《Gallanor (On hiatus)》Chapter 20: Summoning Magic


Darren went through the rest of his classes with little incident. Everyone had either seen what had happened to the water instructor or didn't consider him worthy of notice.

On his way out of the school Darren noticed a board covered with paper. Upon closer inspection the papers ranged from, extracurricular classes on summoning to adventurer's guild request. There were also some request for alchemical goods by other students. Raising an eyebrow Darren ripped a paper for summoning magic off of the board. He noticed they had a scheduled meeting in 20 minutes. Following the directions he made it there in five.

Entering the surprisingly large room he noticed that plenty of students were already present. Including the overbearing one from Gernam's class. The lich himself was present and looked surprised at seeing Darren, however the surprise soon faded from his illisionary face. With a smile he motion for Darren to come see.

"Interested in summoning are we?" (Gernam)

His face carried excitement and giddiness. In the lichs mind he couldn't help but wonder what Darren would do with the knowledge of summoning. Though truth be told, the lich already had one application in mind.

Darren shrugged

"Some what. Though I didn't even know it was a thing until I saw the ad." (Darren)

"Ad? Whats that?" (Gernam)

Darren pulled out the slip of paper.

"Short for advertisement. It was on a noticeboard of sorts. Decided to check it out since I really can't engage in my actual hobby." (Darren)

"Oh, and what would that be?" (Gernam)

"Research and development. I already have some ideas of what I want to delve into." (Darren)

"Then I expect to be surprised by your results." (Gernam)

A question suddenly popped into Darren's mind.

"So why are you here?" (Darren)


"Same as you. To learn. I don't know much about summoning. It was uncommon in my day. When I went into my....... "hibernation" it was considered taboo by most countries." (Gernam)

Just then the teacher walked in. It was an elf. He looked around Tal'gor's age. However by 25 elves stopped physically aging.

The teacher didn't say a word but walked towards the middle of the room. He waited until everyone got quiet before saying a single word.

"Hello. My name is Habbron. If you are here, you are here for one of two reasons. Either you are here because you wish to excel and push your magical ability to the limit. Or you are here because you saw the notice. Either way welcome to summoning." (Habbron)

The elf's gaze drifted from student to student. Until it finally arrived on Darren. His face then took on a tired look.

"You get out." (Habbron)

Darren raised an eyebrow but made no attempt to move.

"May I ask why?" (Darren)

"I don't teach servants." (Habbron)

"Hate to disappoint but you're mistaken. I'm not a servant. But you sir are a prick." (Darren)

The students all shot angered looks at him. The teacher however started laughing. The elf that attempted to bully Darren was perhaps the most confused person in the room.

"A prick huh? That's the first time I've been called that by a human. I apologize for my prior assumption. I've had problems in the past with elven students sending their human servants to take notes from my lectures." (Habbron)

"An apology. Well now you're just making me feel bad. I've dealt with a few elves today that simply look down on humans in general. So forgive my assumptions as well." (Darren)


The teacher nodded then turned his attention back towards the class as a whole.

"Summoning is perhaps one of the most difficult types of magic to learn. This is because not only must you learn about the spell. You must learn about what you are summoning. When summoning you must know your summons name, title or titles that are most important to your summon, what your summon is. And you must have its permission. The last one being the most difficult to obtain. However with the summons permission you will be amazed at what magic you can pull off. Even if your summons material body has died as long as the soul is strong you may still summon it indefinitely. Of course the only people capable are this are those who had permission before the summons death." (Habbron)

Darren looked at Lycan. She was just as surprised as him. Gernam seemed to have come to the same conclusion.

"Do any of you or your families have such contracts or agreements?" (Habbron)

Darren looked to Lycan and she nodded in response.

"I do." (Darren)

"Do you? That is most fortuneate would you care to demonstrate? I already have a high level summoning circle drawn. Well I say drawn, it's actually this whole floor." (Habbron)

Looking down Darren indeed noticed the intricate spell formulas.

"So all I need is their permission, name, what they are, and titles important to them?" (Darren)

"Have you never done this before?" (Habbron)

"No I have not." (Darren)

"Strange but not unheard of even from families with such contracts. Some are not taught until well into adulthood. Let's hold off on your summoning. In a few weeks I'll see where you stand and we can pick up form there. Now then since no one else has permission I'll demonstrate. " (Habbron)

He raised his hands and started channeling vast amounts of magic into the circle.

"Oh Lilium, the bloodseeker, use my magic to shape thyself a vessel. Sculpt with it, all you once were. I bind you to me. Come forth." (Habbron)

Four chains burst from thin air. Out of portals only they could fit through another portal appeared on the ground. The chains shot through. After a moment they tightened and started pulling something out of the portal on the ground. When it finished a beautiful woman was held by the chains. She was pale white and had blood red eyes. She had a bored expression on her face as if she had done this hundreds of times before.

After removing the chains from her scanty clothes she looked at each student. Much in the same manner as Habbron. Her gaze however stopped on Gernam. She opened her mouth to say something but it shut. The old lich looked at her with recognition.

"Hello Lilly." (Gernam)

Habbron gave him an incredulous look.

"How dare you talk to lady Lilium with such disrespect." (Habbron

"Big Brother?" (Lilium)

Habbron gave her another look before turning back towards the lich. (who was still using an illusion spell)

Darren whistled loudly drawing the attention of the whole class.

"Hoho you didn't tell me you had a cute little sister Gernam." (Darren)

"You never asked." (Gernam)

A spike of ice suddenly burst forth from the ground at Darren's feet narrowly missing his head. When he turned around he found Lycan giving him a death stare. He knew what that look meant.

He opened his mouth to say something else. However Gernam's sister was currently looking at him with a death glare as well.

Darren turned to Gernam and gave him a pleading look. Gernam simply shrugged.

"Traitor." (Darren)

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