《VR: Ascension》Chapter 13-Rank S Quest!


Chapter 13:

When I walked to the door I found out that I could not open it. I tried everything. Tugging, twisting, pushing, and I even tried yelling out “OPEN SESAME!”

It was quite embarrassing when two pretty females walk by and looks at me like I was an idiot. Anyone I tried everything and the door just won’t open. I even tried the window but no such luck. I quickly went online to check for a way to open this door but sadly enough due to the rarity of this class made it so nobody has post anything online.

I walked around to look for a back door but there was none. As I walked back I remembered something that the instructor told me and that he had a strict personality. Usually that meant this person is organize and obliges by the rules. It could only mean one thing.

I walked up to the door and knocked three times. The door creaks open.

“YES! HAHAHAHA,” I celebrated hysterically.

“Mommy whats that boy laughing about?” a small boy asks his mother as they walk by.

“Thats what happens when you do drugs honey,” the mother replies.

Ignoring them I walk through the door.

“Welcome young adventurer how can I help you?”

I looked around and I saw no one.

“Down here!”

I looked down and what I saw gave me a little fright. It was frog.

I stared at it and it stared back. This is a talking frog! Then I realize that I was inside a game. Hahaha how dumb of me.

“Hello sir do you know where the Dark Mage Rabi is?” I ask.

“I am he!” the frog replies.

This was going to take some time getting use too I thought to myself.

“I am here to take a test to become a duel mage. I have the emblems from both Warrior Guide Shin and Mage Guide Hua,” I said as I took out both of their emblems.

“Great job in getting both of their approval. I do have a test for you and will be hard. Failure will not be an option! Are you still willing to take it!” Dark Mage Rabi the frog said.

Still gonna take some time to get use too.

“Yes sir!” I replied.



System Announcement: Apprenticeships Quest part 2 received. (Difficulty Rank S)

Quest Description: Dark Mage Rabi was experimenting with a new form of potion. Due to bunny rabbit escaping from his cage and knocking over some extra ingredients into the pot the Dark Mage Rabi has been turn into an ugly. Due to his pride he will not admit it but he needs you to gather some ingredients to turn himself back to normal. Are you willing to accept?



Difficulty Rank S?!?! How did I go from rank F difficulty to rank S so soon in the game? Wait how in the world am I suppose to complete a rank S difficulty at my level? I heard rank S quest are game changing quests that even in other games barely one in ten get completed. I need to get a job soon or I will fall behind.

Honestly it is not like I got a choice so I chose yes.

I clicked yes and another screen appears.


System Announcement: Brave Adventure well done for accepting the quest. Here are the list of Ingredients your new master needs.

5x Pints of Dragon Blood

1x Magic Dispelling Stone

5x Feather of a Fire Phoenix

1x Fire from mount. Olympus

10x Ruby Eye flower

1x Fire and Ice Lotus

2x Pints of Holy Water

Reward: (Hidden Class(Emperor): Dark QuasiEmperor Mage)((Emperor) Demon King Sword)(Royal Demon Bracelet)(Royal Demon Mage Robe)(1 million gold coins)

No fucking wonder this is an S rank quest. Just the ingredients alone sounded difficult to get already. The reward sounds great too.

“From today onward I hereby name you Duel Mage Apprentice! In order to aid you in this test I will teach you two skills,” the rabbit said.

“What great skills will the great mage be teaching me?” I ask politely.

“We duel mages use magic swords as our weapon of choice but such weapons are expensive and you will not be able to use them at such low level. Therefore I will teach you triple stab and Dark Flower Palm.”

The frog flew into the air and right on top of my head. Then two screens appears and I click yes for both of them.

Triple Stab: This skill can only be used with any of these weapons. Sword, lance, staff, spear, and any stick base weapon. Each stab increase the attack power by twenty percent.


Dark Flower Palm: This skill can only be used with the bare hand. It unleashes the power hidden within nature and increase the attack power by thirty-five percent with a knock back effect that depends your strength to the target’s weight.

When I looked at the two skills I got really excited! This was my first time playing a virtual reality game of my own.

After I looked at my skills again and I squealed like ten year old girl.

“Dark Mage Rabi I will definitely complete your mission!” I said sincerely. These programs have their own low level AI so anything the players do will be recognized and processed by them.

“Go these ingredients will be hard to find. When you complete this quest I will bestow upon you the hidden class Duel Mage Emperor’s Class. So go and train. Hunt down ingredients down for me!” Dark Mage Rabi commands in his squeak frog tone.

Still gonna take some time to get use too.

Anyway I was so excited that if someone gave me drugs a player is immune to drugs for twenty-four hour screen might appear. Because I was beyond cloud nine already. Fuck drugs this type of excitement might be even better than having a threesome with two of your favorite picks. I lied I don't think anything can beat having a threesome or a ten some with your favorite picks.

Actually releasing your pee after holding it in for an extra couple hours might beat that.

Anyway I am getting off topic. I ran back outside and anyway as excited as I was I felt a little bit lost. Should I go find quests to do or should I go kill some more foxes? Decisions, decisions, decisions. In the end I decided to hit up Dong Dong.

“Hey Dong Dong watsup?”

“I told u not to call me that!”

“Calm down. Guess what just happen to me?”

“What? :/”

“^^ you will never guess ^^ lol”

“You met your idol in game and now you're following her around like some sick love puppy? Or you probable fell into a hole and don't know how to get out and need me to come rescue u?”

“qq do you really think I’m that pathetic?”


“And no that didn't happen! I just got a HIDDEN CLASS QUEST! S RANK! **”


Since he didn't believe me I took a screen shot of the quest and sends it to him.


“How about later? I need to know what to do next since I am still new to this game,” I said.

“You can only do one thing and it is leveling or find the alchemist master, or smith master. Actually go back to the Guide who gave you this quest. He might have more quests for you to do. I already did like three quests for my Guide.”

“What level are you now?” I asked.

“Level 9 what about you?”

“Level 4…”

“So low its already been like 8 hours since the game opened how is your level still so low?”

“I’ll explain tomorrow.”

“Make sure you buy a tent from the shop later. We are going to have to log out in four hours in game time.”

“Okay.” I said and went back to Dark Mage Rabi.

“Master Rabi, are there any other things you would like me to do?”

“Mhmm I do. Go to the outside of this village and into Sunrise forest. There have been reporting of a massive spawn of black spiders. Go kill 100 of them and bring me the 10 spider silk.”


System Announcement: You have accepted the quest [Black Spider]!(Difficulty Rank: F)

Quest Description:Go to Sunrise Forest, kill 100 Black Spiders and collect 10 spider silks. Pass the quest items to Dark Mage Rabi.

Mhmm, not bad I thought. This quest should get me to level 7 and maybe 9 pretty quickly. Even through I just received a rank S quest having to do rank F quest at my level isn't to bad.

Since I was not in an urgent need to complete the quest I decided to follow Dong’s advice to go look for an alchemist master and a smithing master. This is because unlike other players I don't have the luxury of spending money into the game. Furthermore I need to earn money inside the game so my parents won’t get suspicious.

The biggest reason is if my parents ever find out I could just say I was earning money and that should calm them down a bit. Asian parents are always happy if their child is making money somehow.

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