《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》Chapter 146


-Interlude what happened to goddess that day part 1-

What is a goddess, you ask?

Someone that is respected and prayed upon?

Some godlike being which anyone can only admire from afar?

Someone with a beauty and aura that fit for their title?

Anyway, no matter how you think about it, a Goddess is meant to be respected and admired upon, right.

That's right.

Even if it was a low class goddess, at most, they would just be forgotten and dissapeared.

Neglecting a goddess is already deserve to be a punishment meant to death.


Why should i receive this kind of treatment??


"Come here, come here. We sell anything here. From your secret stash of childhood pornbook or your wife secret boyfriend number and address~"


"Hey there mister! Are you interested with our goods? We have various goods here, from the used panties of former porn star or half bitten corn eaten by a certain holy maiden"

"Do you sold... a little girl panties? *haa haa*"

"I am afraid thats breaking the rules here sir.. I can recommend this one instead"


A pillow with a certain picture of a small dwarf with a embarassing pose is shown there.

"This product is 100% safe because the girl is over eighteen years old. Such a good quality product is usually sell for 100 gold. But for you sir, it was only 1 gold instead!"

The "clerk" is slipping some paper with a certain address on it.

"Also, if you're interested with our product we have a supplier with better range of product here.. including your taste sir.. And banned product cannot mentioned here.. (whisper)"

"(whisper) do you have… and..."

"Certainly sir, if you buy now with extra membership plan, you can get 20% discount on next time. Its only 99 gold now for limited membership plan…."

"I'll buy it!"

"Thanks for your patronage!"

The fat looking buyer is happily bringing the dakimakura while he seems to be hastily running somewhere.

"One..two..three. Not bad, i got them basically for free since it was just a test product anyway. But perhaps i should start mass production next time"


"Oy, be quiet meat. If you dare to slip, i'll sold you to a butcher"

Goddess is crying and sobbing while wearing a revealing string bikini, her mouth is gagged and she was wearing a dog collar while carrying a stone statue of a little cat girl on her back.

Some curious onlooker is gathering just to view the goddess, which make her getting more embarassed and teary eyed.


Why should i receive this treatment??

Why should i be humilitated like this??

Oh god, someone… please…

Save me!)

"What? I was already holding back and not selling you to a butcher shop and decided to make use of you by exploiting that shameless meat. Grateful? Then show your thanks by smiling to the customer. Come on, smillee"

Hmmm! Mmnh!

(How can i smile in this kind of situation? You devil!)


The goddess is trying to struggle, but her collar is getting tightened if she tried to escape.



Another customer is coming. A pig noble carried over by a bunch of slave.

"Hmph, what a dirty shop…"

He was looking around, looked unsatisfied

"Is that thing being sold too?"

The fat noble is glancing at the Goddess.

The goddess is swaying her head left and right.

Meanwhile, the surrounding people is whispering.

"hey, isnt that vincount fat bastard? The guy who is infamous of breaking his slave?"

"For real? Last time i heard he buys a princess from a foreign country, and after thoroughly breaking her, he got bored and throw her in slum. I heard the people there didnt even want to touch her anymore"

"last i heard that princess is shitting like no tomorrow because her hole cannot be closed anymore."

"That's a princess? What i saw is more similiar to a variant of orc"

"Poor girl. Since she had a pink hair similiar to goddess, she would probably had a better life if she wasnt a slave"

Hearing that, the goddess is facing the clerk while crying.

Mmmmgh!! Mm mmm hmmmnn!!

She was making a eye contact, hoping that the clerk understand her desperation.

(Save me! I dont want to be sold to him!)



They made a eye contact. The clerk is having a refreshing smile, while the goddess is having a relieved looking face.

"Certainly sir, wanna buy some more tools while you're at it? We have a infamous pear from a certain medieval age, a iron maiden, and a phallaris bull. All of them is enchanted by a healing properties so the victim wont die easily.. Buy now and we can give discount for bulk.. Ah, we also had a original tools too. Like for example, this certain baby combined the electric magic and converting pain into pleasure. It was a bit sharp, but dont worry. It was made on purpose so the victim wont even Realize what cut them through. I recommend this certain box which contain various drugs for modifying her body to your liking…."


The goddess is struggling harder trying to escape.

But the effect of the collar made her cannot move from the spot.

"Hou, they all seems lovely. I'll buy them all"

"Certainly sir. Wanna gift wrapped it with a fancy wrapping? We had a custom made box for your taste too.. With a cheap addition."

