《VR: Ascension》Chapter 14-Wanxin At the Basketball Game


Chapter 14:Wanxin At the Basketball Game

I took about four minutes of jogging but I finally found the Smithing house.

The door was wide open so I went in.


That was the sound I kept hearing over and over again.

“Little demon welcome to the demon smithing association how can I help you?” A muscular burly man asks

“I would like to learn smithing Sir.”

“Then you have come to the right place. Go and collect me 10 bronze orgs from the Darian mines on the westside of the village.”


System Announcement: You have accepted the quest(Mining Apprentice)(Difficulty Rank F)

Quest Description: Go to Darian Mines with a pickaxe and mine 10 bronze orgs. Then hand them over to Smithing Master David to receive the smithing skill.


System Announcement: You have learn mining skill


System Announcement: You have receive a mining Pickaxe

After that I ran to the Alchemy association and did the same thing. Then I ran over to the cooking association and did the exact same thing. They were all rank F quests so there shouldn't be an issue even for a noob like me to complete.

Alchemy association wants me to collect 10 ginger flowers near the area of the Darian Mining cave. The cooking association wants me to kill ten wild chickens and near the sound of the village for chicken meat. I even received a hunting skill from them.

I ran to the mine first and mined ten orgs in a matter of thirty minutes. Then I ran into the Sunrise forest to kill some spiders. Little did I know it turns out this forest spawns monster between 5 and 12.

As I jog forward excitedly I arrive before a cave. The cave was cover in spiderwebs so I knew I arrived at the right cave. Furthermore it gave off a really creepy feeling.

I attracted the first spider and it came charging at me like a maniac. I swung out my sword and it made contact.


!!! What the hell?

Then I realized that this was a level 6 spider and it was a miracle I even did 4 damage.

“Monster stats!” I yelled and a screen appears before me.

[Black Spider](Normal Bug Monster)

Level: 6

Attack: 14-15




It shot out an attack at me and I reacted by dodging but somehow it still hit me.


Shit! That just took one-sixth of my health. No wonder its a level 6 monster. Luckily due to my job and training I would be equivalent to a level six player. Furthermore for some reason monsters do more damage to players even with the same attack and defense stats.


I also noticed something due to my training in Kung Fu and that was it’s movements are a bit rigid and slow.

I launched out a triple stab.




Then I used a Dark flower palm when it came charging over and I managed to sent it flying.


I’m sure you don't want to hear me talking about how I killed 100 of these critters so I won’t bored you. It was good training through. Little my little I was getting use to the game. I even tried out some combos and styles that I always wanted to do in reality.

Sadly I only killed seventy-two of them which took me 3 hours. It might have been due to my level. Furthermore not a single armor or weapon was dropped. Luckily I went up by four levels.

“Stat window!” I called out.

ID: Dark Bunny

Job: Dark Quasi Mage

Level: 7

Health: 235

Mana: 193

Attack: 32-33

Defense: 16

Agility: 17

Intellect: 11

Strength: 26

Endurance: 13

Stamina: 12

Luck: 23

I checked the time and the real world time right now was 10:12. It was time to get up. I really wanted to just stay and continue level but I can’t let my parents find out.

“Hey you ready to log out?” Dong messages me.

“Yeah I just finish one of my quests.”

“Okay lets go.”

“LOG OUT!” I shout and immediately I logged out and woke up.

“Hey how was it?” Dong asks with a huge grin on his face.

“Hahaha I love it. Wish my parents let me play it.”

“Get dress we have a basketball game we have to get too. Your parents are going to be watching,” Dong said.

“All I do is sit on the bench anyway,” I grumpily replied. “Can’t believe I let them force me to join back into the team.”

“Well it wasn't like you were bad it was just you were too short,” he jokes.

“Hur hur hur funny,” I said sarcastically.

After I got dress and everything Dong’s parents brought us to the school that held the basketball game.

