《Origin of the Best Void Magician》Chapter 03: Adventure Guild


The next day, Kagerou went to the Guild to register himself as adventurer. He walked through all shops he strolled around yesterday straight to the guild.

He pushed the door and saw a spectacled sight in front of him. Adventurers who were idling around doing nothing silently stared at him. Their gaze made him felt sick, so he went straight to receptionist counter.

“Um, can I register as an Adventurer? I’m still a rookie.”

Before the receptionist can replied his answer, someone was standing behind him while applying a killing intent to him. He who was always calm, shuddered by the man’s killing intent.

“Hey, brat. I’m gonna warn you through and through, so make sure you remember it. Don’t ever come here and applied as an adventurer if you think you are rookie!”

“I have a manner and as a diligent person, I would not proudly says I’m the strongest.”

“This brat…”

“Please don’t fight here….”

The person who stared at Kagerou, gazed at receptionist, which started to paled unable to hold this degree of killing intent.

“Don’t do that to her, Meathead. She just wanted to stop this meaningless fight.”

Because he was provoked by Kagerou’s word, He aim to punch him hard enough to make him barely unconscious. Unfortunately, Kagerou had a high reflex and wit. Besides, he also had [Prediction], [Combat Mode] and [Multi Thought]. By dodging the punch to the left side, he caught his hand while locking as he intent to performing a reverse roundhouse kick aiming at his neck. Because of the force from he absorbed and the gravity pull, make his kick much faster and heavier than the punch that was throw by that man.

The kick unfortunately doesn’t reach the neck as he intend to aim, that person was lucky. But the power of that kick was ridiculous. Even the kick doesn’t landed on the vital point of the body, it still landed on his body. A loud sound was heard inside the guild.


The person then fell with a thump sound echoing. He was after all lying there unconscious. Well, if you receiving the kick that had combined the punching force of that man, the pull of gravity, air resistance and kicker’s strength, you would be lying unconscious too.

Everyone was gasp and flabbergasted. As they thought, the one that fell down was not the self-proclaimed rookie but one of the famous adventurer. Because everyone still shocked, he urged the receptionist to started he registration.

“Um, sir…”

“Kagerou. Kagerou Ibuki. Just called me Kagerou.”

“Um, sure. Kagerou-san, please fill this registration form.”

“I can’t write.”

“Huh? Sorry, what is it again?”

“I can’t write my name well.”


The receptionist was in deep shocked. On this day she had shocked for many times already.

“Um, Why?”

“Well, I’m not a native here…”

“It’s okay we can still understand other language writing.”


Then he write his name, Kagerou Ibuki, in katakana guessing that it might work here. He hand his form to the receptionist-san. Receptionist who wasreading his form started to make a ridiculed face.

“Is this really your language? I’m unable to understand any of it!”

’Yeah, yeah. That’s why I don’t want to write. It was troublesome to explain it.’

“Only my clan does have that language writing and it seems like my clan doesn’t have any sort of relationship with outsider.”

“But, how can you speak… Do you perhaps using magic?”

“Yes, it was called [All Language Comprehension]. By using this magic, the caster can speak any language that the caster had never have speak before.”


The receptionist sent amazed gaze at him. But he was not proud of it because after all it was a lie.


“Then, does that magic can deal with writing?”

“No. This magic only using air vibration to send the voice wave, and by slightly changing the voice wave in the air, it will perfectly send the voice slightly different from usual and sent to the caster with the same wave as the caster.”

“Truly complex…your magic is.”

“Well, thanks.”

“Then please tell me your name is.”

“My name is, Kagerou Ibuki.”

“Then, what’s your age?”

“My age is 17.”

“But you look young.”

“Everyone told me so.”

“Okay, what job do you wish to specialize on?”

“Um, [Monster Extermination], [Monster Hunting] and [Travelling Escort].”

“Understood. Then what type of fighting style do you have?”

“Sword and Martial Art with a least of Magic.”

“Done. Now please wait for the registration, okay?”

He waiting at the counter while looking at his own status. And he not amazed by the new thing appeared in his status.


Name: Kagerou Ibuki

Title: Magic Researcher, Joker, The one who had High Aptitude, The one who act well, The one who got dragged into Summoning Magic, Just a Pebbles Stone

Aptitude Skill Type: [Void] [Martial Art] [Body Strengthening] [Mind]

Stats: Strength - 14, Agility - 16, Dexterity - 23, Vitality - 21, Wisdom - 40, Defense - 15, Reflex - 51

Skill: [Insight] [Battle Awareness] [Combat Mode] [Analyze] [Multi Thought] [Prediction] [Battle Insight] [Appraisal] [All Language Comprehension] [Counter] [Fist-Lock] [Magic Theory]

Stats Point: 5 SP

’Hmm, to think that [All Language Comprehension] was added now….then how I can understand their word very well before….um, wait a minute, don’t tell me… this skill has no name at first?! Why? Judging from this, I should assume that there other skill that has no name yet. What is this? Who the hell, that can’t properly name all skill perfectly!?!’

He was least angered and thinking of going berserk at this place but he then calmed after looking at his status again.

’I guess, it means that any kind of experience involving special action will be rewards in form of stats point. Then, let’s added all 5 to Magic as I think I should because I still can’t use magic yet.’

“Okay, here is your Adventurer Card. This served as your identity when you want to enter the city and it was also had a function of bank withdrawal.”

“Thanks. Oh by the way, is there anyone who can teach me how to write the language? If I can’t read then it’ll be harder for me to enjoy this city.”

“Certainly. Then, how about me? I’ll teach you whenever I’m free. By the way, my name is Yuna.”

“But aren’t you not free at all?”

“Well, sometimes I do get busy but not all the times so please do come before I get too bored.”

“Okay. Please to be in your care, Yuna.”

The fate for Kagerou change again with him being with her.

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