"Hmm, i dont need that. Instead, i'll just get this whole store. You, present yourself to my mansion today"

The atmosphere is getting stiff after his declaration

"Hmm? I am afraid i dont understand sir"

"Huh? You dont get what i am saying? I am saying i will take this whole shop. That means you're included. Tell your boss that, and wear this outfit too while bringing these item to my mansion. I want you two to serve me wearing that outfit, after that i will test those tools thoroughly to your bodies"


He was pointing at a bikini armor that didnt cover anything with cat ears and tails.

"Sorry sir, i am afraid theres a misunderstanding. I am the owner of this shop, so its impossible"

"Huuh? Do you know who i am? I am the vincount fat bastard, my lineage even goes as far as a brother of a cousin of mother of nephew of friend of abona king! To summarize, i have the royal blood in my veins! My word is a word of royalty themself! You dare to talk back to me?? You probably have no permit to sell a slave anyway. I already doing you a favor and not reporting you to authorities, so be thankful that i was going to become your new owner"

"I am afraid whats impossible is impossible sir"

"WHAT!? Grr, enough! Just capture them!"


After saying that, his slave is drawing their sword and trying to get the clerk and goddess together.


Looking bored, the clerk is taking a sword that looks like a man vitals in the shop.


One of the slave is saying that, and that become his last words.


In no time at all, the viscount slaves is getting beheaded and blood splurt.

Seeing the scenery, the surrounding people is screaming and panicked and starting to running away.

"Wha..wha.. Wha.."

The viscount is looking at the clerk with angry look.

"Ah man, that's it. I am done."

"What!?" question the viscount.

"Yep, i am done playing as merchant. As i thought, selling and buying normally is not my style after all~ taking and plundering from their crying stained shitcum covered face is more fun..."

"..the ..fuck"

"Yep, i should have done this after all. Hey, pig. Give me all your cash and treasure, and i'll spare your life. Well, just life though. After all, i will take everything else~ once you beg me to take everything that you have"


He screamed to his remaining slave.

The clerk is smiling while the pig is getting red from his anger.

Meanwhile, the goddess…

Gurb gurb…

Is collapsed while foaming because she cannot handle the pressure.


At night

"Wake up, asshole"


The goddess is getting kicked in her guts which forcefully waking her up.

The kick is pretty severe that her mouth gag is spitted out.

"Haa haa… eh? What happened? Eekk?"

She was seeing a massacre of various corpse is getting cut.


Goddess got kicked from her nose below.


"Don't vomit. Thats nasty"

"Ish it fhine to broke my nose then!?" (is it fine to broke my nose then!?)

Goddess is bleeding in nose while looking at Miho angrily.

"Man, guess i can't use this place anymore. Hey, clean up that thing. We're going"


She was looking at the place Miho pointed out.

"Eekkkk!? bleegh..."

A remains of what seems to be a noble pig is scattered, to the point that it was completely different from the original form.


"I said don't vomit. Damn, You make my shoes dirty now, lick it clean."

Goddess is getting kicked in the face

"H..his there a nheed to gho that far??" (is there any need to go that far?)

"Huh? He didnt bring any money and didnt plan to pay since the start. So no reason to spare his life. I'll just rob his mansion later"

"Thankhing hihsh mhoney and life? Ahre yhou a dhevil?" (taking his money and life? Are you a devil!?") -still bleeding on nose-

"This is this and that is that. He still owe me a payment for window shopping and pissing me off. More importantly, is this the time for you to be worried about someone else?"


Miho is pointing out at below the goddess.

What she saw was, a remains of a statue. Broken and scattered.

"You better pay for that. I will add that to your debt"

"Wha? But i was the one who made it after you force me to! It took much tries and you forbid me to use my power!"

"This is this and that is that. It was my property now, so you have to pay for it. Since you have no money, i have no choice but make you pay with your bodies, see?"

"In what world did you see a goddess having a human money to pay from the start? Actually, just remove this collar already! I can made you as much as you want if i can use my power!"

"Eh? But that's the whole point though?"


The goddess looks at Miho like seeing some kind of monster that live only for seeing people suffer.

"Whats wrong? Go clean those thing up"

"Wait..my leg is numb.. hii,wait?!"

The goddess is reflextively trying to protect her face when Miho is getting closer to her.

"Hmm, can't be helped. Here"


To her surprise, she was getting princess carried instead of getting hit.


Their face is getting close to each other.

(Eh? Wha? Wha?)

The goddess is getting flustered.


She was closing her eyes while trembling non stop.


"You're Stink. Clean up yourself first"

After saying that, she remove her carry and goddess is falling into the ground, while Miho is pressing her nose.


Goddess was trembling and looked angry.


It was at that moment that she was back in Her room.


At the goddess room


While breathing heavily and sweating, she looked at her surroundings.

"Wait, was that a dreaammm!??"

Only her sound is resonated within this room.

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