《A Tale of Casual OPness》Chapter 4: The True Beginning



After finally learning [Appraisal] from one of the Otherworlders, I checked out the necklace Serith gave me. Now let’s see

Everlasting SnowflakeGrade: RareA necklace created completely out of the Ice Element. It increases one’s resistance to the cold and heat by 75%, and protects one from both fire and ice.

This is a cheat item! As expect of a First-Class!

“Thank-” (Daniel)

I look around, but I can’t seem to find Serith

“Huh, did she already leave?” (Daniel)

Hmm, well whatever. But this necklace sure is something, even though it’s only a Rare it has incredible utility. If it had a few more features it could have easily been classified as a Epic-Tier Item.

By the way the Item Grades are from strongest to weakest: Divine, Mythical, Legendary, Epic, Rare, Uncommon, Common.

It’s quite common though to find Rares and Uncommon items among the things Otherworlders craft, and usually unless they intend to most Otherworlders items always end up at the lowest an Uncommon grade.

That’s why Serith can create Rare item despite only having for the most part combat related abilities. While Otherworlders with crafting abilities can easily make Rare items and Epic items, and First-Class crafters like Emma frequently made Legendary-tier items.

Well I suppose it’s time to get to work, hmm this is nooooo!!!

Several Days Later

Why!? Why!? Another time skip, another bloody time skip! Oh the agony! The agony! None of you will ever understand, you will never understand!

Just look at the village, before it was nothing but rubble, and debris. The ground was scorched, most of the material was burnt or blown to bits, and a layer of frost covered the ground. But now look at it! Look at it!

The ground has been restored to it’s usual brown, and grass has already begun regrowing on the fertile soil. All the debris has been disposed up, and we salvaged all the materials we could. And a number of small wooden houses, and huts and tents have been set up as communal grounds for us to rest and sleep.

Do you think getting this done in only three days is easy! Even without cheat abilities cleaning up all of this was a lot of work you hear me! But I’m sure you don’t care, you’re just here to see a story of slaughter, and murder. A tale of stealing and killing, and winning and fighting.


Who needs training when you’re overpowered, who needs work when you have cheats! Who needs to acknowledge all your effort when it amounts to anything from a sentence to a few paragraphs!

None of you could ever understand the hardships that come with time skips, never. None of you could ever understand how desperately I spent those five short years researching, training, working, studying! You’ll never understand!

A day can pass in a second, a year in an instance, and five in a moment. None of you can understand this feeling of having your already short life shorten even further.

But luckily this time skip only lasted three days, and I suppose no one would have wanted to read about Otherworlders spamming their ability to clean up a village.

I look around, and make sure everything is nice and cleaned up in the village. I could help with fetching the materials, and I could easily use Synthesis to make a bunch of buildings but there other abilities out there more suited to this job. And besides Baby Patterson would yell at me if I took away the one thing he enjoyed in life.

I suppose I should go then, today was the day I planned on leaving the village anyway. I check my Inventory and make sure I have everything I need. I searched through the pile that I separated from all the going away presents that I’ve been given over the last few days, and make sure everything's in order.

I have about a half a year's worth of food and water on me, as well as quite a few shields, swords, bows, arrows, knives, potions, armor, and clothes.

Oh, and this reminds me I’ve never really described myself have I. Well, all of you know I’m Daniel and I’m technically 15 years old. My hair is black, I’m around 5'9, and for the most part I have a rather average build. I have been working out a little in preparation for leaving the village, but I’m not at the level of the Knights and Assassins in the village.

As for my equipment I’ve been wearing clothes that are quite similar to the clothes back on Earth thanks to our resident tailor. The textile is rather soft, and extremely comfortable yet it has enough strength to stop any D-Class beast. While my weapons include, a long sword I was gifted recently as a going away present, a magic ring I use instead of a magic wand, and the Everlasting Snowflake.


Though I’ve already switched out of my usual clothes into leather pants, and a cheaper looking grey shirt, with a leather jacket over it. After all wearing my old clothing is basically shouting I’m an Otherworlder. Though this leather armor is by no means weaker than the clothing I wore before, it’s been reinforced with monster parts, and metal pieces to ensure my safety even against a C-Class beast.

And I’ve also prepared a rucksack filled with rations, equipment, and a variety of miscellaneous things to make it look like I’m a real adventurer. I’ve even prepared things like a waterskin, a compass, a map, and even coin pouch despite the fact that my inventory has a special function for storing money.

With all of this I’m confident in being able to blend in and adapt to society outside. I should be able to lead a somewhat exciting, and rather relaxed life from here on out.

After checking everything one more time, I picked up the rucksack and hung it over my shoulder before immediately heading North towards the lone path leading outside the village.

As I walk through the communal grounds, Richard noticed me and greeted me, “Hey, so today’s the day?” (Richard)

“Yeah, I’ll be finally heading out.” (Daniel)

“Don’t die” (Richard)

“You know I won’t” (Daniel)

And I was walked through, the villagers greeted me and gave me their regards as well as a few words of encouragement. And as I was about to exit the communal grounds, a decrepit old man walked out one of the larger huts.

And he slowly but surely made his way towards me, inching ever so slowly with the help of his cane. This was the Village Elder, a rather mysterious old man that hardly ever went outside of his home. .

“I’m sorry son, if the village weren’t like this we could have properly sent you off.” (Village Elder)

I smiled wearily, “It’s okay everyone’s already given me their regards, and I’ve already received a number of presents.” (Daniel)

“But-” (Village Elder)

“It’s fine Elder, it’s fine.” (Daniel)

The village elder looked at me, he looked as if he wanted to tell me something. But instead he slowly, pulled out a small, white crystal out of his pocket and threw it too me.

But of course, with his pitiful amount of strength the crystal only flew a few inches off of his hand, so I walked up and picked up the crystal.

“Take it” (Village Elder)

“What is it?” (Daniel)

I activated appraisal on the small crystal,

Spell Crystal(Holy Nova)Grade: Legendary[tr]A magic crystal that’s been sealed with the powerful [Supreme Holy Spell - Holy Nova]. This spell is designed to only harm those the creator believes is their enemy, and will ignore all allies.


“This is!? Elder how do you-” (Daniel)

The village elder held his pointer finger up to his lips, “Sssssh” (Village Elder)

This isn’t something an ordinary villager should have, even if he’s the village elder. And I don’t recall anyone being able to make a Spell Crystal within the 5 years I’ve been here either. Don’t tell me he’s an Otherworlder, no that can’t be right?

“It might not be powerful enough to take care of S-Class monsters like that Reaper, but it’s strong enough to take out A-Class Undead or any monster of the B-Class. You’ve got 3 shots make them count.” (Village Elder)

“Thank you, Elder” (Daniel)

“Have a safe trip” (Village Elder)

I turned around, and continued heading North.

“Bye Daniel!” (Otherworlder Brat)

“Cya, Daniel!” (Otherworlder Brat 2)

“Go get ‘em” (Village Child)

“Bye, Bye!” (Village Child 2)

I turn my head, and several kids and a few of my acquaintances wildly wave their hands. I smile, and wave back.

It’s been five years huh….

What a short five years this has been, now it’s about time I start my journey. Now, this is the stories true beginning.

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