I follow Dong into the locker room as the rest of the teammates arrive. They were all at least five feet eleven or taller so I feel like a midget here. Still if I had to brag skill wise I am probable better than them but it is pretty hard to overcome the height difference.

Today was the last game for preliminaries before the finals start. It wasn't an important game but it was the game that puts on in third or fourth for the state.


As I walked out from the locker room to the courts I can feel the intensity of it. Stand before the crowd I couldn't help but feel my blood boil.

The announcers introduce the teams and its players. Then we stood there and listen to the national anthem song. After that we went to our side of the court to warm up.

Our coach was a bearded old man.

“Alright team we are going to be changing things up a bit today. I want Dong, Long, Feng, Ren, and Pao out on the courts today. Long will be playing point guard. Alright team! TIANDI HIGH SCHOOL LETS GO!”

Everyone puts their hand in and shouted it out. A little embarrassing but whatever. Still I’m going to start today? Did hell freeze over? They will probable switch me out two minutes in.

I walked out onto the court with the rest of the team and I couldn't help but see the grin on the other teams face.

It seems to taught me. Even through they didn't say it out loud I could hear them think, “what the hell they are sending a midget out onto the court to start?”

“They are looking down on us too much!”

“Lets reck them.”

“Our offense will be attacking through the midget. Whoever he is guarding that is where we will attack from.”

We had our team Ren go up for the jump. They sent out their tallest guy which was actually taller than out guy by an inch.

The referee tosses up the ball and both our teams jumps up for the ball. Rea managed to hit the ball towards me.

I grab the ball but somehow my body responded a lot slower than I thought. The ball hit the tip of my finger but luckily it dropped to the floor and I manage to begin dribbling it.

Thats weird I thought. I was a pretty smart guy believe it or not so I immediately determine that the Ascension game was the prime reason for my delay reaction. This might have to due with the fact that inside the game my body speed was a lot faster and since I technically played for at least sixteen hours my mind adjusted to that speed. Due to that even through my mind reacted the body wasn't able to keep up to my mind’s speed.

I calmed myself down and did a couple dribbling moves under my legs to stabilize it.

It turns out they were playing man to man to try and take advantage of me. The guy that was guarding me was six feet tall at the very least. Six feet three to be exact.

I used a fake to the right and then to the left. Due to his abnormally long arms he was not faked out. Then I spun around and out of the corners of my eyes I saw Ren running from behind. My right hand moved on its own and pushes the ball under my defenders legs and it got through. Rea caught the ball and pulls up with a mid range shot.

“Nice pass,” Ren complimented as we ran back.

“No problem,” I replied and got into the two three zone. I was playing up top. Their point guard was dribbling down the ball. He passes the ball to his right. His teammates caught the ball and drove in with it.

I didn't even bother reacting because there was nothing I could do but watch whoever was in front of me. Just like in martial arts watching the opponents movement is very important. When he drove in he got fouled.

The game went back and forth for three minutes before the coach pulled me out. Honestly I was little out of breathe and I might as well be a waterfall at that point with the way I was sweating.

“Hey nice passes bro,” someone on the bench said to me.

“Thanks,” I said. I was out of breath so I didn't bother with all the talking.

The score was 12 to 15 and we are behind by 3.

“Rest up. You're going in third quarter,” the coach said to me.

“Yes, coach.”

The time flowed back and forth and it was the end of the second quarter. The score was 44 to 49. One point we had the lead but they came back in took the lead by five point. We had to many mistakes with the inside passes. Furthermore our defense collapsed three times because of their ball movement.

We all went back into the locker room and the coach was heated.


“WHAT THE HELL DO YOU CALL THIS?” The coach asked as he demonstrates Ren shooting an off balance shot. Then he demonstrated one of our defenders getting crossed up. “YOU CALL THAT FUCKING DEFENSE?”

After the yelling he told us what our good points were and half time was over. As we walked out I noticed someone in the stand. It was Wanxin. She was at this basketball game. My body froze up and I began to feel nervous for the first time.

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