《Origin of the Best Void Magician》Chapter 04: Quest and Training (Kind of....)


At a grassy field, there was a guy wandering around looking for something. He is none other than Kagerou Ibuki, [world traveler] who just signed up to be an adventurer in the adventure guild moment ago.

After he signed up, he took a quest for this day as the day still not set. He selected quest that is to collect as much as ten pieces of magical herbs. He who has collected ten magical herb took a break in the middle of a grassy field while looking at the surrounding area with caution.

After certain that no monster would appears near him, he mutter status inside his mind.


Name: Kagerou Ibuki

Title: [Magic Theory Expert] [Magic Researcher] [Joker] [The one who had a high aptitude] [The one who got dragged into Summoning Magic] [Just a Pebbles Stone]

Aptitude: [Void] [Martial Arts] [Body Reinforcement] [Mind]

Stats: Strength - 14, Agility - 16, Dexterity - 23, Vitality - 21, Wisdom - 40, Defense - 15, Reflex - 51

Skill: [Combat Mode] [Instinct] [Battle Instinct] [Analyze] [Forecast] [Super Speed Cognition] [Magic Theory] [Appraisal] [All Language Comprehension] [Joint Locking] [Counterattack] [Instant Learning]

“Apparently, my skill had a new ones but I still didn’t learn the skill based on my aptitudes.”

’Void - if based on the description, it is the ability to reach the nothingness. And based on my understanding, void is something like the beginning and the end of all creation. ’

“So what did I have to do for now is an experiment.”

“I will aim for today that I would manipulate Void.”

He tried to understand how the nothingness would feel like. So he emptied his mind and replicate his imagination of how blank his mind was. By paying a certain amount of time, he successfully reach the void.


|[Void Detection] skill was acquired|

With that alone was a great achievement for him in advancing his skill further. By enhancing his speed processing, he learn the skill that he want not long after.

|[Void Manipulation] skill was acquired|

’Great. Now, lets get to the next aptitude. Martial Art.’

He quickly assess his body once more. Jab, Jab, Uppercut, Front Kick, Roundhouse Kick etc. etc. He does all kind of martial arts he know by watching Youtube, movies and manga. By using [Instant Learning], he already can use all kind of martial arts moves with a slight problem, he doesn’t have control over his body. That’s why he move around more by a couple of times until he feels that he moves much better.

|[Body Stability] skill was acquired||[Body Movement] skill was acquired|

Apparently after he got this skill, his movement and stability become much better. He happily ran through the field and enters the forest. Running and running which made him forgot to be aware of his surroundings. Because of that, he already entered the forest that filled with mid-level monsters and of course he still would not be able to defeat them.

When he was far enough deep inside the forest, he realized that…

‘I suddenly enter into the center of the forest which a group of high-level monster was here. Damn it, me.’

He cursed himself because of his slackness, he now in dangerous.

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