira sighed. "You know what? Fine. Where are they?"

Dylan motioned to the trees where he came from. He held up three fingers. "Three."




Cloaked figures ran into the clearing. They numbered around 30 but most were higher leveled than Kira.

"Level 45 is the highest here Kira." Dylan faced the enemies. "You guys take care of the small fry. I'll take on the big fish."

"Goddammit Dylan. I have only met you like, what, three times and you're already pushing your problems on me!" Kira complained.

"Aw don't be such a kill-joy. This is part of the small print in staying at our hotel."


The party of four stood up and too their respective stances. The cloaked pursuers drew their own weapons and charged.

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