《Gallanor (On hiatus)》The Guild Handbook (To be updated regularly as more chapters are added to the book)


Hello fellow and future adventurers. I am Mari. Founder of the Adventurer's guild. This book was written over the last 20 years with guides and beastiary entries by a number of well-known and unknown adventurers. Before we get to that stuff lets go over the guild basics.

First off is the guild ranks.

Unranked- Those who have yet to finish their entry quest or task. Other than the entry quest they are not allowed to use any guild amenities and are typically aren't considered part of the guild.

E Rank- Adventurers of the lowest class. Typically between the ages of 16-20. Their low combat ability typically makes them more suited to gathering quest. Though kill quest for wolves, coyotes, and even deer are considered appropriate.

D Rank- Low skill level adventurers.. Adventurers who fall into this category have recieved little or no formal training. Considered the every-man's rank this is were most people will enter the guild after their entry quest. They can take kill quest for up to rank 2 monsters.

C Rank- Semi Skilled adventurers. Adventures who fall into this category are usually well trained or experienced. Upwards to 40 percent of adventurers fall into this category. Considered capable of taking on kill quest for up to rank 5 monsters.

B Rank- Veteran adventurers- The only people who start in this class are former military veterans with multiple instances of combat experience. Battle mages typically end up in this rank as well. Considered capable of taking on some rank 7 monsters.

A rank- Well known adventurers. Adventurers of this rank are typically known by all guild employees and members. Capable of killing lesser dragons and wyverns. Mages that fall into this rank are able to cast tier 5 magic.

S rank and above - [Redacted]

As an adventurers you will undoubtedly come across magic in some shape or form. So it is very important you know what it is and how it's classified.



Magic comes in many different shapes and forms but all magic falls under three basic categories.

Materialization: By far the most versatile type of magic. This magic involves literally creating an element such as: Water, fire, earth, light, and darkness.

Force: This magic involves the unseen forces of the world. Magnetism, weight, visibility, hearing, and balance.

Nature: This magic involves living things. Trees, flowers, [Redacted]*, [Redacted]*, and living people. Most races other than human rely on nature magic for healing.


The power level of magic can be divided into 7 actual power levels and 1 theoretical power level.

Tier 1- The most basic of magics. Materialization spells smaller than 3 inches in diameter.

Tier 2- Still to low to be considered effective in combat. Nature spells such as growing grass would fall in this category.

Tier 3- Basic combat viable magic. The ability to "cast" magic. Throwing a fireball or freezing the ground below an opponents feet.

Tier 4- Above average combat spells. The entails the ability to affect pre existing instances of elements. This is the reason why fire mages are deployed to control a fire and not water mages. Fire mages can simply make the fire disperse and disappear.

Tier 5- Advanced combat magic. Most mages work their entire lives to get to this level. This allows a mage to control the aftermath of their spells. A fire mage can manipulate ash and smoke that comes from their fires. A water mage can turn their water into ice or their ice into water. (Steam manipulation is considered tier 6)

Tier 6- Master level magic. (Please note that the following information does not pertain to summoners or summoning magic. There is a difference between summoning and creating.) This entails the ability to create elementals. A fireball of this levle would be larger than 7 feet in circumference. They can also be imbued with additional properties such as explosive power for fire balls.


Tier 7- The highest level of magic. Only true archmages can cast magic of this level without help. Most instances of this level of magic involve multiple mages channeling their mana together to cast one giant spell. [Redacted]

Super tier- Theoretical level of magic. Capable of leveling major cities. No mortal is known to wield magical capabilities of this level.

*1. Blood magic and necromancy

*2. Soul magic.

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